Voluntary Society - Conditioning - Taxes


In order to purchase the Tax Statement and UCC 1, you must first purchase the Global Prosperity 2001 Foundational Education Course. To learn more about the Global Prosperity 2001 Foundational Education Course.

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is a set of suggested laws relating to commercial transactions. A form called the UCC 1, must be filed with the Secretary of State in your state, by any "person" who makes a claim against any other "person" in the area of commerce. ALL government agencies, city, county, state, and federal, operate IN COMMERCE. All of them are set up as corporations. ALL courts operate in commerce. ALL banks operate in commerce. All "Corporations" operate in commerce. All of these "entities" exist financially because we (the American People) are their collateral. They borrow on "OUR CREDIT."

To fully understand the history of the Federal Reserve, and how we, the American People became collateral, please listen to your Global Prosperity 2001 Foundational Education Course.

For now, we will try and explain in a brief summary. In 1933, the President of the United States, Franklin Roosevelt, declared a national emergency because the United States could not pay its debts. At least, that was the excuse used. All of the subsidiary states agreed to support the declared bankruptcy by "pledging" the energy of their "citizens." Their assets consist only of state citizens. The states in turn used our Birth Certificates to pledge us, the American people, as collateral. That's how we became collateral for the Federal Reserve Notes, and so-called debts. We became warehouse receipts, like a warehouse full of wheat. All of this, of course, is a COLOSSAL FRAUD.

We are drawn "into commerce" when our birth certificate is registered and sent to the Commerce Department in Washington, D.C. We then become warehouse receipts upon which money is created and guaranteed. In other words, we then become the collateral for all debts. We are allegedly "their" property.

When a persons' birth certificate is sent to the Commerce Department, it is registered, and the government turns our real name into a fiction.

When you were born, your parents gave you a name. As an example, let's use the name, John Michael Doe. The new name, or fiction, created by the government is JOHN MICHAEL DOE. Now, he is a fiction or artificial person; a non-living, non-breathing "person." This fiction is created, and becomes the collateral, because a living person cannot be collateral. Just look at any legal paperwork, or any agreement you have entered into with commerce, or a government agency. You will only find your name in all upper case letters. All capitals! This is not you; this is a commercial strategy that enables you to become actual collateral. Look at your Driver's License, your Social Security Card, cable bill, electric bill, any and all of your credit cards, your bank statements, insurance policies, phone bill, mortgage, auto loan, anything with your name dealing with the government, or commercial entities, you will only find your name in all CAPITAL LETTERS!

So now, you may be wondering, how do YOU, the living, breathing person, not the fiction, become liable FOR the fiction? In commerce, under the Uniform Commercial Code everything that you sign your name to is a contract. Any contract has only three parts, the acceptor, the offeror, and the money, also known as consideration. This is important to know, because any acceptor of any contract has complete control of the contract. No one can take that away from you. The government structured it in this way so that anytime you sign your name, you become the offeror; they become the acceptor and gain complete control of the contract. So any agency you deal with in commerce, whether it is your phone bill, checking account, cable, your car insurance, your savings account, everything you sign your name to, even when you go to the supermarket and swipe your card, when you sign, you are the offeror, they are the acceptor and gain complete control of the contract.

Now we have gained the knowledge of how to take back control and own our fiction, which will prohibit the government, and corporations from making so-called charges against it. You simply file form UCC 1 with the Secretary of State and claim EVERYTHING related "financially" to JOHN M. DOE or any derivative name, primarily the Birth Certificate and Social Security Number. Then the LIVING, BREATHING real person owns and now controls the fiction, along with any and all contracts related to the Birth Certificate and Social Security Number. In reality, the real person secures all rights, interest and title within the fiction.

Let's give a quick example of the power you will have by owning the rights to your fiction. We will use the IRS in this example.

The IRS sends you a tax bill for $30,000.00 dollars. Since you now own the fiction, you "accept the charge for value." This is basically telling the IRS you now hold title to the fiction and anything connected with fiction. It tells the IRS they have committed a "trespass against your property… your rights." In effect, it tells the IRS, "I am the holder-in-due-course." It allows YOU to become the ACCEPTOR of the offer. You're in charge, and the offeror, in this case the IRS, has trespassed against YOU and your property. As the secured party or owner of the property and holder-in-due-course, you can now set a value on the trespass. So the IRS sends you, or your fiction a tax bill of $30,000.00 dollars. You would accept the tax bill for that value or set another value upon it for literally ANY AMOUNT. So, for this discussion, let's place a new value of $300,000,000.00 dollars on it.

You are going to tell the IRS to charge the $300,000,000.00 dollars to YOUR Treasury Direct Account and provide your Employer's Identification Number (EIN), which is given to you when you receive a social security card. This will be directed to the Secretary of the Treasury in the District of Columbia. The IRS has three days under the Truth-In-Lending Act to do what you have ordered.

In addition, you are going to request a copy of their Fiduciary Tax Return, which will show that they have filed and have indeed paid taxes on the $300,000,000.00 dollars. They won't respond. So four days later, you will send a second request, and at the same time, send a letter along with a non-negotiable Bill of Exchange, ordering the Secretary of the Treasury to CHARGE BACK the $300,000,000.00 dollars.

Now all of this may sound a little confusing, but you will understand just how powerful this information is by listening to a few conference calls. There are live conference calls weekly that can answer all your questions. Simply email us for the days and times of the conference calls.

The UCC 1 form is a very powerful step to add to the original Tax Statement! As a Global Prosperity member, you will be entitled to this very powerful course of action to take back the rights of your fiction. This will protect you from any form of lien, levy, judgment, claim from the IRS, or any form of lawsuit you may encounter. You will learn how to utilize this form in detail through a step-by-step process.

The UCC Protection Product comes in two phases. Phase 1, which allows you to take ownership of your fiction, and Phase 2, which is the UCC Cease & Desist. Again, both are only available to Global Prosperity 2001 Foundational Education Course members, and their spouses.

©1999 MCD Productions. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified: August 25, 1999

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