The 1993 bombing landed Securacom contracts for securityupgrades costing $8.3 million and installed from 1996 to 2001. The new management team included Wirt Walker, a cousin of President George W. Bush, who was hired when Securacom separated from Burns and Roe, Marvin P. Bush, younger brother of the President George W. Bush and Walker's cousin. Its CEO, Barry McDaniel, said the company had a "completion contract" to handle some of the security at the World Trade Center "up to the day the buildings fell down." R. Michael Lagow, was vice president of Securacom, and the related company, Stratesec in 1993. Stratesec is backed by a Kuwaiti-American investment firm. He lists clients on his resume such as World Trade Center, Amtrak, and TVA Nuclear Power facilities. He joined Securacom in August of 1993, and founded the Dallas, Texas offices of Securacom in Bush territory. Securacom got a $8.3 million contract to install a new WTC security system from 1996 to 2000 (extended through 2001).
1997 September 11: Securacom goes public. Securacom is ordered through a court of law to change its name to Stratesec, due to a name infringement suit. It listed among its clients the World Trade Center, Dulles Airport (Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority), United Airlines and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
2001 August 24 - September 6: Ben Fountain, a Fireman's fund financial analyst spoke of unusual evacuations ordered the weeks before 9/11. Daria Coard, a guard at WTC 1 confirms 12-hour shifts for two weeks due to phone threats. The security alert was lifted five days prior to 9/11, and the bomb sniffing dogs were removed.
2001 September 8-9: Explosives installed during a 36-hour "power outage." Scott Forbes describes power-downs in WTC. Videos removed by YouTube.
Placing thermite/thermate charges such that they cut the same way to make building "walk over" the core columns. See the result.
Thanks to some Arabs, two white elephants were removed at no expense to the leasee, Larry Silverstein, vast amounts of toxic dust and the lung disease of rescue workers and the death of their dogs was blamed on terrorists, and urban renewal could reoccur.
The implosion of the WTC was declared an Act of Terror rather than an Act of War, so Silverstein and his accomplices could collect on the insurance twice, once for each plane attack despite both being part of the same conspiracy for a profit of $5.5 billion.
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