Voluntary Society - Action - Slogans
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link to buy shirts, hats, bags, cups, bumper stickers, etc. with the
slogan on the front.
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image link to buy some shirts and bags with the slogan on the front and
"Freedom Fanatic" on the back.
More coming. Please advise of other front-back
combinations you would like.
Think before it's illegal.
More laws = More bribes
do you want to be led? 
LIBERTY - The only stimulus we need.
America is now a two-class society, the Parasite Class and the
Host Class.
who think they know what's best for others are
the most dangerous. 
not what
you know
you don't know that's the problem; it's what you
you know that's wrong. 
is always better to have no ideas than false ones; to
believe nothing, than to believe what is wrong." -- Thomas
Wouldn't you really rather vote every day with your money and your feet than waste time voting for bozos who waste your money?
vote enslaves me. 
Nothing from government is free.
Voting is reciprocal enslavement.
Government is a worthless expense.
Government castrates free enterprise.
is an unnecessary evil. 
has no redeeming value. 
is no government like no
only problem with the economy is government. 
if they gave an election and nobody came? 
purpose of
government is to enable parasites. 
few votes will make government
attracts corruption like shit attracts
create nothing. They only reallocate or destroy. 
Government employees are useless cogs in a useless machine.
great lie
promulgated by governments is that you need them. 
Having government spend money is like watching a toilet drain.
allows whiners to control the property of others at no expense or risk
to themselves. 
is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the
expense of everybody else." -- Frederick Bastiat 

The greatest evil is
religion. A close second is government.
Religion and nationalism = god and country = fraud and force
Government and religion do not survive the scrutiny of independent minds.
The natural order is voluntary trade and reciprocity. Government and religion make humans behave in unnatural ways.
purpose of
government is to enable parasites. 
The purpose of religion is to ease the pain.
purpose of
government is for those who run it to plunder those who
The purpose of
religion is to discourage resistance.
purpose of
government is to transfer wealth from the productive to
the political class and its friends. 
The purpose of
religion is to make you feel good about it.
over 4,000 years,
religion and nationalism -- god and country --
have been used to control the masses to benefit the few. 
For over 4,000 years, religion and nationalism, god and country, fraud
and force have been used to control the masses to benefit the few.
The convenient thing about Democracy is that the voters blame each
other for the acts of the politicians and their bureaucrats and
police. The convenient thing about Religion is that the
believers blame themselves for the failure of their prayers.
= God Bribe. 
is a racket. 
is a placebo. 
makes you crazy. 
Tradition --> Ritual --> Dogma --> Death
You can safely fly with me. I'm an athiest.
is born
of ignorance and dies of knowledge. 
-- Don Pendleton
So you think vestigial limbs and tails are intelligent design?
only thing worse than religion is a religious
When you prove Zeus does not exist, I'll use your method to prove God
does not exist.
There will be no peace on Earth until the fraud of religion and futility of superstition is realized by all.
think it rational to subjugate, torture and
murder over their differences of subjective reality. 
am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is
not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can
get. ~ Napoleon Bonaparte
Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. ~ Denis Diderot
All great truths begin as blasphemies. ~ George Bernard Shaw
You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do.
Any god that requires small minded bigots to speak for it is not worth the breath it takes to pray. ~ Jesper Myrfors