Voluntary Society - Conditioning - History - Lincoln

The Whigs bankrupted Illinois in1838 with their government-funded infrastructure projects (canals, roads), all of which were economic failures. The Whig program of "national banks, internal improvements and tariffs" was advocated by Hamilton, Clay and Lincoln. After 60 years of being frustrated by the Constitution and the southern Democrats, the Whig Party imploded, but Lincoln made "The American System" the agenda of the Republican Party. Lincoln learned to speak with the eloquence of a preacher and used abolition, or more accurately, slave colonization to win the presidency. Then as now bogus economic arguments were used to delude voters into believing The American System was good for them when it was really mercantilism. National banks (hidden tax of inflation) and tariffs were needed to fund corporate welfare (internal improvements), imperialism (Mexican War, extermination of plains Indians) and massive graft.

Lincoln was an astute politician and master of the delusion. He despised southern congressmen for obstructing the Whig agenda, denounced abolitionists, abhorred emancipation, and favored slave resettlement in Liberia, Hatti and elsewhere, anywhere but America. His attempt to invade Panama to establish a slave colon there failed.

On his way to the White House, he purchased much of the land around what was to be the eastern terminus of the intercontenental railroad.

His Emancipation Proclamation freed no one, because it specifically excluded the northern and southern states over which Lincoln had control. It was only intended to cause slaves to rebel against the women who remained in charge of the plantations while their men were fighting for State's Rights. The British considered the obvious intent of the proclamation to be despicable.

Twice before the southern States threatened secession due to the high tariffs that disprotionately favored northern industrialists and their infrastructure projects (railroads, canals) at the expense of southern importers, largely due to loans to from the mercantilist East Indian Trading company for slaves, which had to be repaid by buying English goods through the East Indian Trading company. Lincoln said he did not care if the southern States secceeded from the Union and continued slavery. He intended to collect the increased duties at all southern ports, and quickly moved to secure them with more federal forces. Compounding his concern, the southern States threatened to make their ports duty-free, which would have impoverished the northern ports and related economies.

The Southern States threatened Ft. Sumpterin Charleston Harbor, because it housed the federal troops who protected the duty collectors. During negotiations, the South agreed to supply the fort with food and water if Lincoln did not to reinforce the fort. To incite the South to attack "the Union," Lincoln sent ships with troop to reinforce the fort. The false flag worked to incite the northern States to support the forced suppression of secession, when heretofore the concensus was to allow the southern States to peacefully secceed. In fact before the war there was a movement of northern states that wanted to secceed to distance themselves from slavery. The leader of the pack was New York, which wanted to establish a duty free port to dominate American trade.

The slavery issue could have been solved by forbidding territorial statehood until after 1888 when slavery could have been taxed to death (Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitutio). Most Americans would have gladly supported compensated emancipation as a means of ending slavery, but Lincoln denied them that option. Lincoln had everyone in the north who supported secession or peace incarcerated in northern forts, including editors, legislators and congressmen. He required ballots to be colored so peace ballots could be easily identiifed and removed from the ballot boxes. Peace candidates were not allowed on ballots, so as the only candidates, Republicans won all the elections. These acts and the indefinite incarceration of over 13,000 people under wretched conditions without due process, the destruction of the presses of news papers critical of Lincoln or his policies, the denial of mail privileges to over 100 smaller papers that included the critical editorials of the larger papers, the arrest of preachers who did not include Lincoln in their prayers, and innumerable other heinous acts chilled any criticism of Lincoln, his policies or the poor performance of union troop or their leaders, making it appear as if the north was united behind Lincoln and his war.

When all other countries eliminated slavery without war, Lincoln caused 620,000 deaths out of a population of 30 million, maimed thousands more, and destroyed approximately 40 percent of the nation's economy. Every complaint lodged against England by the Declaration of Independence could be lodged against tyrant Lincoln, who used the war to destroy the federation of States and centralize power in a national government with Whig proclivities, like the mass murder of Souix Indians.

Please read The Real Lincoln by by Thomas J. DiLorenzo.

U.S. Chronology

5/1/1857 - Commander C.H. Davis, of the Navy of the united accepts the surrender of William Walker, an American brigand, who had forcibly taken control of Nicaragua attempting to convert it into a slave State, with the hopes of annexing it the U.S. Walker's position had become untenable, as the Nicaraguans did not appreciate his designs on their nation.
Less than 50 years later, T. Roosevelt would rip Panama out of Columbia to build a canal so he could have a two-ocean navy. T.R. was also a brigand, but also was a president of the United States.

9/11/1862 - Republican (nationalist) President Lincoln authorizes contract with Chiriqui Improvement Company opening Panama to colonization by ex-slaves.
Thomas DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War, (Roseville, California: Prima, 2002), 275.

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