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9/11 coincidences and oddities page!
(and other note worthy tidbits.)
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Last updated: 03/06/2007
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<![endif]> 9/11
- The most devastating and unprecedented
terrorist attack in history happens against the United States of
America, the world's mightiest superpower, allegedly committed by 19
radical Arab Muslims who hijacked four commercial airliners --
allegedly armed with only small knives and box cutters -- and crashed
them into the WTC, the Pentagon, and an empty field in Pennsylvania.
"On Tuesday
morning, September 11, 2001, the U.S. is attacked by terrorists in
New York City and Washington, and the world changes forever.
Hijacked jetliners hit the World Trade Center in New York and the
Pentagon outside Washington. A fourth hijacked plane crashes into a
field in Pennsylvania." -
(See also: March 13, 1962 - America's top military leaders, who were staunchly right-wing, drafted "Operation Northwoods" which were secret plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba; August 4, 1964 - US agency concludes the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which was used to escalate the Vietnam war, never happened; September 6-12, 1970 - Four New York-bound airliners are hijacked over western Europe by a militant Palestinian group; February 26, 1993 - The WTC was first bombed by Islamic terrorists and the F.B.I. knew about the plot; March 11, 2004 - A terrorist bomb attack in Madrid, Spain (referred to as 3/11) blows up multiple commuter trains during rush hour exactly 911 days after 9/11)
<![if !vml]><![endif]> 9/11 - The official bin Ladin family's
website domain expires.
"On September 11, 2001, the United States
experienced the most significant and violent attack by terrorists
even on its own soil. The terrible events that ensued have been
linked to the mastermind of Osama Binladin, the leader of the group
Although the Binladin family group denounced their fallen son and any
political affiliation of Al-Qaeda, on the same day as the terrorist
attacks, the Binladin family website and all of their web pages,
links, emails and domain name EXPIRED -- on September 11, 2001.
Shocked and curious about the possible connection between Binladin
and the war on America, I, Christopher Curry, a technology
consultant, began to investigate these events via the net.
I found a number of websites linked to Osama Binladin and began to
notice some startling parallels: the largest and most unbelievable
was the expiration of a website owned by the Binladin family:" -
Unique Internet Name Once Owned by Bin Laden, Which Expired on 9-11-01, Now Promotes Peace
"shrimpo LLC and Christopher Curry have made news previously when it announced that it had created a unique procedure to take control of the official Bin Laden family website,, for which the domain registration expired simultaneously with the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
"The controversy remains whether the September 11th expiry was just a remarkable coincidence or if this truly was a hidden warning," said Christopher Curry, Principal of shrimpo LLC and Internet technology consultant." - Yahoo/PRNewswire (Oct 17)
Date with Destiny?
"A web domain registered to the Saudi Binladin
Group (the megabucks corporation uses the alternate spelling of the
family name) raises questions about what role, if any, the family has
played in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
The domain was registered on Sept. 11, 2000, with a preset expiration
date of Sept. 11, 2001, according to a technician with VeriSign, an
Internet domain registry service formerly known as Network
Or was this website set up to start the countdown on the most
devastating attack in U.S. history?
This was no accident, according to a VeriSign
technician in Mountainview, Calif.
"This was timed so it would expire on that date," says the
technician, who identified herself only by her first name, Antonette,
and by her employee number, 001.
The Binladin website was created by a company
called Arq Limited, a U.K. web design firm. The administrative,
technical and billing contact listed on the whois search is a man
named Philip Lumsden.
After several calls to the U.K., I learned that Arq Limited went out
of business, replaced by a company called Active 8 Solutions, which
shares the same Bath, England, mailing address and a telephone number
that is only one digit off from Arq LimitedÃs old number.
I learned one more interesting thing.
"Mr. Lumsden left a week ago," said a man who answered the phone at
Active 8 Solutions. "I am not aware of why he left."
A half-dozen odd calls Tuesday, October 15, to the Saudi Binladin GroupÃs headquarters in Jedda, Saudi Arabia, turned up little other than assurances that if I called back in 20 minutes or a half-hour, then somebody would be able to give me some information about the website.
The next day, I called again and again was told to call back later. By deadline, neither of the two emails I sent seeking comment were answered.
The trail of the website that I began following two weeks ago has taken me to a couple of very strange places ó including a five-year-old mysterious death that may be al-QaedaÃs first hit on U.S. soil ó and a very nervous British businessman who thought he was getting the bargain of a lifetime when he purchased the assets of a British web-design firm that created the domain." - Philadelphia City Paper (10/18-25/01)
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<![endif]> 9/11 - Standard operating procedures for
military scramble approval was for the FAA to contact the National
Military Command Center (NMCC) to request air support, then the NMCC
would contact NORAD to find out about aircraft availability, then
NORAD would seek final approval from Secretary of Defense, Donald
"On Sept. 11, the normal scramble-approval procedure was for an FAA official to contact the National Military Command Center (NMCC) and request Pentagon air support. Someone in the NMCC would call Norad's command center and ask about availability of aircraft, then seek approval from the Defense Secretary--Donald H. Rumsfeld--to launch fighters." - Aviation Week (06/03/02)
9/11 Tapes Reveal Ground Personnel Muffled Attacks
"WhatÃs more, the decades-old procedure for a
quick response by the nationÃs air defense had been changed in June
of 2001. Now, instead of NORADÃs military commanders being able to
issue the command to launch fighter jets, approval had to be sought
from the civilian Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld. This change is
extremely significant, because Mr. Rumsfeld claims to have been "out
of the loop" nearly the entire morning of 9/11. He isnÃt on the
record as having given any orders that morning. In fact, he didnÃt
even go to the White House situation room; he had to walk to the
window of his office in the Pentagon to see that the countryÃs
military headquarters was in flames.
Mr. Rumsfeld claimed at a previous commission hearing that protection
against attack inside the homeland was not his responsibility. It
was, he said, "a law-enforcement issue."
Why, in that case, did he take onto himself the responsibility of
approving NORADÃs deployment of fighter planes?" - New York Observer (06/21/04) [Reprinted at:]
Side note - "Ironically, FAA officials only a few months earlier had tried to dispense with "primary" radars altogether, opting to rely solely on transponder returns as a way to save money. Norad had emphatically rejected the proposal." - Aviation Week (06/03/02)
(See also: June 1, 2001 - Dept. of Defense (DOD) initiates new instructions for military assistance relating to aircraft hijackings)
<![if !vml]><![endif]> 9/11 - Vice President Dick Cheney was placed
in charge of a domestic terrorism study group within the White House,
to monitor and develop plans to deal with a catastrophe such as
"In Sarasota,
Florida, now Major Garrett joins us. Major, what are you being
has notified -- or talked, rather, to Vice President Cheney. He has
talked to the FBI director Robert Mueller, and he has also spoken
with the governor of New York, Governor Pataki about this
The president, as we just saw a few moments ago, identifying this as
an apparent act of terrorism against the United States. Said there
will be full investigation. The entire apparatus of the United States
government, FBI, national security, CIA, the vice president, who you
may remember was placed in charge of a domestic terrorism study group
within the White House, to monitor and develop plans to deal with a
catastrophe of just this kind." - CNN (09/11/01)
(See also: March 21, 1989 - Cheney becomes the 17th US Secretary of Defense)
<![if !vml]><![endif]> 9/11 - Box cutters weren't allowed pre-9/11
by the airlines industry.
"A manual
written by the airline industry years before the Sept. 11 attacks
instructed airport screeners to confiscate from passengers boxcutters
like those used by the hijackers, documents show.
Though the federal government did not specifically bar the objects
before Sept. 11, the airlines were in charge of security and the
manual they compiled was the guidebook for determining what items
could be brought aboard flights.
FAA spokeswoman Laura Brown said keeping boxcutters off planes was an
industry requirement, not a government order. She said the FAA
allowed airline passengers to carry blades less than four inches long
before Sept. 11. Government rules now prohibit such items.
Other items allowed into airplane cabins, according to the manual,
included baseball bats, darts, knitting needles, pocket utility
knifes less than four inches long and scissors.
The manual for security screeners was issued by the airlines' trade
groups to comply with FAA regulations and was in effect at the time
of the terror attacks. The document lists boxcutters and pepper spray
as items not allowed past security checkpoints. Screeners were told
to call supervisors if they found either item.
Attorney General John Ashcroft said some of the hijackers used
boxcutters to take over the planes, and the indictment of alleged
hijacking coconspirator Zacarias Moussaoui charged that Mohammed
Atta, the leader of the hijackers, had pepper spray.
"We actually had rules and regulations to stop this," said former
Transportation Department Inspector General Mary Schiavo, now a
lawyer suing United Airlines and American Airlines on behalf of
families of Sept. 11 victims.
Paul Hudson, head of the Aviation Consumer Action Project, an
advocacy group, said this latest revelation is another reason for an
independent commission to investigate Sept. 11." - CBS (11/12/02)
There's been some confusion as to the issue of box cutters. You
testified, I gather, that as of September 11th, the FAA did not
prohibit box cutters, before Congress. Yesterday we got testimony
from the ATA that in checkpoint operation guides, box cutters were
classified as restricted items, which could be kept off an aircraft
if identified. What was the status of box cutters within the aviation
system as a whole, and certainly in Boston, where those checkpoints
MR. MINETA: The FAA regulation referred to blades of four inches or
greater as prohibited items. And so a box cutter was really less than
four inches. Now, on the other hand, the airline industry had a
guideline. And in that guideline, they did prohibit box cutters, as
it was in that guideline. But in the FAA regulations, that was not
the case." - 9/11 Commission
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9/11 (5:45 am) - Alleged Flight 11 hijackers, Mohamed
Atta and Abdul Aziz Al-Omari, are allegedly videotaped, which the
tape displays two timestamps, on a security camera at a Portland, ME
Hijack terrorists caught on security camera
"They looked like any other anxious travellers,
rushing through the airport security checks to make sure they caught
their early morning flight. But the two men caught on security
cameras at Portland airport in Maine at 5.45am on September 11 would
be flying an airliner into the north tower of the World Trade Centre
just three hours later.
The images released yesterday by the US authorities show Mohamed Atta
with a man using the name Abdulaziz al-Omari about to board a USAir
flight to Boston, where they and three colleagues seized control of
American Airlines flight 11. Atta is thought to have been at the
controls when the plane hit the north tower at 8.45am. Investigators
also have security camera footage of two of the hijackers from
American Airlines flight 77, which hit the Pentagon in
The Portland footage shows the men passing easily through airport
security. Casually dressed in open-necked shirts and carrying small
bags, they are shown clearing the metal detectors and baggage X-ray
machines unchallenged.
According to US investigators, the Portland images provide clear
evidence that Atta, 33, was one of the hijackers. His father had
claimed yesterday that his son was alive and had spoken to him since
the disaster." - Guardian (12/21/01)
Officials say seized car rented from Boston
"Two suspects in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center drove from Massachusetts before boarding a commuter flight at the Portland International Jetport, Gov. Angus King said during a radio show.
The suspect, Mohamed Atta, 33, was one of two men seen on a surveillance tape boarding a flight in Portland, the Globe said. The pair flew to Boston and boarded another plane that crashed into the World Trade Center.
FBI agents were at the Portland airport and reviewed surveillance tapes taken at a security checkpoint, which captured the two suspects on video, said Portland Police Chief Michael Chitwood. Agents also interviewed workers and guests at the Comfort Inn in South Portland." - USA Today (09/13/01)
Photo source: "Mohamed Atta and Abdul Aziz Al-Omari passing through security at Portland Airport in Maine on September 11 (source: FBI)" - ABC-AU Four Corners
- See hi res photos: pic 1, pic 2, pic 3
(See also: September 25, 2001 - Mohamed Atta's father says it's not Atta on Portland security tape)
<![if !vml]><![endif]> 9/11 - Two of Mohamed Atta's luggage, which
contained incriminating evidence, were the only luggage of the 81
passengers aboard Flight 11 that didn't make it on the plane.
Airline denied Atta paradise wedding suit; At last minute, American turned away luggage containing cologne, gold Koran
"The clothing found in one of hijacking ringleader Mohamed Atta's bags wasn't a pilots' uniform, as first reported, but his paradise wedding suit, says an American Airlines employee who was with authorities when they first opened his luggage.
Alongside the navy suit ñ which was eerily laid out as if Atta were in it, with a sapphire-blue necktie looped under a crisp dress-shirt collar and neatly knotted ñ was a bottle of cologne. At the foot of the bag, which had been locked, was a fancy leather-bound Koran painted gold.
Because of an American policy instated just
before Sept. 11 to curb baggage-related flight delays, Atta's two
checked bags ñ which had been held up from an earlier flight
ñ were left behind in Boston, says the employee, who requested
anonymity for fear of reprisal from the Dallas-based carrier, which
continues to gag all employees from talking about the Sept. 11
hijackings. Two of the hijacked flights were American.
As it happens, Atta was the only passenger among the 81 aboard
American Flight 11 whose luggage didn't make the flight, American
sources confirm. Atta is thought to have piloted the Boeing 767,
loaded with some 16,000 gallons of fuel, into the first World Trade
Center tower a year ago today.
As a result, the 33-year-old Egyptian native,
who was single, was denied his ceremonial outfit with which he
apparently expected to enter the Muslim version of Heaven and join in
"marriage" the "women of paradise ... dressed in their most beautiful
clothing," as a five-page letter found in his other bag envisioned
According to the Koran, Muslims' sacred book, the afterworld is more
a physical than metaphysical place, filled with sensuous earthly
pleasures. Martyrdom, or dying in the cause of Allah, is the shortest
path to get there.
In preparation for martrydom, ablution.
"Shave excess hair from the body and wear cologne. Shower," advises
the letter, which was handwritten in Arabic and later translated by
the FBI (it's still not clear if Atta penned the letter himself). "Do
not leave your apartment unless you have performed ablution."
The bag with the clothing, moreover, included only personal items,
whereas the other bag contained utility items, such as navigational
tools and even a large serrated knife.
He says as soon as he and others gathered at Logan International Airport saw the suit and other items arranged as they were in the suitcase, it became clear to them that Atta had no plans on coming back to this world.
The other bag, which had also been locked,
contained, among other things:
* A videotape of the Boeing 757 aircraft.
* A flight operating manual for the Boeing 757, which has the same
cockpit as the 767.
* An Arab-English dictionary.
* A packet of papers which included the 5-page letter, as well as
Atta's last will and testament, which was dated April 11, 1996, and
also written in Arabic.
* A chart-plotting ruler.
* A manual slide-rule device called an "E6B," but more commonly known
as a flight "computer," which pilots use to measure fuel consumption,
weight and balance and other things.
* A folding-blade knife with finger grips on the handle.
One suitcase had Atta's earthly belongings,
including many things he used or wanted to use in his mass-murdering
plot, while the other contained his spiritual requirements to enter
"It was clear to us he did not want to check those bags," the
American employee said.
Indeed, Atta intended to carry on all three of the bags he initially
brought with him to Portland International Jetport in Maine earlier
that morning, sources there say.
But Atta was forced to check his two larger bags, described as
soft-sided with roller boards, because the 19-seat commuter plane he
flew to Boston allows passengers just one carry-on bag each, says a
US Airways Express employee who works at the ticket counter where
Atta checked in.
The two bags were tagged for final destination to Los Angeles
International Airport, which is where Flight 11 had been bound.
Both Atta and his traveling companion and fellow hijacker, Abdulaziz
Alomari, boarded US Airways Express Flight 5930 with one carry-on
Their carry-ons also contained papers, says a passenger who was
seated two rows in front of Atta on the shuttle flight.
Roger Quirion of Winslow, Maine, says he
observed the two, who he says were "joined at the hip," while waiting
at the gate.
"They were sitting together, acting very serious. They were going
through papers, something from their carry-on," Quirion told
"It struck me as though they were preparing for some type of
meeting," he added. "I thought they were business travelers."
When Atta arrived at Logan's Terminal B from Portland, little did he
know that US Airways was slow in transferring his bags from the
commuter jet to the American baggage dock.
They arrived before takeoff ñ but after American's just-imposed
cut-off time for late baggage. The new rule refused any bags
delivered within 10 minutes of the flight's scheduled take-off.
Atta's came within several minutes.
"His bags, which were transferred rampside, were transferred late by
US Airways Express," the American employee said.
As soon as the bags were dropped off at American's loading dock, a
ground-crew worker checked the tag, put them on a cart and drove them
out to the 767 getting ready to taxi to the runway.
But he got a "thumbs down" by the crew that loads the bags, the
employee said.
"It was about three minutes before departure," he said. "They had it
locked up, and it was ready to go."
The bags were brought back and tagged for rerouting to the 11 a.m.
flight to LAX, he says.
When it became clear that Flight 11 had been hijacked, the crew chief
called the Massachusetts State Police, which dispatched a state
trooper to the baggage rerouting area with a bomb-sniffing dog, says
the American source, who assisted the trooper and other
After the dog cleared the bags for explosives, the trooper had the
small locks on Atta's bags cut off and the bags opened.
Then the FBI got involved.
Authorities were able to quickly ID the bags as Atta's thanks to
information a flight attendant aboard Flight 11 phoned down to an
American flight-services manager at Logan. She described the
attackers and gave their seat numbers and Atta's name. " - WorldNetDaily (09/11/02)
FBI says cameras shows hijackers in Portland area
"Atta and Alomari drove to Portland in a car
rented at Boston's Logan International Airport, then boarded a
USAirways flight back to Boston. From there, they boarded American
Airlines Flight 11, which crashed into the north tower of the World
Trade Center, the first building hit.
Alomari and Atta spent the night before the attack at the Comfort Inn
in South Portland, about a mile from the airport, authorities
A bag that Atta checked at the airport in Portland never made the
connecting flight in Boston. Officials said the bag contained a
four-page document in Arabic which contained instructions for the
mission as well as religious references." - USA Today (10/04/01)
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<![endif]> 9/11 (6:00 am) - NORAD
was in day two of a week long exercise called "Vigilant Guardian" in
which some of it's military participants thought the first reports of
the hijackings later on in the day were "part of the exercise."
"On Sept. 11, as
Americans watched horror rain upon New York and Washington, command
teams at a little-known military outpost in Rome, N.Y., worked
feverishly to restore safe skies and rouse a slumbering homeland
At the Northeast Air Defense Sector, radar operators who constantly
scan the continent's boundaries suddenly faced a threat from within
and a race they could not win.
Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins figured it would be a long day.
Sept. 11 was Day II of "Vigilant Guardian," an exercise that would
pose an imaginary crisis to North American Air Defense outposts
nationwide. The simulation would run all week, and Deskins, starting
her 12-hour shift in the Operations Center as the NORAD unit's
airborne control and warning officer, might find herself on the
At 8:40, Deskins noticed senior technician Jeremy Powell waving his
hand. Boston Center was on the line, he said. It had a hijacked
"It must be part of the exercise," Deskins thought.
At first, everybody did. Then Deskins saw the glowing direct phone
line to the Federal Aviation Administration.
On the phone she heard the voice of a military liaison for the FAA's
Boston Center.
"I have a hijacked aircraft," he told her.
Six minutes after Boston Center's call, NEADS scrambled two armed
F-15s at Otis Air Base on Cape Cod.
"We had no idea where the aircraft was," recalled Maj. James Fox, who
gave the order. "We just knew it was over land, so we scrambled them
towards land."
As the first plane hit the World Trade Center, the F-15s were
rumbling off the runways at Otis.
Boston Center was still tracking a blip believed to be Flight 11." - Newhouse News Service (01/28/02)
"At 8:40 a.m.
EDT, Tech. Sgt. Jeremy W. Powell of North American Aerospace Defense
Command's (Norad) Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) in Rome, N.Y.,
took the first call from Boston Center. He notified NEADS commander
Col. Robert K. Marr, Jr., of a possible hijacked airliner, American
Airlines Flight 11.
"Part of the exercise?" the colonel wondered. No; this is a
real-world event, he was told. Several days into a semiannual
exercise known as Vigilant Guardian, NEADS was fully staffed, its key
officers and enlisted supervisors already manning the operations
center "battle cab."
In retrospect, the exercise would prove to be a serendipitous enabler
of a rapid military response to terrorist attacks on Sept. 11. Senior
officers involved in Vigilant Guardian were manning Norad command
centers throughout the U.S. and Canada, available to make immediate
Fortunately, Maj. Gen. Eric A. Findley, another Canadian and Norad's
director of operations, was already in the mountain for the Vigilant
Guardian exercise." - Aviation Week (06/03/02)
"If that weren't
protection enough, on September 11th, NEADS (or the North East Air
Defense System dept of NORAD) was several days into a semiannual
exercise known as "Vigilant Guardian". This meant that our North East
Air Defense system was fully staffed. In short, key officers were
manning the operation battle center, "fighter jets were cocked,
loaded, and carrying extra gas on board."
Lucky for the terrorists none of this mattered on the morning of
September 11th." - Statement of Mindy
Kleinberg to the 9/11 Commission
"116. On 9/11, NORAD was scheduled to conduct a military exercise, Vigilant Guardian, which postulated a bomber attack from the former Soviet Union. We investigated whether military preparations for the large-scale exercise compromised the military's response to the real-world terrorist attack on 9/11. According to General Eber-hart, "it took about 30 seconds" to make the adjustment to the real-world situation. Ralph Eberhart testimony, June 17, 2004.We found that the response was, if anything, expedited by the increased number of staff at the sectors and at NORAD because of the scheduled exercise. See Robert Marr interview (Jan. 23, 2004)." - 9/11 Commission
"On the morning of 9/11, we were conducting a NORAD command post exercise and our headquarters and regions were postured for ̬wartime conditions.̮ Six minutes prior to the first attack on the World Trade Center, the FAA informed NORAD of the potential hijack of American Airlines Flight 11. As events unfolded throughout the morning, NORAD responded immediately with fighters and appropriate airspace control measures. Unfortunately, due to the constraints of time and distance, we were unable to influence the tragic circumstances." - Gen. Ralph Eberhart testimony, 9/11 Commission (06/17/04)
9/11 Tapes Reveal Ground Personnel Muffled Attacks
"So many unconnected dots, contradictions and implausible coincidences. Like the fact that NORAD was running an imaginary terrorist-attack drill called "Vigilant Guardian" on the same morning as the real-world attacks. At 8:40 a.m., when a sergeant at NORADÃs center in Rome, N.Y., notified his northeastern commander, Col. Robert Marr, of a possible hijacked airlineróAmerican Flight 11óthe colonel wondered aloud if it was part of the exercise. This same confusion was played out at the lower levels of the NORAD network." - New York Observer (06/17/04) [Reprinted at:]
(See also: 9/11 (9:00 am) - The CIA began an exercise to simulate a plane crashing into one of it's buildings; September 12, 2001 - FEMA scheduled to participate in biochemical attack drill called "Operation TRIPOD" in New York City; February 11, 2005 - Donald Rumsfeld and Gen. Richard Myers confirm there were four wargames on 9/11)
<![if !vml]> "'re not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida," said Bush. -White House (12/04/01) "The previous evening Mr Bush had dined beachside with his brother Jeb, the governor of Florida, the state that had, albeit controversially, handed him the presidency." - Telegraph-UK (12/16/01) (See also: September 7, 2001 - Jeb Bush signs a two year Florida executive emergency order four days before 9/11; 8:52 am - President Bush arrives at Booker Elementary school in Sarasota, FL)
<![if !vml]> 'George And Laura', September 11, 2001, A
Tuesday (See also: September 10, 2001 - Former President Bush meets with Osama's brother at Carlyle Group meeting in Washington D.C.)
<![if !vml]> "On 11 September, while Al-Qaeda's planes slammed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the Carlyle Group hosted a conference at a Washington hotel. Among the guests of honor was a valued investor: Shafig bin Laden, brother to Osama." - Guardian Unlimited (05/16/02) (See also: September 10, 2001 - Former President Bush meets with Osama's brother at Carlyle Group meeting in Washington D.C.) <![if !vml]> "The 121st squadron's day had started normally. Three F-16s were flying an air-to-ground training mission on a range in North Carolina, 180 naut. mi. away." - Aviation Week (09/09/02) <![if !vml]> "A few
miles out of Washington, on Route 1 to Baltimore, lies an
inconspicuous military installation called Fort Meade. <![if !vml]> "Lieutenant
General Michael V. Hayden [United States Air Force]
is Director, National Security Agency/Central Security
Service (NSA/CSS), Fort George G. Meade, MD. As the Director
of NSA/CSS, he is responsible for a combat support agency of
the Department of Defense with military and civilian
personnel stationed worldwide. 9/11 - Possible terrorist incident against President Bush early in the morning at his hotel resort in Florida. "At
about 6 a.m. Sept. 11, Longboat Key Fire Marshall Carroll
Mooneyhan was at the front desk of the Colony Beach &
Tennis Resort as Bush prepared for his morning jog. From
that vantage point, Mooneyhan overheard a strange exchange
between a Colony receptionist and security guard. (Also see: September 9, 2001 - General Ahmed Shah Massoud, the leader of Afghanistan's Northern Alliance, is assassinated by two Arabs posing as journalists.) 9/11 (6:47 am) - The WTC 7's fire alarm system is placed on "TEST" mode for an eight hour period for "maintenance or other testing" in which any alarms that are received from the system are not shown on the operatorÃs display and are considered the result of the maintenance or testing and are ignored. "Finding 2.25: The fire alarm system that was monitoring WTC 7 sent to the monitoring company only one signal (at 10:00:52 a.m. shortly after the collapse of WTC 2) indicating a fire condition in the building on September 11, 2001. This signal did not contain any specific information about the location of the fire within the building. From the alarm system monitor service view, the building had only one zone, èAREA 1.ÃÆ The building fire alarm system was placed on TEST for a period of 8 h beginning at 6:47:03 a.m. on September 11, 2001. Ordinarily, this is requested when maintenance or other testing is being performed on the system, so that any alarms that are received from the system are considered the result of the maintenance or testing and are ignored. NIST was told by the monitoring company that for systems placed in the TEST condition, alarm signals are not shown on the operatorÃs display, but records of the alarm are recorded into the history file." - NIST: Progress Report - Chp 1; (PDF - pg 28) (June '04) <![if !vml]>
FBI seizes records of students at flight schools "Atta got on the jet off a connecting flight from Portland, Maine. Two bags with Atta's name tags were on the Portland flight, but did not get transferred in time to be loaded on the Los Angeles-bound flight that left Logan Airport at 7:59 a.m., about 45 minutes before it smashed into the World Trade Center tower in New York." - St. Petersburg Times (09/13/01) 9/11 (8:00 am) - In his first round of intelligence briefings of the day, Bush's is briefed on the heightened terrorist risk reported throughout the summer. "On his
return to the Colony, the President...sat down for the first
routine intelligence briefing of the day. It was 8 am. <![if !vml]> "At Dulles Airport, Capt. Charles Burlingame, who had been a Navy F-4 pilot and once worked on anti-terrorism strategies in the Pentagon, was steering his 757, American Airlines Flight 77, down the runway for the long flight to Los Angeles." - Washington Post (09/16/04) "Mark Burlingame said his brother was in the Navy Reserve and had worked in the same area of the Pentagon where the airliner crashed." - Newsday "Retired
U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Wilson ̬Bud̮ Falor Flagg
was on American Airlines Flight 77 on Sept. 11 with his wife
Darlene Ellen "Dee" Embree Flagg. (See also: BTS statistics for Flight 77; Killtowns: The unusual passengers of Flight 77) <![if !vml]>
"Odigo, the instant messaging
service, says that two of its workers received messages two
hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11
predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been
cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement,
including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of
the message predicting the attack. "Officials
at an instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two
employees received text messages warning of an attack on the
World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed
planes into the New York landmarks. (See also: September 4, 2001 - Zim-American Israeli Shipping Co. moves out of the WTC; 9/11 - Elite Israeli military commando who understands Arabic allegedly shot on Flight 11; 9/11 - Israeli spies caught cheering while filming themselves with the WTC burning in the background; 9/11 - Netanyahu says 9/11 attacks are " very good" for US/Israeli relations) <![if !vml]> "Matt Rosenberg was down on Corridor 8, a medic at the health clinic in the massive military headquarters, grateful for an uninterrupted hour in which he could study a new medical emergency disaster plan based on the unlikely scenario of an airplane crashing into the place." - Washington Post (09/16/01) "Matt
Rosenberg was down on Corridor 8, a medic at the health
clinic in the massive military headquarters, grateful for an
uninterrupted hour in which he could study a new medical
emergency disaster plan based on the unlikely scenario of an
airplane crashing into the place. Medic
Describes 9/11 Response
from an interview with Sergeant Matthew Rosenberg, a medic
at the DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic. (See also: September 10, 2001 - Pentagon medic Matt Rosenberg is on the phone with the FBI talking about who has command of the MASCAL plane crash plan if a plane hits the Pentagon; 9/11 - Emergency equipment for the MASCAL plane crash plan was already out of their storage areas for an inventory check before the Pentagon was hit) 9/11 - Emergency equipment for the Pentagon's MASCAL emergency plane crash plans were already out of their storage areas for an inventory check before the Pentagon was hit. Excerpts
from an interview with Major Lorie A. Brown, who was Chief
Nurse of DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic. (See also: 9/11 - Pentagon medic Matt Rosenberg was studying the MASCAL plane crash plan right before the Pentagon was hit; 9/11 - A Pentagon rescuer mentions how "eerie" it was that the MASCAL plane crash plan that he had twice trained for was "very similar to what actually happened") 9/11 - A "garrison control exercise" was being conducted at Fort Belvoir, less than 20 miles from the Pentagon, to "test the security at the base in case of a terrorist attack" and a team there was conducting classes about rescue techniques and then were one of the first responders to the Pentagon. An Engineer's Expertise Joins a Firefighter's Nightmare "Two groups rushing to the Pentagon that
fateful morning were the firefighters from the Fort Belvoir
Fire Department and a contingent of engineers from
Headquarters Battalion, USAG Fort Belvoir, Military District of
Washington. AS FATE WOULD have it, that is exactly were the office of Fort Belvoir's new commanding officer, Col. Thomas Williams, who took command on July 11, 2002, had been just moments before. Col. Williams was not in the area of his office at the moment of impact. But two who were paid the ultimate price, and another suffered severe burns, from which he is still recovering. Lt. Col. Mark R. Lindon, Commander,
Headquarters Battalion at Belvoir, was conducting a garrison
control exercise. The object was to test the security at the
base in case of a terrorist attack. That training exercise
went operational that morning. - Ft Belvoir to the Pentagon = approx 18 miles - Yahoo Maps (See also: June 29, 2001 - MASCAL exercise about a terrorist incident involving an explosion is conducted at Fort Belvoir to test first team's "external response") 9/11 - A training exercise in "airport emergency operations" is being conducted at Fort Myer, a mile from the Pentagon. Belvoir firefighter among first responders at Pentagon "A training exercise in airport emergency operations at Fort Myer brought an assistant fire chief from Fort Belvoir to the Pentagon shortly after an aircraft crashed into its west wall. As training officer for the Fort Belvoir Fire Department, Dodge has acquired an expertise on airport emergency operations because of the Belvoir department's responsibilities at Davison Army Airfield. The morning of Sept. 11 the 28-year veteran was conducting training for the Fort Myer crew on precisely that topic. He and the class participants had heard during
the first break in the training schedule about the first
plane crash into one of the towers at the World Trade
Center. Dodge said at that point everyone in the class
just got up and left to get on the fire trucks. He jumped
into a vehicle with Fort Myer's acting battalion commander,
Dennis Gilroy. "The word was that the unit on the ground [the helipad firefighters who are part of the Fort Myer Fire Department] were involved," Dodge said. "That didn't sound too good. When they say involved, it meant they were a part of the crash. "We were one of the very first ones there," Dodge said, "aside from the crew that was already positioned at the Pentagon. He said at that point, something caught his
attention. Local heroes: FMMC fire department reflects on attacks "The Fort Myer Military Community Fire Department had three men on the scene at the Pentagon when the attack occurred. In a matter of minutes, the rest of the team from Fort Myer joined the three men. The FMMC fire department is responsible for the landings and take-offs at the Pentagon heliport. The department sends three men to the Pentagon each day to cover the flights, according to FMMC Fire Chief Charles Campbell. While the three men were at the Pentagon, the majority of the men from the department were in an airport rescue firefighters class in the Education Center at Fort Myer. Immediately, the firemen got their equipment and went to the Pentagon to aid the victims. The ride to to the Pentagon took about four minutes, William Harris, a Fort Myer fire department sergeant, said. Harris was the driver of Engine 161." - DC Military (11/02/01) FMMC firefighters respond to terrorist action at Pentagon "Fort Myer, located approximately a mile from the Pentagon..." - DC Military (09/14/01) (See also: April 23, 2001 - Fort Myer conducts a "Force Protection Exercise"; September 5, 2001 - Fort Myer and McNair implement "full access control") <![if !vml]> TerrorÃs youngest victims; Unspeakable heartbreak for families of students killed on American Airlines Flight 77 "His father, a Navy chief petty officer, says
he sat his son down on the morning of Sept. 11, and had a
serious talk with him about dangers he might encounter on
the trip. <![if !vml]> <![if !vml]> "While most of the children stayed in the area
when they grew up, the second oldest, Peter, moved north of
Boston to become a plant manager for Raytheon. But he stayed
close to his family, spending summers with them on Cape Cod.
And he never forgot the attention to spit and polish, in his
work or play. "It doesn't shine itself," he'd reply when
people admired the condition of his vintage car. <![if !vml]>
"Mr. Kovalcin, 42, was a passenger on Flight
11, on a business trip for Raytheon, where he was a senior
mechanical engineer. Mrs. Kovalcin said they had carved out
a "Father Knows Best" kind of life, with him coming home at
six every evening, choosing to know his family well rather
than to work longer hours for more money. <![if !vml]>
"Mr. Waldie, who lived in Methuen, Mass., had
two other children: Andrew, 24, and Jeff, 21. A senior
quality control engineer at Raytheon, he was headed to
California on a business trip. <![if !vml]>
"Herb W. Homer of Milford, an official with
the US Department of Defense, was killed Tuesday when United
Airlines Flight 175 crashed in New York. He was 48. A member of First Congregational Church of Milford, he worked on several church committees and volunteered in the church nursery." - "The Department of Defense announced today that Herbert W. Homer, a civilian employee of the Defense Contract Management Agency, was among the passengers aboard United Airlines Flight # 175, which crashed into the World Trade Center. He was previously listed in error as unaccounted at the Pentagon." - DoD (09/15/01) <![if !vml]>
"Stan Hall, 68, was on board the American
Airlines Flight 77, Tuesday, September 11, that crashed into
the Pentagon. He was born in Arlington, Virginia, and
attended Washington Lee High School. In 1953, Stan was
drafted into the Army and served for two years during the
Korean War. He graduated from George Washington University
with a Bacheolor in Engineering in 1959 and a Masters from
Drexell University in 1963. Raytheon Employees Lost to the Sept. 11
Tragedy Awarded Defense of Freedom Medal Herb Homer, a Defense Contract Management Agency defense corporate executive assigned to Raytheon, was also awarded the Defense of Freedom Medal. The medal, created to recognize and honor civilian employees of the Department of Defense who were killed or wounded during the terrorist attacks, can be awarded to non-Defense employees based on their involvement in DoD activities at the discretion of the Secretary of Defense." - Raytheon; PRNewswire (10/13/01) September 11 Remembrance (See also: September 6, 2001 - Raytheon and the U.S. Air Force demonstrate new technology aircraft precision approach and landing system; September 10, 2001 - Wife of David Kovalcin said her husband woke her up in the middle of the night complaining he couldn't sleep and that he seemed "very distressed" but she didn't know why; Killtown's: Flight 77 unusual passengers) <![if !vml]> A Cloak But No Dagger "On the morning of Sept. 11, Goss and Graham were having breakfast with a Pakistani general named Mahmud Ahmed -- the soon-to-be-sacked head of Pakistan's intelligence service. Ahmed ran a spy agency notoriously close to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban." - Washington Post (05/18/02) U.S. seeks reform of Pakistan spy agency "When terrorists flew hijacked planes into the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, then
ISI chief Gen. Mahmud Ahmad was visiting Washington. The
Bush administration asked him to visit Afghanistan and
convince the Taliban to surrender al-Qaida chief Osama bin
Laden, the man believed to have masterminded the
attacks. Spying eyes and ears They were meeting with the Pakistani ambassador to the U.S., Maleeha Lodhi, and the director of Pakistani intelligence, Lt. Gen. Mahmud Ahmed. They were talking about the late-August trip Goss, Graham, and Kyl had made to Pakistan." - Salon (09/14/01) Our Friends the Pakistanis India helped FBI trace ISI-terrorist links "While the Pakistani inter services public relations claimed that former ISI director-general Lt-Gen Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on Monday, the truth is more shocking. Top sources confirmed here on Tuesday, that the general lost his job because of the "evidence" India produced to show his links to one of the suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Centre. The US authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that $100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh at the instance of Gen Mahumd. Senior government sources have confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing the link between the money transfer and the role played by the dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they said that Indian inputs, including sheikhÃs mobile phone number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link. A direct link between the ISI and the WTC attack could have enormous repercussions. The US cannot but suspect whether or not there were other senior Pakistani army commanders who were in the know of things. Evidence of a larger conspiracy could shake us confidence in Pakistan's ability to participate in the anti-terrorism coalition." - Times of India (10/09/01) U.S. Ties Hijackers' Money to Al Qaeda "The operation was kicked off with a $100,000 transfer into a U.S. bank account last year that has been traced to the United Arab Emirates. A source familiar with the investigation said the transfer may have been arranged by the financial lieutenant, Mustafa Muhammad Ahmed.* Scores of transfers subsequently poured into the hijackers' accounts, adding up to at least $500,000 in overseas funding. The funding for the attack began at least a
year ago with a single deposit of more than $100,000 to a
U.S. account controlled by Atta. Dennis M. Lormel, chief of
the FBI's financial crimes section, testified at a
congressional hearing last week that the transfer has been
traced back to an account in the United Arab Emirates. *Note: In this Washington Post article, the "financial lieutenant," Mustafa Muhammad Ahmed, is not Paki ISI director Lt. Gen. Mahmud Ahmad. Sources: Suspected terrorist leader was wired funds through Pakistan As much as $100,000 was wired in the past year
from Pakistan to Mohamed Atta, the suspected leader of the
terrorist hijackings, CNN has been told by law enforcement
sources. FBI, CIA benefit from RAW's inputs Pearl kidnapper funded US attacks "The British-born mastermind behind the
gruesome murder of US reporter Daniel Pearl helped bankroll
the September 11 attacks on America with a payment of $
100,000 ((pounds) 70,000) to lead hijacker Mohammed
Atta. Did ally Pakistan play role in 9-11? "Burger demanded the Indian government release
three Pakistani terrorists from prison in exchange for the
airline hostages. After an eight-day stand-off, New Delhi
agreed to free Ahmed Omar Sayeed Sheikh among the three. According to accounts in both The Times of
India and India Today, former ISI chief Lt. Gen. Mahmud
Ahmad instructed Sheikh to send the $100,000 to Atta. Online NewsHour: Improving Intelligence --
December 11, 2002 (See also: January 5, 2002 - 15 yr. old crashes stolen Cessna into Tampa office building which houses the office of Sen. Bob Graham; February 23, 2003 - Sen. Graham runs for president; August 10, 2004 - President Bush nominates Porter Goss to head the CIA) 9/11 - General Tommy Franks was en route to Pakistan to meet with President Musharraf to discuss security cooperation and terrorism. "On 11 September 2001, General Tommy Franks was enroute to Pakistan to meet with President Musharraf to discuss a number of issues, among them security cooperation and terrorism. The events of that day caused him to return immediately to Tampa, Florida, where his staff was already working along with Defense and other government agencies to ensure what is referred to in the military as "command and control survivability" while continuing to develop "situational awareness." - <![if !vml]> Hijacker shot passenger on Flight 11: FAA memo; 'One bullet fired,' killing 9B occupant, but agency claims report was in error "An internal Federal Aviation Administration memo summarizing the Sept. 11 hijackings says a passenger aboard American Airlines Flight 11 was shot to death by a single bullet, WorldNetDaily has learned. The FAA claims the memo, time-stamped Sept. 11 at 5:30 p.m., was written in error. "It was a first draft," said FAA spokeswoman Laura Brown in a phone interview today. "There was no gun." She said a final draft of the executive summary, received by FAA Administrator Jane Garvey, does not include the account of a gun being fired aboard the plane, which slammed into the first World Trade Center tower not long after departing Boston. Brown refused to release the final draft, however, arguing it is "protected information." WorldNetDaily has obtained a copy of the first draft of the memo, which can be viewed here. Here is the key excerpt, which is very specific (although the time is plainly wrong): "The American Airlines FAA Principal Security Inspector (PSI) was notified by Suzanne Clark of American Airlines Corporate Headquarters, that an on board flight attendant contacted American Airlines Operations Center and informed that a passenger located in seat 10B shot and killed a passenger in seat 9B at 9:20 a.m. "The passenger killed was Daniel Lewin, shot by passenger Satam Al Suqami. One bullet was reported to have been fired." In fact, Flight 11 had already crashed well before 9:20 a.m. (assuming the FAA memo writer was referring to the Eastern time zone and not a later one). At 8:25 a.m. ñ nearly an hour earlier than stated in the memo ñ Flight 11 had turned sharply off its planned westbound path and headed south toward Manhattan. It then crashed into the north tower at 8:48 a.m." - WorldNetDaily (02/27/02) Friends think Flight 11 Israeli was 'executed'; Daniel Lewin, named in FAA shooting memo, was officer in elite unit of Jewish state's military "In another tragic irony of Sept. 11, three of
the five Islamic hijackers aboard American Airlines Flight
11 were seated next to an elite Israeli commando. And it may
just have gotten that Jewish passenger killed before all the
others. Lewin: Flight 11's unsung hero? 'Knives wouldn't have stopped' ex-Israeli commando, army pal says "He could bench-press 315 pounds and squat
more than 450 pounds as a teen-ager. As an officer in an
elite unit of the Israeli army, he was trained to kill
terrorists with a pen or a credit card, or just his bare
<![if !vml]> First class: 2A- Wail Alsheri; 2B- Waleed Alsheri Business class: 8D- Mohamed Atta 9B- Daniel Lewin; 9G- Abdul Alomari 10B- Satam Al Suqami Source: NYT, Boston Globe and SH
(See also: 9/11 - Workers at Israeli company get text warnings about attacks 2 hours prior; 9/11 - Israeli spies caught cheering while filming themselves with the WTC burning in the background; 9/11 - Netanyahu says 9/11 attacks are " very good" for US/Israeli relations) <![if !vml]>
STATEMENT OF CAPT CHARLES J. LEIDIG, JR. "Approximately two months prior to 11 September 2001, I assumed duties as the Deputy for Command Center Operations in the J3 Directorate of the Joint Staff. In this role, I was responsible for the maintenance, operation, and training of watch teams for the National Military Command Center (NMCC). Further, I qualified in August 2001 to stand watch as the Deputy Director for Operations in the NMCC. On 10 September 2001, Brigadier General Winfield, U. S. Army, asked that I stand a portion of his duty as Deputy Director for Operations, NMCC, on the following day. I agreed and relieved Brigadier General Winfield at 0830 on 11 September 2001. Shortly after assuming duty, I received the
first report of a planeÃs striking the World Trade Center.
Some time after, I learned of the second planeÃs collision
with the World Trace Center. In response to these events, I
convened a Significant Event Conference, which was
subsequently upgraded to an Air Threat Conference. During
the Air Threat Conference, Brigadier General Winfield
relieved me and reassumed duties as Deputy Director for
Operations for the National Military Command Center. (See also: September 10, 2001 - Gen. Winfield asks rookie Capt. Leidig to take temporary command of the National Military Command Center at Pentagon for Sept. 11.)
<![if !vml]>
Military Alerted Before Attacks " NORAD received word at 8:38 a.m. that a
United Airlines flight had been hijacked, and six minutes
later, two F-15 fighter jets were ordered into the air from
Otis Air Force Base on Cape Cod. But two minutes later, the
United plane crashed into the first New York tower.
(See also: October 27, 2004 - NORAD takes their 9/11 response timeline off their website)
<![if !vml]> American
Airlines Flight 11 ñ Boston enroute to Los
Angeles "No one at the FAA or the airlines that day had ever dealt with multiple hijackings. Such a plot had not been carried out anywhere in the world in more than 30 years, and never in the United States." - 9/11 Commission Sidenote - "At the time [of the first hijacking reports], more than 4,000 aircraft were airborne over the nation, most in the northeast sector, which monitors half a million square miles of airspace." - Aviation Week (06/03/02) (See also: 8:46 am - Flight 11 crashes into the WTC; 8:52 am - President Bush arrives at Booker Elementary school in Sarasota, FL) <![if !vml]> "Deep
inside a mountain in Colorado and far beneath the granite of
North Bay, members of the North American Aerospace Defence
Command (NORAD) are at full "battle staff" levels for a
major annual exercise that tests every facet of the
organization. <![if !vml]> "Inside,
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld had some people in to
talk about missile defense and the risk that terrorism seen
in the past would happen again. (See also: 9/11 - Rumsfeld predicts attacks for the 2nd time of the day; October 12, 2001 - In an interview by Parade Magazine, Rumsfeld talks as if the Pentagon was hit by a missile on 9/11; December 24, 2004 - In a speech, Donald Rumsfeld talks as if the plane that was said to have crashed in Pennsylvania on 9/11 was shot down) <![if !vml]> Collapsed Trade Center towers still dangerous "William Rodriguez worked on the basement
level of the north tower and was in the building when the
first plane struck his building.
William Rodriguez, a 9-11 Survivor This past week I had the great pleasure of meeting William Rodriquez, a humble man from Puerto Rico who worked at the World Trade Center. William had worked for the New York Port
Authority for about twenty years. He was in charge of the
three stairwells - A, B and C. His job included the
maintenance of the three narrow stairwells in the class "A"
building - WTC1, the north tower. Arriving at 8:30 on the
morning of 9-11 he went to the maintenance office located on
the first sublevel, one of six sub-basements beneath ground
level. There were a total of fourteen people in the office
at this time. As he was talking with others, there was a
very loud massive explosion which seemed to emanate from
between sub-basement B2 and B3. There were twenty-two people
on B2 sub-basement who also felt and heard that first
WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows 'Official 9/11 Story' Sky High "What happened to William Rodriguez the morning of 9/11 is a miracle. What happened to his story after-the-fact is a tragedy. Declared a hero for saving numerous lives at
Ground Zero, he was the janitor on duty the morning of 9/11
who heard and felt explosions rock the basement sub-levels
of the north tower just seconds before the jetliner struck
the top floors. "When I heard the sound of the explosion, the
floor beneath my feet vibrated, the walls started cracking
and it everything started shaking," said Rodriguez, who was
huddled together with at least 14 other people in the
office. "He was burned terribly," said Rodriguez. "The
skin was hanging off his hands and arms. His injuries
couldnÃt have come from the airplane above, but only from a
massive explosion below. I donÃt care what the government
says, what scientists say. I saw a man burned terribly from
a fire that was caused from an explosion below. "I have tried to tell my story to everybody,
but nobody wants to listen. It is very strange what is going
on here in supposedly the most democratic country in the
world. In my home country of Puerto Rico and all the other
Latin American countries, I have been allowed to tell my
story uncensored. But here, I canÃt even say a word." - Arctic Beacon (06/24/05) - William Rodriguez's blog; lawsuit: Rodriguez vs. Bush; Video interview: William Rodriguez and Greg Syzmanski
(See also: June 2001 - WTC janitor William Rodriguez claims to have been approached in the building by one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers)
<![if !vml]>
We Will Not Forget "Mike Pecoraro... worked as a Stationary Engineer on a roving crew that serviced all of the buildings at the complex. The 36 year-old father of two stopped and bought breakfast on the way into One World Trade Center and changed into his work clothes. At about 6:45 he went to the mechanical shop in the second subbasement... Deep below the tower, Mike Pecoraro was suddenly interrupted in his grinding task by a shake on his shoulder from his co-worker. "Did you see that?" he was asked. Mike told him that he had seen nothing. "You didn't see the lights flicker?", his co-worker asked again. "No," Mike responded, but he knew immediately that if the lights had flickered, it could spell trouble. A power surge or interruption could play havoc with the building's equipment. Mike told his co-worker to call upstairs to their Assistant Chief Engineer and find out if everything was all right. His co-worker made the call and reported back to Mike that he was told that the Assistant Chief did not know what happened but that the whole building seemed to shake and there was a loud explosion. They had been told to stay where they were and "sit tight" until the Assistant Chief got back to them. By this time, however, the room they were working in began to fill with a white smoke. "We smelled kerosene," Mike recalled, "I was thinking maybe a car fire was upstairs", referring to the parking garage located below grade in the tower but above the deep space where they were working. The two decided to ascend the stairs to the C
level, to a small machine shop where Vito Deleo and David
Williams were supposed to be working. When the two arrived
at the C level, they found the machine shop gone. The two made their way to the parking garage,
but found that it, too, was gone. "There were no walls,
there was rubble on the floor, and you can't see anything"
he said. The smoke in the stairwell was constant and at
one point, Mike told Arti that he was going to catch a quick
breath of fresh air. He walked out into the main lobby of
the building, seeing it for the first time. Mike Pecoraro and Arti made their way out of Tower One and went to Tower Two. They encountered a crowd of people standing outside the tower, not knowing what had happened. Apparently, they had witnessed a fireball come through the lobby after the second airplane had struck that tower, but they were entering directly from the subway underground and had as yet, no idea of what was happening." - The Chief Engineer
<![if !vml]> 'We Have Some Planes' "At 8:46:40, American 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City." - 9/11 Commission
2 WTC 1 and WTC 2 "American Airlines Flight 11 struck the north face of WTC 1 approximately between the 94th and 98th floors, causing massive damage to the north face of the building within the immediate area. ...American Airlines Flight 11 was flying at approximately 470 mph." - FEMA WTC Study: Ch 2 (PDF) America's Chaotic Road to War "Bush's motorcade left for the school at 8:30 a.m. As it was arriving, pagers and cell phones alerted White House aides that a plane had hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Bush remembers senior adviser Karl Rove bringing him the news, saying it appeared to be an accident involving a small, twin-engine plane." - Washington Post (01/27/02) - See here, here and here for more analysis of the crash of Flight 11. (See also: July 28, 1945 - The only time a plane has crashed into a U.S. skyscraper was a military plane during the night through heavy fog; May 22, 1962 - Continental Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 707, becomes the first known commercial airliner to be sabotaged when a bomb explodes onboard; February 26, 1993 - The WTC was first bombed by Islamic terrorists and the F.B.I. knew about the plot; 8:40 am & 8:43 am - The FAA notifies NORAD of two hijackings before the first WTC plane crash; 10:28 am - North WTC Tower collapses)
<![if !vml]> - Video: local, - Slideshow at: (See also: 9/11 - White aircraft seen flying behind WTC as South Tower gets hit)
<![if !vml]>
Who Wants to Move to Ground Zero? "On the morning of September 11, 2001,
Silverstein was in his Park Avenue apartment, squabbling
with his wife, Klara, about how he had to get to work on the
88th floor of the north tower, where he was moving his
companyÃs offices. As surreal as it was for most of us to witness, one after the other, the explosion and collapse of the tallest buildings in New York, it was stranger still for the man who had just bought them. First he thought of his children. SilversteinÃs son, Roger, was in the parking garage of the original 7 World Trade when the first plane hit, and his daughter Lisa was turned away by police farther uptown; they both work for their father." - New York Magazine (04/18/05)
Mike Sees City Taking Control At Ground Zero "After a last-minute breakdown in the
front-running bid, Mr. SilversteinÃs team won by a hair.
His son, Roger, and his daughter, Lisa, were working for him
in temporary offices on the 88th floor of the W.T.C. north
tower. Regular meetings
<![if !vml]>
Victim of FLIGHT 11, PASSENGERS David Angell, 54, Pasadena, California "Creator and executive producer of the hit NBC sitcom "Frasier." A native of West Barrington, Rhode Island, Angell entered the Army after graduating from college and served at the Pentagon until 1972. He worked in insurance and engineering before selling a script for a TV series in 1977. In 1983, he joined the TV series "Cheers" as a staff writer and began working with co-supervising producers Peter Casey and David Lee. This team formed a production company, creating and producing "Wings" in 1990 and "Frasier" in 1993. The trio won 24 Emmys." -
Their lives, deaths touch us all "David Angell, 54, and his wife, Lynn Angell,
45, both of Pasadena, Calif., were returning from a family
wedding on the East Coast to Los Angeles for the upcoming
Emmy Awards, which were postponed in the wake of Tuesday's
<![if !vml]> "At 8:52 a.m. ET, ABCNEWS' Good Morning America broke in with a special report showing flames coming out of the World Trade Center. At the time, President Bush's motorcade was arriving at the Emma Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Fla., for a planned event..." - ABC (9/14/01) "As it
was arriving, pagers and cell phones alerted White House
aides that a plane had hit the North Tower of the World
Trade Center. Bush remembers senior adviser Karl Rove
bringing him the news, saying it appeared to be an accident
involving a small, twin-engine plane. (See also: 9/11 - President Bush is in Florida in which his brother Jeb is the Governor; 8:55 am - Rice tells Bush a commercial plane crashed into the WTC) <![if !vml]> Cheney recalls taking charge from
(See also: March 21, 1989 - Cheney becomes the 17th US Secretary of Defense)
<![if !vml]> "MR.
RUDOLPH W. GIULIANI: Maybe it would be helpful if I
just outlined quickly what I did in the first hour or two
that morning, why I did it, and then you know, whatever
questions that you have. (See also: September 1972 - Mayor Giuliani is on a high-level government panel which developed plans against an airline missile terrorist attack; 9/11 - Giuliani says he was told the WTC was going to collapse)
9/11 - President Bush and Air Force Gen. Richard Myers (who was about to become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) continued to do what they were doing after this highly unusual plane crash at the WTC because they were told that the plane that crashed into it was a "small" aircraft. "As it was arriving, pagers and cell phones alerted White House aides that a plane had hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Bush remembers senior adviser Karl Rove bringing him the news, saying it appeared to be an accident involving a small, twin-engine plane." - Washington Post (01/27/02) "Myers
said he was on Capitol Hill that morning in the offices of
Georgia Sen. Max Cleland to discuss his confirmation hearing
to become chairman. While in an outer office, he said, he
saw a television report that a plane had hit the World Trade
<![if !vml]> "In
Washington, CIA Director George Tenet and David Boren,
former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, were
having breakfast at the St. Regis Hotel three blocks from
the White House.
<![if !vml]> "The
former Sarah Ferguson, ex-wife of Britain's Prince Andrew,
had an 8:45 a.m. meeting scheduled that day for her Chances
for Children charity, which was based at the World Trade
Center, but was running late, reports columnist Cindy
9/11 - An announcement in the South WTC tower said for no
need to evacuate the building because of the fire in the
North WTC tower. "A
Briton who worked in the World Trade Centre in New York has
said that staff were told there was no need to evacuate the
building after the first plane smashed into the north tower
of the complex on Tuesday morning.
<![if !vml]> "At 8:55, before entering the classroom, the President spoke to National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, who was at the White House. She recalled first telling the President it was a twin-engine aircraft-and then a commercial aircraft-that had struck the World Trade Center, adding "that's all we know right now, Mr. President." - 9/11 Commission (See also: 8:52 am - President Bush arrives at Booker Elementary school in Sarasota, FL; 9:02 am - Bush continues on with his scheduled classroom reading event) <![if !vml]> "Someone on board Flight 77 had flipped off the transponder, the device that sends a plane's airline identification, flight number, speed and altitude to controllers' radar screens." - Washington Post (9/12/01) - Map sources: Flight Explorer; Washington Post (See also: Killtown's: Did Flight 77 really crash into the Pentagon? - Timeline)
<![if !vml]>
John Fulton - Intelligence Networking & Analysis "On the morning of September 11th 2001, Mr. Fulton and his team at the CIA were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way that day." - National Law Enforcement and Security Institute
Agency planned exercise on Sept. 11 built around a plane crashing into a building "In what the government describes as a bizarre
coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency was planning an
exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would
crash into one of its buildings. But the cause wasn't
terrorism -- it was to be a simulated accident.
Federal agency planned plane-crashing-into-building drill ... last Sept. 11 - USA Today (08/22/02) (See also: 9/11 (6 a.m.) - NORAD was in day two of a week long exercise called "Vigilant Guardian"; September 12, 2001 - FEMA and hundreds of other state and federal government officials were scheduled to participate in a biochemical attack drill called "Operation TRIPOD" in New York City)
9/11 - Exit doors to the WTC's roofs are locked, preventing people to escape on to the roof. NIST
NCSTAR 1 (Draft)
9 - HEROISM AND HORROR "Doors leading to the roof were locked. There was no rooftop evacuation plan. Civilians were not informed that rooftop evacuations were not part of the evacuation plan, or that doors to the roof were kept locked. The Port Authority acknowledges that it had no protocol for rescuing people trapped above a fire in the towers." - 9/11 Commission
(See also: September 10, 2001 - The roofs at the WTC are closed)
<![if !vml]>
One Arrested, Others Detained at NY Airports "The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards." - FOX (09/14/01)
The White Van; Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies? "Millions saw the horrific images of the World Trade Center attacks, and those who saw them won't forget them. But a New Jersey homemaker saw something that morning that prompted an investigation into five young Israelis and their possible connection to Israeli intelligence. Maria, who asked us not to use her last name,
had a view of the World Trade Center from her New Jersey
apartment building. She remembers a neighbor calling her
shortly after the first plane hit the towers. Maria says she saw three young men kneeling on
the roof of a white van in the parking lot of her apartment
building. "They seemed to be taking a movie," Maria
said. According to the police report, one of the
passengers told the officers they had been on the West Side
Highway in Manhattan "during the incident" ó referring to
the World Trade Center attack. The driver of the van, Sivan
Kurzberg, told the officers, "We are Israeli. We are not
your problem. Your problems are our problems. The
Palestinians are the problem." The other passengers were his
brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer
Marmari. The five men were held in detention for more
than two months. Some of them were placed in solitary
confinement for 40 days, and some of them were given as many
as seven lie-detector tests.
Five men detained as suspected conspirators "About eight hours after terrorists struck
Manhattan's tallest skyscrapers, police in Bergen County
detained five men who they said were found carrying maps
linking them to the blasts.
U.S. arrests of Israelis a mystery
Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 ... "THERE was ruin and terror in Manhattan, but,
over the Hudson River in New Jersey, a handful of men were
dancing. As the World Trade Centre burned and crumpled, the
five men celebrated and filmed the worst atrocity ever
committed on American soil as it played out before their
"There are reports five men suspected of being
involved in the attack on the World Trade Centre set up
cameras to record the atrocity.
Spy Rumors Fly on Gusts of Truth; Americans Probing Reports of Israeli Espionage "Despite angry denials by Israel and its
American supporters, reports that Israel was conducting
spying activities in the United States may have a grain of
truth, the Forward has learned.
- All articles archived here: The Dancing Israelis on 9/11 - (See also: 9/11 - Workers at Israeli company get text warnings about attacks 2 hours prior; 9/11 - Elite Israeli military commando who understands Arabic allegedly shot on Flight 11; 9/11 - Press reports a group with 'Palestine' in the name has claimed responsibility for attacks; 9/11 - Netanyahu says 9/11 attacks are " very good" for US/Israeli relations; December 12, 2001 - Israeli spy scandal) <![if !vml]> "Mr. Bush was told about the first plane just before sitting down with a class of second graders. He was watching a reading drill when, just after 9 a.m., United Flight 175 exploded into the second tower." - CBS (09/10/03) "Bush
stopped to greet the congressmen and school officials, but
Card urged him to go inside. (See also: 8:40 am & 8:43 am - The FAA notifies NORAD of two hijackings before the first WTC plane crash; 8:55 am - Rice tells Bush a commercial plane crashed into the WTC; 9:07 am - Chief of Staff Andrew Card whispers in Bush's hear that a second plane has hit the WTC)
<![if !vml]>
"Table 1. WTC Seismic Events - Date: 09/11/2001, Time (EDT): 9:02:54, Remark: second impact." - Vibration (November 2002 Newsletter)
"United Airlines Flight 175 was scheduled to depart for Los Angeles at 8:00. Captain Victor Saracini and First Officer Michael Horrocks piloted the Boeing 767, which had seven flight attendants. Fifty-six passengers boarded the flight. At 9:03:11, United Airlines Flight 175 struck the South Tower of the World Trade Center." - 9/11 Commission
2 WTC 1 and WTC 2 "United Airlines Flight 175 struck the south face of WTC 2 approximately between the 78th and 84th floors. ...United Airlines Flight 175 was flying much faster, with an estimated speed of 590 mph..." - FEMA WTC Study: Ch 2 (PDF) (See also: April 19, 1995 - The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK is bombed at approximately 9:02 a.m.; 9:59 am - South WTC Tower collapses)
<![if !vml]> - See: (See also: 9/11 - A large commercial aircraft flies past the WTC right after the North Tower is hit)
9/11 - Diesel fuel tanks were stored on the 88th floor of the south tower. "But
Braford, who lives on a quiet street in Princeton, also had
another job in 1973 that gives him a connection with the
World Trade Center.
<![if !vml]> - See: 9-11 Hole Science -
<![if !vml]> "On the
morning of Sept. 11, Tatlock
herself had just arrived with a small group of business
leaders at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha for a charity
event hosted by Warren Buffett. She then heard the news of
the first plane hitting the World Trade Center's north
tower. "Anne
Tatlock found out about the
collision of a plane with the North Tower while en route to
the U.S. Strategic Command headquarters in Omaha. The
62-year-old chief executive of Fiduciary Trust Co.
International was one of a small group of business leaders
at a charity event hosted by Warren Buffett. Military
officers boarded the bus she was on, and escorted her to an
officer's lounge and a television, just in time to see the
second plane hit the South Tower between the 87th and 93rd
floors--right where 650 of her employees worked. "On the morning of September 11, 2001, Warren Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, was watching television in his home in Omaha, Nebraska, as he got ready to host his last annual Charity Classic golf and tennis tournament." - Robert P. Miles (05/02) "3:07 p.m. ñ Bush arrives at U.S. Strategic Command at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska." - (See also Killtown's: Where was Warren Buffett on 9/11?)
<![if !vml]>
City Releases Tapes of 911 Calls From Sept. 11 Attack "Just before the south tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m., a spurt of calls reached the 911 operators. One of these was from Shimmy Biegeleisen, who worked for Fiduciary Trust in the south tower on computer systems. He was on the 97th floor where, by chance, an emergency drill had been scheduled for that day." - NY Times (03/31/06)
<![if !vml]>
Cheney recalls taking charge from bunker "As horrified Americans watched the terror
attacks of September 11, 2001, unfold on their television
sets, Vice President Dick Cheney directed the U.S.
government's response from an emergency bunker. A relic of the Cold War, the deep underground bunker became the vice president's base of operations on the first day of a new war. After the planes struck the twin towers, a
third took a chunk out of the Pentagon. Cheney then heard a
report that a plane over Pennsylvania was heading for
Washington. A military assistant asked Cheney twice for
authority to shoot it down.
(See also: March 21, 1989 - Cheney becomes the 17th US Secretary of Defense; 9/11 - Young man enters PEOC and tells Cheney a plane is approaching D.C. and asks if orders still stand)
9/11 (9:06 am) - A missile was reportedly launched from the Woolworth Building near the WTC.
CHRONOLOGY OF EMERGENCY RESPONDER OPERATIONS, WORLD TRADE CENTER ATTACK, SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 "9:06:31 PAPD Police Desk radio report, PA Channel W ñ èUnits on channel W, this is 8581 Sierra. ThereÃs been a reported missile launching from the Woolworth Building. CPD, if you are monitoring, get in touch with New York City. Have them check the Woolworth Building roof top." - NIST [local]
Innuendo, Erroneous Reports Abound In WTC Transcripts "The caller's story was outrageous: Someone had fired missiles at the World Trade Center's north tower from atop the nearby Woolworth Building. The Woolworth Building, itself once the
tallest in the world, was cited as a possible source of the
Advice at WTC: Just stay put "At one point in the radio dispatches, there
is a report of a "possible missile launching from the
Woolworth Building," a landmark a few blocks away.
<![if !vml]> "Bush
is visiting a second-grade class when Card whispers to him
that a second plane has struck the "'A
second plane hit the second tower. America is under
attack.' "Card
walked away from Bush immediately after delivering the bad
news. "White
House Chief of Staff Andrew Card leaned over and whispered
these words into President Bush's right ear at 9:07 a.m.
September 11. (See also: 9:02 am - Bush continues on with his scheduled classroom reading event)
<![if !vml]> *Time based on video showing Bush picking up a book approx. 45 seconds after Cards finishes whispering into Bush's ear. "Then, at 9:04 a.m., while Bush met with second-graders, staff chief Andrew H. Card Jr. whispered in his ear that a second plane had struck. Bush's sunny countenance went grim. After Card's whisper, Bush looked distracted and somber but continued to listen to the second-graders read and soon was smiling again. He joked that they read so well, they must be sixth-graders." - "Slowly, Bush picked up his book and read with the students for eight or nine minutes." - Tampa Bay Online (09/01/02) "Bush
was reading to a grade-school class in Florida at that
moment. Instead of jumping up and leaving, he instead sat in
front of the class, with an unfortunate look of confusion,
for nearly 11 minutes. "At the moment the second plane was slamming into the south tower, President Bush was being introduced to the second-graders of Emma E. Booker Elementary in Sarasota, Fla...he soon appeared in the classroom and listened appreciatively as the children went through their reading drill. As he was getting ready to pose for pictures with the teachers and kids, chief of staff Andy Card entered the room, walked over to the President and whispered in his right ear. The President's face became visibly tense and serious. He nodded. Card left and for several minutes the President seemed distracted and somber, but then he resumed his interaction with the class. "Really good readers, whew!" he told them. "These must be sixth-graders!" - Time (9/12/01) "Bush finished the lesson and even took a few questions from the children. He then excused himself and walked into the adjacent staff room." - St. Petersburg Times (09/08/02) (See also: September 11, 2002 - Andrew Card seems to suggest Bush left the classroom he was in within "seconds" after he whispered "America is under attack"; October 29, 2004 - Bin Laden mocks President Bush for sitting in a classroom reading the pet goat story while America was being attacked; Killtown's: Was Bush complicit with the 9/11 attacks?) <![if !vml]> "Associates
of her husband said after she and the other passengers were
herded into the back of the plane, she pulled out her
cellphone and twice called her husband's office at the
Justice Department. When she reached her husband, she told
him the plane was being hijacked and urged him to quickly
call the FBI. "'Unlike the earlier flights, the Flight 77 hijackers were reported by a passenger to have box cutters. At some point between 9:16 and 9:26, Barbara
Olson called her husband, Ted Olson, the solicitor general
of the United States. She reported that the flight had been
hijacked, and the hijackers had knives and box cutters. She
further indicated that the hijackers were not aware of her
phone call, and that they had put all the passengers in the
back of the plane. About a minute into the conversation, the
call was cut off. Solicitor General Olson tried
unsuccessfully to reach Attorney General John Ashcroft.
Shortly after the first call, Barbara Olson reached her
husband again. She reported that the pilot had announced
that the flight had been hijacked, and she asked her husband
what she should tell the captain to do. Ted Olson asked for
her location and she replied that the aircraft was then
flying over houses. "[Barbara Olson] described how hijackers forced passengers and the flight's pilot to the rear of the aircraft. She said nothing about the number of hijackers or their nationality." - Washington Post (09/11/01) ôI
CanÃt Just Sit Backà "KING:
Let's talk about that. You were very -- this was your third
marriage, right? T. OLSON: Yes. "The
United States Government's top lawyer has said that
officials have the right to lie to American citizens,
telling the US Supreme Court that misleading statements are
sometimes needed to protect foreign policy interests. "On American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon with 53 passengers and six crew onboard, flight attendant Rene May and passenger Barbara Olson, wife of Solicitor General Ted Olson, made calls." - CNN (05/28/04) (See also: Killtown's: The Unusual Passengers of Flight 77) <![if !vml]> "0926. The FAA bans takeoffs of all civilian aircraft regardless of destination -- a national groundstop." - FAA (08/02) "At 9:25, Garvey, in an historic and admirable step, and almost certainly after getting an okay from the White House, initiated a national ground stop, which forbids takeoffs and requires planes in the air to get down as soon as reasonable. The order, which has never been implemented since flying was invented in 1903, applied to virtually every single kind of machine that can takeoff ó civilian, military, or law enforcement." - Time (09/14/01) "MR. MINETA: It was clear that we had to clear the air space as soon as possible to stop any further attacks and ensure domestic air space was available for emergency and defensive use. And so at approximately 9:45 a.m., less than one hour after I had first been notified of an airplane crash in New York, I gave the FAA the final order for all civil aircraft to land at the nearest airport as soon as possible. It was the first shutdown of civil aviation in the history of the United States." - 9/11 Commission <![if !vml]> The Boeing 757-200 "The 757-200 flight deck, designed for
two-crew member operation, pioneered the use of digital
electronics and advanced displays. Flight decks of the 757 and 767 are nearly identical and both aircraft have a common type-rating. Pilots qualified to fly one of the aircraft also can fly the other with only minimal additional familiarization." - Boeing "Boeing
is the worldÃs leading aerospace company and the largest
combined manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military
aircraft. With additional capabilities in rotorcraft,
electronic and defense systems, missiles, rocket engines,
satellites, launch vehicles and advanced information and
communication systems, the companyÃs reach extends to
customers in 145 countries. In terms of sales, Boeing is one
of the largest U.S. exporters. "New techniques for navigation and flight control are used on the 767-200... An automatic flight control system coupled with a computer allows storage of an entire flight plan and gives automatic guidance and control of the aircraft from takeoff to landing." - NASA (See also: August 25, 2001 - Raytheon and the U.S. Air Force force lands a Boeing 727 in a anti-hijacking experiment; Boeing specs) <![if !vml]> "9:31 A.M. - President Bush makes a short statement to reporters." - Patriot Resource "It was
just after 9:30 a.m. The president unfolded his hands and
straightened three sheets of hand-scrawled notes that he had
spread on the podium in the school library. He folded his
hands again and looked back up at his audience. Remarks
by the President After Two Planes Crash Into World Trade
2001 (See also: 9:07 am - Chief of Staff Andrew Card whispers in Bush's hear that a second plane has hit the WTC; and Killtown's: Was Bush complicit with the 9/11 attacks?) <![if !vml]> Pentagon helipad clock
clock frozen at the time of impact "A Clock frozen at the time of impact when a hijacked commercial airliner crashed into the Pentagon on Sep. 11. The terrorist attack caused extensive damage to the Pentagon. American Airlines FLT 77 was bound for Los Angeles from Washington Dulles with 58 passengers and 6 crew. All aboard the aircraft were killed, along with 125 people in the Pentagon." - Navy (09/14/01)
<![if !vml]> "His limousine barreled away toward the city airport at 9:34 a.m." - Washington Times (10/08/02) "Mr.
Bush was reading to a group of schoolchildren at Emma Booker
Elementary School in Sarasota, Fla., yesterday morning when
an aide whispered to him word of the first attack on the
World Trade Center. <![if !vml]> From takeoff to takeover "9. 9:34 a.m. - Cockpit intercom: In broken
English, a man announces there is a bomb and that the plane
is returning to the airport.
"NASA Glenn is located at Lewis Field, a 350-acre site, adjacent to Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, upon which the main campus is built." - NASA
Plane Lands In Cleveland; Bomb Feared
Plane Lands In Cleveland; Bomb Feared
to focus just a moment on the Presidential Emergency
Operating Center. You were there for a good part of the day.
I think you were there with the vice president. And when you
had that order given, I think it was by the president, that
authorized the shooting down of commercial aircraft that
were suspected to be controlled by terrorists, were you
there when that order was given?
(See also: 9/11 - Cheney directs the U.S. government's response from the PEOC; June 23, 2006 - Norman Mineta resigns one day after Jim Fetzer tells Hannity & Colmes about his 9/11 Commission testimony)
<![if !vml]> "Seven
minutes later, as Mr Bush, his entourage and the
accompanying press corps were boarding Air Force One,
American Flight 77 swooped low over the suburbs of northern
Virginia and slammed into the Pentagon. (See also: 9/11 - Rumsfeld predicts attacks for the 1st time of the day; October 12, 2001 - In an interview by Parade Magazine, Rumsfeld talks as if the Pentagon was hit by a missile on 9/11; December 24, 2004 - In a speech, Donald Rumsfeld talks as if the plane that was said to have crashed in Pennsylvania on 9/11 was shot down) <![if !vml]> "Additionally,
just 1 minute before the Pentagon crash, in response to a
9-1-1 telephone call at 9:37 a.m., the ECC dispatched
several units to an apartment fire at 1003 Wilson Boulevard
in Rosslyn. Because it was located in a high-rise building,
it was a substantial dispatch involving nine different fire
and medical service units. Engine 103 reached the Rosslyn
scene first and radioed that the apartment fire was out.
Thus, by sheer coincidence, there were a significant number
of units already on the road near the Pentagon at the time
of the attack. "There
were responses to two fires on the morning of September 11,
which the fill-in units readily handled. "Starting
from: 1003 Wilson Blvd, Rosslyn, VA 22209-2201 (See also: Killtown's: Did Flight 77 really crash into the Pentagon?) <![if !vml]> "At 9:37, the west wall of the Pentagon was hit by hijacked American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757. The crash caused immediate and catastrophic damage. All 64 people aboard the airliner were killed, as were 125 people inside the Pentagon (70 civilians and 55 military service members)." - 9/11 Commission "At 9:37:46, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, traveling at approximately 530 miles per hour." - 9/11 Commission [local] Pentagon repairs to cost $700 million "Luck ó if it can be called that ó had it
that the terrorists aimed the Boeing 757 at the only part of
the Pentagon that already had been renovated in an 11-year,
$1.3 billion project meant to bolster it against attack.
That significantly limited the damage and loss of life by
slowing the plane as it tore through the building and
reducing the explosion's reach."
Installation hosts briefing on initial response to Pentagon attack "Schwartz explained that renovations on the
Pentagon began several years earlier and were nearing
completion, particularly the section called Wedge 1, when
the crash occurred. Arlington County After-Action Report on the Response to the September 11 Terrorist Attack on the Pentagon "The impact area included both the Navy operations center and the office complex of the National Guard and Army Reserve. It was also the end of the fiscal year and important budget information was in the damaged area." - Arlington County After-Action Report
Army unit piecing together accounts of Pentagon attack "Most of those killed in the office, called Resource Services Washington, were civilian accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts. They were at their desks when American Airlines Flight 77 struck." - South Coast Today/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (12/20/01) (See also: September 10, 2001 - Donald Rumsfeld announces the Pentagon lost track of $2.3 trillion dollars; 9/11 - Within minutes of the explosion at the Pentagon, the FBI confiscates security videos that had captured the crash from a nearby gas station and hotel; March 7, 2002 - A set of five frames taken from a Pentagon security camera that supposedly shows Flight 77 crashing into it are released; Killtown's: Did Flight 77 really crash into the Pentagon? & Pentagon fatalities)
<![if !vml]>
9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes "As Major Kevin Nasypany, the facility's mission-crew commander, drove up the hill to work on the morning of 9/11, he was dressed in his flight suit and prepared for battle. Not a real one. The Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS), where Nasypany had been stationed since 1994, is the regional headquarters for the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the Cold Warñera military organization charged with protecting North American airspace. As he poured his first coffee on that sunny September morning, the odds that he would have to defend against Russian "Bear Bombers," one of NORAD's traditional simulated missions, were slim. Rather, Nasypany (pronounced Nah-sip-a-nee), an amiable commander with a thick mini-mustache and a hockey player's build, was headed in early to get ready for the NORAD-wide training exercise he'd helped design. The battle commander, Colonel Bob Marr, had promised to bring in fritters. For the NEADS crew, 9/11 was not a story of
four hijacked airplanes, but one of a heated chase after
more than a dozen potential hijackingsósome real, some
phantomóthat emerged from the turbulence of misinformation
that spiked in the first 100 minutes of the attack and
continued well into the afternoon and evening.
9/11 - Many key emergency response people arrive at the Pentagon within five minutes after the crash. "9:38
a.m. American Airlines Flight #77, carrying 58 passengers
and a crew of 6, crashes into the Pentagon
9/11 - Witnesses at the Pentagon report that the aircraft that crashed into the Pentagon sounded and/or behaved like a missile.
¼ Richard Benedetto, USA TODAY reporter "...saw the plane slam into the Pentagon. "It sounded like an artillery shell. It hit on the west side of the building, near the helipad." - USA Today, 'I fear for my daughter' (09/11/01)
¼ Michael DiPaula, 41, project coordinator Pentagon Renovation Team "Suddenly, an airplane roared into view, nearly shearing the roof off the trailer before slamming into the E ring. 'It sounded like a missile,' DiPaula recalls." - Baltimore Sun
¼ Lon Rains, Editor at Space News "With the Pentagon to the left of my van at
about 10 oÃclock on the dial of a clock, I glanced at my
watch to see if I was going to be late for my
¼ Tom Seibert, 33, Pentagon network engineer ""We heard what sounded like a missile, then we heard a loud boom," said Tom Seibert, 33, a network engineer at the Pentagon. "We were sitting there and watching this thing from New York, and I said, you know, the next best target would be us. And five minutes later, boom."" - Guardian, 'Everyone was screaming, crying, running. It's like a war zone' (09/12/01)
9/11 - Witnesses of the Pentagon crash describe seeing an aircraft very different from a Boeing 757.
" husband and I heard an aircraft directly overhead. At first, we thought it was the jets that sometimes fly overhead. However, it appeared to be a small commercial aircraft." - BBC, More eyewitness accounts of the attack on the US (09/13/01)
¼ Steve Patterson, 43, graphics artist "He said the plane, which sounded like the
high-pitched squeal of a fighter jet, flew over Arlington
cemetary so low that he thought it was going to land on
I-395. He said it was flying so fast that he couldn't read
any writing on the side. Then, he said, he saw the Pentagon "envelope" the plane and bright orange flames shoot out the back of the building." - Washington Post, 'Extensive Casualties' in Wake of Pentagon Attack (09/11/01)
¼ Joel Sucherman, USA Today Editor "I did not see the engines, I saw the body and the tail; and it was a silver jet with the markings along the windows that spoke to me as an American Airlines jet, this was not a commercial, excuse me, a business jet, it was not a lear jet, it was a bigger plane than that." - CNN video
<![if !vml]>
¼ Jamie Mcintryre, CNN correspondent "From my close-up inspection, there's no
evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the
(See also: 9/11 - Witness at Flight 93 crash scene says there was nothing that could 'distinguish that a plane had crashed there'; Killtown's: Did Flight 77 really crash into the Pentagon?)
9/11 - Witnesses at the Pentagon report no plane at the crash site.
¼ Steve DeChiaro, engineer "Instead of following the streams of people away from the Pentagon, Steve DeChiaro ran toward the smoke. As he reached the west side of the building he saw a light post bent in half. "But when I looked at the site, my brain could not resolve the fact that it was a plane because it only seemed like a small hole in the building," he said. "No tail. No wings. No nothing." He followed the emergency crews that had just arrived. He saw people hanging out of windows and others crawling from the demolished area. "These people were covered in what I thought was powder - I don't know anything about medicine or first aid, I'm an engineer - but it looked like powder," DeChiaro said." - Commercial Appeal/Memphis Online
¼ Lincoln Liebner, Army Captain "I got to the building. Remarkably, there was no debris from the airplane." - Soldiers to the Rescue/Responding in the Pentagon
¼ Allan Lindsley, Army Captain, Physicians Assistant for Emergency Medical Services at Dewitt Army Community Hospital, Ft. Belvoir, VA. "At the time we could walk right up to the
building. I walked right down, I was within 100 meters of
the building, right in front of the crash site.
¬º Eileen Murphy, Head Nurse of the Minor Surgery Clinic at the DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic "I knew it was a crash site before we got there, and I didnÃt know what it was going to look like. I couldnÃt imagine because the building is like rock solid. I expected to see the airplane, so I guess my initial impression was, èWhereÃs the plane? How come thereÃs not a plane?ÃÆ I would have thought the building would have stopped it and somehow we would have seen something like part of, or half of the plane, or the lower part, or the back of the plane. So it was just a real surprise that the plane wasnÃt there." - Soldiers to the Rescue/Responding in the Pentagon
¼ Maybon Pollock, Sergeant First Class, NCOIC Logistics in the DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic I was more impressed, I was truly impressed, with how the building stood up, after they told me the size of the plane. And then I was in awe that I saw no plane, nothing left from the plane. It was like it disintegrated as it went into the building." - Soldiers to the Rescue/Responding in the Pentagon
¬º Will Jarvis, operations research analyst, Office of Secretary of Defense "That smell was his only clue that a plane had crashed into the Pentagon, where he works as an operations research analyst for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Jarvis, who was around the corner from the disaster, tried but failed to see the plane when he left the building. èThere was just nothing left. It was incinerated. We couldnÃt see a tail or a wing or anything,ÃÆ he says. èJust a big black hole in the building with smoke pouring out of it.ÃÆ - Univ of Toronto Magazine, Testimony to Tragedy (Winter 2002) [Wayback Machine]
9/11 - Witnesses at the Pentagon report the smell of cordite, a smokeless explosive powder.
¼ Gilah Goldsmith, personnel attorney at the Pentagon "We saw a huge black cloud of smoke," she said, saying it smelled like cordite, or gun smoke." - Jewish News Weekly (09/21/01)
¼ Don Perkal, deputy General Counsel, Office of the Secretary of Defense "The airliner crashed between two and three hundred feet from my office in the Pentagon, just around a corner from where I work. I'm the deputy General Counsel, Washington Headquarters Services, Office of the Secretary of Defense. A slightly different calibration and I have no doubt I wouldn't be sending this to you. My colleagues felt the impact, which reminded them of an earthquake. People shouted in the corridor outside that a bomb had gone off upstairs on the main concourse in the building. No alarms sounded. I walked to my office, shut down my computer, and headed out. Even before stepping outside I could smell the cordite. Then I knew explosives had been set off somewhere. Two explosions, a few minutes apart, prompted me to start walking." - McSweeney's Internet Tendency: The Works of Humankind (09/19/01)
- cordite - A smokeless explosive powder consisting of nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and petrolatum that has been dissolved in acetone, dried, and extruded in cords. - Cordite is a smokeless propellant explosive made by combining two explosives: nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin. It has commonly been used in firearms since the early 20th Century. It has also been used in solid fuel rockets.
<![if !vml]>
ôGet These Planes on the GroundÃ, Air Traffic Controllers Recall Sept. 11 "The speed, the maneuverability, the way that
he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us
experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a
military plane," says O'Brien. "You don't fly a 757 in that
manner. It's unsafe."
On Flight 77: 'Our Plane Is Being
Primary Target
<![if !vml]> "Staff
members characterized Mr. Hanjour as polite, meek and very
quiet. But most of all, the former employee said, they
considered him a very bad pilot. "I couldn't believe he had a commercial license of any kind with the skills that he had." Peggy Chevrette, Arizona flight school manager - CBS (05/10/02) "Hijacking
Suspects - Aboard American Airlines Flight 77, which took
off from Washington Dulles Airport for Los Angeles and
crashed into the Pentagon." - ABC
(09/15/01) "His name [Hani Hanjour] was not on the American Airlines manifest for the flight because he may not have had a ticket." - Washington Post
Tracing Trail Of Hijackers "The hijacker believed
to have steered American Airlines Flight 77 on its fatal
path toward the Pentagon recently honed his rusty flying
skills at a small Maryland airport, and more than a year ago
sought training at a flight school in Arizona. (See also: Killtown's: Did Flight 77 really crash into the Pentagon? - The alleged hijackers)
<![if !vml]> Excerpts
from an interview with Lieutenant Colonel John Felicio, who
was Deputy Commander for Administration of the DiLorenzo
TRICARE Health Clinic. (See also: 9/11 - Emergency equipment for the MASCAL plane crash plan was already out of their storage areas for an inventory check before the Pentagon was hit; 9/11 - Walter Reed Army Medical Center personnel also say that it was "eerie" how an emergency situation they went through just two weeks before the attack helped prepare them for the Pentagon crash)
9/11 - Personnel from the Walter Reed Army Medical Center who helped the rescuing efforts at the Pentagon also say that it was "eerie" how an emergency situation they went through just two weeks before the attack helped prepare them for the Pentagon crash. "Many believe that an extended emergency the previous month helped WRAMC in its response on September 11. ̬We had just come off a 100-hour commercial power loss̖So we had basically had about a two-week respite before the attack. A lot of the procedures that we used in the September 11 tragedy, we had just come out of this power loss where we had implemented a lot of what we did. We had good procedures in place that we had already just executed. It was really eerie.̮ - Soldiers to the Rescue/Walter Reed Army Medical Center (See also: 9/11 - A Pentagon rescuer mentions how "eerie" it was that the MASCAL plane crash plan that he had twice trained for was "very similar to what actually happened"; October 24, 2000 - The Pentagon conducts the first of two emergency training exercises called MASCAL which is about a mock plane crash of a Boeing 757 into the Pentagon)
9/11 - Andrews Air Force Base, home to the D.C. Air National Guard and Air Force One, is only 15 miles away from the Pentagon, but supposedly had no jetfighters on alert and couldn't manage to scramble any of it's fighters units (121st Fighter Squadron, Naval Air Facility, and Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 321) in the air until after the Pentagon was hit. "Until
Tuesday, the fighter base on alert closest to the Pentagon
was 130 miles away at Langley Air Force Base, Va. That was
too distant for fighter jets to intercept the hijacked
jetliner before it crashed into the Pentagon. "F-16 fighter aircraft from the D.C. Air National Guard scrambled over Washington and could be seen flying over the Pentagon - only heightening the anxiety for some, who had heard rumors that a second hijacked plane was headed toward the Pentagon. Quigley said he couldn't comment on those rumors, or on reports that U.S. fighter planes had fired upon the jet before it struck the Pentagon." - Newsday (09/12/01) "The
Andrews-based 121st Fighter Sqdn. was not standing alert on
Sept. 11, because the District of Columbia Air National
Guard (DCANG) unit was not assigned to the North American
Aerospace Defense Command air defense force. Norad had
already scrambled three F-16s from their alert base at
Langley AFB, Va., but they were about 12 min. from
Washington when the Pentagon was struck at 9:37 a.m. <![if !vml]> "To give an idea of the power of the impact when American Airlines Flight 77 hit the building Tuesday, Bush said Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld felt the explosion in his office - on the opposite side of the massive five-sided structure." - The Augusta Chronicle/AP (09/12/01)
<![if !vml]> "Meanwhile, the second World Trade Center tower was hit by another jet. "Nobody informed us of that," Myers said. "But when we came out, that was obvious. Then, right at that time, somebody said the Pentagon had been hit." - DefenseLINK (10/23/01)
<![if !vml]> "Velasquez says the gas station's security cameras are close enough to the Pentagon to have recorded the moment of impact. "I've never seen what the pictures looked like," he said. "The FBI was here within minutes and took the film." - National Geographic (12/11/01) "MCINTYRE
(on camera): These pictures are the first to be made public,
but they are not the only images of the plane hitting the
Pentagon. Sources tell CNN that the FBI on September 11th
confiscated a nearby hotel's security camera videotape,
which also captured the attack. So far, the Justice
Department has refused to release that videotape. Aaron. (See also: 9:37 am - Flight 77 is said to have crashed into the only renovated section of the Pentagon being renovated to bolster it against an attack which at the time housed the fewest people in the entire building; March 7, 2002 - A set of five frames taken from a Pentagon security camera that supposedly shows Flight 77 crashing into it are released; Killtown's: Flight 77 Fabricated Video) 9/11 - All the alleged hijacked planes that supposedly hit their targets flew in tilting to the left. <![if !vml]>
(Left pic - Flight 11 into the WTC 1; Center pic - Flight 175 into the WTC 2; Right pic - Flight 77 into the Pentagon.) <![if !vml]> "Had
Bryan Jack gone to his Pentagon office and settled at his
computer at 8 a.m. Tuesday as he normally did, he might be
alive today. <![if !vml]> "A
threatening message received by the Secret Service that "Air
Force One is next" was relayed to agents accompanying the
President. The use of American codewords made the threat
credible. 9/11 (10:00 am) - Of the 27 employees that worked in an office in the area where the Pentagon got hit, 26 were instantly killed and one was spared when his dental appointment at the Pentagon's dental clinic was moved up earlier in the day causing him to be absent from the office at the time of the explosion. Excerpts
from an interview with Captain William B. Durm, USN, who was
Commander of the PentagonÃs Triservice Dental Clinic. <![if !vml]> "With the sounds of the passenger counterattack continuing, the aircraft plowed into an empty field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, at 580 miles per hour, about 20 minutes' flying time from Washington, D.C. United 93 crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:03:11, 125 miles from Washington, D.C. The precise crash time has been the subject of some dispute." - 9/11 Commission [local]
"A handful of people working near or driving
through a rural area of Somerset County watched as the plane
flipped over and disappeared with a smoky boom at 10:06 a.m.
yesterday, between the tiny communities of Lambertsville and
"The Boeing 757 still heavily laden with jet fuel slammed at about 575 mph almost straight down into a rolling patch of grassy land that had long ago been strip-mined for coal. The impact spewed a fireball of horrific force across hundreds of acres of towering hemlocks and other trees, setting many ablaze. The fuselage burrowed straight into the earth so forcefully that one of the "black boxes" was recovered at a depth of 25 feet under the ground." - Washington Post (05/12/02)
"Figure 7 shows fuel flow and fuel remaining for UAL Flight 93, calculated in the same way as just described for AAL Flight 77. Based on ACARS transmissions to the airplane, the fuel load on takeoff was 48,700 lb. This results in about 37,500 lb. [5,500 gal*] of fuel remaining upon impact (the end of the DFDR data)." - NTSB (02/13/02) [*One pound of jet fuel = 6.84 pounds per gallon. - See also: Crash Stats] "168. Ibid., pp. 23-27.We also reviewed a report regarding seismic observations on September 11, 2001, whose authors conclude that the impact time of United 93 was "10:06:05±5 (EDT)." Won-Young Kim and G. R. Baum, "Seismic Observations during September 11, 2001,Terrorist Attack," spring 2002 (report to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources). But the seismic data on which they based this estimate are far too weak in signal-to-noise ratio and far too speculative in terms of signal source to be used as a means of contradicting the impact time established by the very accurate combination of FDR, CVR, ATC, radar, and impact site data sets." - 9/11 Commission "18. 10:06 a.m. - Flight 93 crashes near Shanksville, approximately 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh." - Pittsburg Post Gazette "But
although the government was authorized to shoot down the
errant planes, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told
the NewsHour he believes that crash came instead as a result
of a passenger uprising. (See also: June 16, 2001 - A simulated terrorist attack exercise called "Mall Strike 2001" is conducted in the Pennsylvania county of Westmoreland which borders Somerset county; Killtown's: Did Flight 93 Crash in Shanksville?) <![if !vml]> Witnesses
Recall Plane Crash "corridor - Restricted airspace for the passage of aircraft." - Google map of Shanksville, Pa crash site. <![if !vml]> The day that changed America "Val McClatchey heard the 757 roar over Indian
Lake, three miles east of where it would crash. She had been
watching the "Today" show, with footage from New York, and
now the Pentagon.
A little romance muscles its way into car lovers' hearts "On Sept. 11, 2001, she was in her Somerset
County home, having recently helped a Camaro buddy looking
to relocate in Johnstown. As a way of saying thanks, the
friend promised to buzz her Indian Lake house in a
Lives changed in countless ways "Her picture sells for $20 at Ida's Store in Shanksville, with $18 going to a fund for the victims' families." - PittsburghLive (09/08/02)
The Picture; The Shanksville Episodes: Val McClatchey "It sat in my camera for a few days. You know, to me it was just a photograph of something. The state police and the FBI were asking for any photos related to Flight 93. Ran back and got a memory card reader and as soon as I did I downloaded, made a copy of the photo, took it to the state police and within an hour, three FBI agents were in my house. It turns out to be the very first photo taken related. ItÃs -- timed it out -- it was approximately 5 seconds after impact that I snapped the photo. It was the very first one related. In some of it, I -- apparently the FBI thought it was worthwhile; they took the original memory card. Well the FBI, when they came in, they looked at it on my computer which is a lot clearer. The could actually see, you know, what they appear to be debris flying out from that cloud of smoke which IÃm sure with modern technology they could do a little more scientific evidence I believe. Well our life has definitely changed. Right before 9/11, we suffered some severe business loss to the point we were forced to file Chapter 11 with our business. We were in the process of reorganizing and right afterwards the insurance company decided they no longer want to deal with high-risk businesses. When we tried to get insurance, we could no longer afford it. The rates have doubled, tripled, quadrupled to the point we couldnÃt recoup, so as of Dec. 31st, we ended up losing our business, putting 40 some other people out of work, which is not a great way to start the New Year. IÃd had some health problems. Gall bladder surgery and during the testing for all the gall bladder problems, they found a tumor on my kidney and lesions on my liver, so day after Christmas, I had my gall bladder out. We may have lost our company. We may lose my house, but who knows? We might find a nicer house, we might ñ you know you just donÃt know? I have a young, well my son and his young wife. They just bought a house, looking forward to starting their family. A daughter, who is getting married in May, just found out she has cancer, so now I have to be strong for her and supportive and get her through her crisis and get her happily married and start her family. And I have a great husband and somehow weÃre going to make it." - Windsor Park Stories [Download. Transcribed at:]
<![if !vml]> "Indian Lake is less than 1.5 miles southeast of the impact crater--not 6 miles--easily within range of debris blasted skyward by the heat of the explosion from the crash. And the wind that day was northwesterly, at 9 to 12 mph, which means it was blowing from the northwest--toward Indian Lake." - Popular Mechanics (03/05)
Conspiracy theorists blog that Flight 93 photo is fake "Taken the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, seconds
after United Airlines Flight 93 plunged into a nearby field,
the eerie photo was, and still is, according to the FBI, the
closest thing it's got to an image of the crash itself. She copyrighted her photo and gave it a title, "End of Serenity." This would later prove an apt description of what was in store for Mrs. McClatchey, 50. She would find herself the target of 9/11 conspiracy theorists and involved in a copyright lawsuit against The Associated Press. During the next few years, the photo would appear in magazines and newspapers, from Newsweek to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, with Mrs. McClatchey's permission. It became part of a fund-raising brochure for the Flight 93 Memorial Fund. Copies are available upon request, with proceeds going to the charity Heroic Choices, formerly the Todd Beamer Foundation. Mrs. McClatchey acknowledged that a lot of people are alleging she fabricated the photo, but she stands by its authenticity. Days after Sept. 11, neighbors saw the image, still in her camera. The camera and computer were new, and she didn't have access to Photoshop or any other photo-altering software. Mrs. McClatchey still occasionally gets
requests for copies of "End of Serenity." She prints them
out on her personal printer, and says she has no idea how
many hundreds or thousands of dollars the photo has raised
for the Heroic Choices charity. She operates on the honor
system, she says, and simply forwards the checks to them.
Representatives from the charity did not return calls
requesting comment.
Photo under fire; Local woman forced to defend shot's integrity "Her photograph of a mushroom cloud of gray
smoke rising above the bucolic countryside ñ snapped
just moments after the crash of Flight 93 ñ has become
a target for 9/11 conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy theorists, specifically the blog
Killtown, contend the photo is an elaborate fraud that
starts with McClatchey and serpentines up to the highest
levels of the federal government. As she was trying to call her husband from an
area with spotty cellphone coverage, she said she heard the
sudden surge of a jet plane and saw a silver flash
- See also:
9/11 - Multiple witnesses see a small white plane flying in the Shanksville area and coming in the opposite direction before and right after Flight 93 allegedly crashes.
¼ Jim Brandt - "Somerset County resident Jim Brandt said that he saw another plane in the area. He said it stayed there for one or two minutes before leaving." -The Pittsburgh Channel (9/12/01)
¼ Dale Browning - "It's the damndest
darn thing," said Dale Browning, a farmer.
¼ Rick Chaney - "Chaney described the plane as a Lear-jet type, with engines mounted near the tail and painted white with no identifying markings." -The Bergen Record (9/14/01)
¼ Susan Custer - "said she saw a small white jet streaking overhead." -The Bergen Record (9/14/01)
¼ Dennis Decker - "As soon as we looked up, we saw a midsized jet flying low and fast," Decker said. "It appeared to make a loop or part of a circle, and then it turned fast and headed out." Decker and Chaney described the plane as a Lear-jet type, with engines mounted near the tail and painted white with no identifying markings." -The Bergen Record (9/14/01)
¼ Robin Doppstadt -
"was working inside her family food-and-supply store when
she heard the crash. When she went outside, she said, she
saw a small white jet that looked like it was making a
single circle over the crash site.
<![if !vml]> More -
Susan Mcelwain of Stonycreek Township said a small white jet
with rear engines and no discernible markings swooped low
over her minivan near an intersection and disappeared over a
hilltop, nearly clipping the tops of trees lining the ridge.
¼ Lee Purbaugh, 32 -
was the only person to see the last seconds of Flight 93 as
it came down on former strip-mining land at precisely
10.06am - and he also saw the white jet.
¼ Tom Spinelli - "was working at
India Lake Marina, a mile and a half away. "I saw the white
plane," he said. More - "Another Somerset County resident, Tom Spinello, said that he saw the plane. He said that it had high back wings." -The Pittsburgh Channel (9/12/01)
<![if !vml]> "John: We think it was shot down because as
soon as it crashed a big fighter plane flew over the
9/11 - Witnesses at the Shanksville crash scene report very little plane debris.
¼ Homer Barron - "Barron and Phillips
drove to the crash scene and found a smoky hole in the
ground. A few firefighters had already begun pouring water
onto the debris.
<![if !vml]> FOX News reporter: It looks like there's nothing there, except for a hole in the ground. Photographer Chris Konicki: Ah, basically that's right. The only thing you can see from where we where, ah, was a big gouge in the earth and some broken trees. We could see some people working, walking around in the area, but from where we could see it, there wasn't much left. Reporter: Any large pieces of debris at all? Konicki: Na, there was nothing, nothing that you could distinguish that a plane had crashed there. Reporter: Smoke? Fire? Konicki: Nothing. It was absolutely quite. It was, uh, actually very quiet. Um, nothing going on down there. No smoke. No fire. Just a couple of people walking around. They looked like part of the NTSB crew walking around, looking at the pieces..." - FOX (09/11/01)
¼ Nina Lensbouer, former volunteer firefighter - "My instinct was to run toward it, to try to help" said Nina Lensbouer, Tim's Lensbouer's wife and a former volunteer firefighter. "But I got there and there was nothing, nothing there but charcoal. Instantly, it was charcoal." - (09/12/01)
¼ Capt. Frank Monaco, state police - "If you would go down there, it would look like a trash heap," said state police Capt. Frank Monaco. "There's nothing but tiny pieces of debris. It's just littered with small pieces." - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (09/12/01)
<![if !vml]>
<![if !vml]> [question] They had been sent here
because of a crash but there was no plane? [question] I thought it was a crash
siteÃñ Question: At the very first, what did you
think it could be?
"When Der Spiegel confronts Stull with the
English translation of these passages in the book and the
film script, the man is speechless: "My statements were
taken completely out of context. Of course there was an
airplane. It's just that there wasn't much left of it after
the explosion. That's what I meant when I said 'no
airplane'. I saw parts of the wreckage with my own eyes,
even one of the engines. It was lying in the bushes."
¬º Maj. Lyle Szupinka, State police - "The best I can describe it is if youÃve ever been to a commercial landfill. When itÃs covered and you have papers flying around. You have papers blowing around and bits and pieces of shredded metal. ThatÃs probably about the best way to describe that scene itself." - Pittsburgh Live (09/14/01)
(See also: 9/11 - Live at Pentagon scene, CNN reporter says there's no evidence a plane crashed anywhere near the building; Killtown's: Did Flight 93 Crash in Shanksville?)
<![if !vml]>
Hallowed Ground "Wally Miller hits the siren on his dark Ford Excursion. Before Miller can even unfold his lanky 6-foot-4 body from the vehicle, a deputy sheriff thrusts at him a plastic baggie containing a handful of jagged metallic nuggets, mangled and melted into irregular shapes, little bigger than children's marbles. They are the latest of the shreds to be recovered -- nearly six months later -- of what remains of United Airlines Flight 93. Miller holds up the bag and says that virtually the entire airplane, including its 44 human occupants, disintegrated in similar fashion. As coroner, responsible for returning human remains, Miller has been forced to share with the families information that is unimaginable. As he clinically recounts to them, holding back very few details, the 33 passengers, seven crew and four hijackers together weighed roughly 7,000 pounds. They were essentially cremated together upon impact. Hundreds of searchers who climbed the hemlocks and combed the woods for weeks were able to find about 1,500 mostly scorched samples of human tissue totaling less than 600 pounds, or about 8 percent of the total. Miller was among the very first to arrive after 10:06 on the magnificently sunny morning of September 11. He was stunned at how small the smoking crater looked, he says, "like someone took a scrap truck, dug a 10-foot ditch and dumped all this trash into it." Once he was able to absorb the scene, Miller says, "I stopped being coroner after about 20 minutes, because there were no bodies there. It became like a giant funeral service." Thousands of people -- the locals estimate up to 1,000 a week -- have arrived at an old coal-mining access trail called Skyline Road, where finally they can see what remains of Flight 93: nothing. "There's not really much to it, is there?" Wally Miller often says to families and other visitors who are bewildered by what they don't see. Immediately after the crash, the seeming absence of human remains led the mind of coroner Wally Miller to a surreal fantasy: that Flight 93 had somehow stopped in mid-flight and discharged all of its passengers before crashing. "There was just nothing visible," he says. "It was the strangest feeling." It would be nearly an hour before Miller came upon his first trace of a body part. The emotionally wrenching impact of what happened to the bodies caused Miller to resolve to seek out and talk personally to every one of the victims' families. Miller says he is often asked how he copes emotionally with the work he must do. He says he is not sure. Then he tells the church audience that, remarkably, two heavily damaged Bibles were found in the wreckage of the flight; a white one at the crash site that belonged to a passenger who was a practicing Buddhist; and a second one, black, of uncertain ownership. Miller says he ran across the second one on the floor of the warehouse where victims' belongings were being kept. The second Bible was scrunched up and was lying open, he says, to the 121st Psalm, which is customarily read at funerals. He says he has no idea who left the Bible in that position." - Washington Post (05/12/02)
Newsmaker: Coroner's quiet unflappability helps him take charge of Somerset tragedy "Even in the middle of it all, where trees
were scorched and the Boeing 757's fuselage disintegrated in
a crater that collapsed on itself to leave a gouge maybe 14
feet across, the destruction was so complete that it was
hard to imagine what happened.
The day that changed America "The plane hit at about 575 mph. The cockpit
and first-class cabin collapsed; the rest crumpled into it,
the rivets giving, the fireball scorching everything.
Somerset coroner recalls Sept. 11, 2001 "On Sept. 11, 2001, a person couldn't have
gotten much closer than Wallace Miller did to the crash site
of United Flight 93 in Somerset County. According to Miller, there were 600 samples for 40 people, which was not a lot of samples because the size of the fragments were very small." - Daily Courier/Pittsburg Live (05/30/02)
After Flight 93 spotlight, coroner stays true to small-town roots "County Coroner Wallace Miller remembers
hearing melting plastic drip from the trees, and days and
weeks later, comforting the families of doomed Flight
<![if !vml]>
"MR. MINETA: And so then, at the time we heard
about the airplane that went into Pennsylvania, then I
thought, "Oh, my God, did we shoot it down?" And then we had
to, with the vice president, go through the Pentagon to
check that out.
Norman Y. Mineta; Former Secretary of Transportation, 2001-2006 "Prior to joining President BushÃs administration as Secretary of Transportation, Mineta served as U.S. Secretary of Commerce under President Clinton, becoming the first Asian Pacific American to serve in the cabinet. He is the first Secretary of Transportation to have previously served in a cabinet position. Prior to joining the Commerce Department, he was a vice president at Lockheed Martin Corporation. Secretary Mineta and his family were among the 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry forced from their homes and into internment camps during World War II. After graduating from the University of California at Berkeley, Secretary Mineta joined the Army in 1953 and served as an intelligence officer in Japan and Korea." - White House
<![if !vml]> "[Maj. Gen. Larry] Arnold also said that his unit did not receive the presidential order authorizing the military to shoot down hijacked United Flight 93 until five minutes after it crashed into a field in Pennsylvania." - Seattle Post (05/24/03) "A shootdown authorization was not communicated to the NORAD air defense sector until 28 minutes after United 93 had crashed in Pennsylvania." - 9/11 Commission 9/11 - Each of the four hijacked cross country flights were well below normal passenger loads, averaging only between 19% and 36% full.
"The numbers appear out-of-whack, thankfully. And so, a lingering question is why the passenger loads on the four planes hijacked in U.S. skies are being described by industry officials as "very, very low.'' - CNN (09/20/01)
9/11 - A third explosion occurred at the south WTC tower and parts of the tower collapses afterward.
Third explosion at World Trade Centre 2:59:08 PM
Part of second tower collapses 3:02:21 PM
<![if !vml]> "At 9:58:59, the South Tower collapsed in ten seconds, killing all civilians and emergency personnel inside, as well a number of individuals-both first responders and civilians-in the concourse, in the Marriott, and on neighboring streets. The building collapsed into itself, causing a ferocious windstorm and creating a massive debris cloud. The Marriott hotel suffered significant damage as a result of the collapse of the South Tower." - 9/11 Commission "Table 1. WTC Seismic Events, Time: 09:59:04, Signal Duration: 10 seconds, Remark: first collapse" - (See also: 9:03 am - Flight 175 crashes into the South WTC tower and is the only recognizable plane caught on film)
9/11 - Various people in or near the WTC twin towers reports flashes, bombs and explosions going off before the towers collapse.
¼ Jeff Birnbaum, EMT "When we got to about 50 ft from the South
Tower, we heard the most eerie sound that you would ever
hear. A high-pitched noise and a popping noise made everyone
stop. We all looked up. At the point, it all let go. The way
I see it, it had to be the rivets. The building let go,
there was an explosion and the whole top leaned toward us
and started coming down.
¼ Louie Cacchioli, 51, is a firefighter assigned to Engine 47 in Harlem "We were the first ones in the second tower after the plane struck. I was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers. On the last trip up a bomb went off. We think there was bombs set in the building. I had just asked another firefighter to stay with me, which was a good thing because we were trapped inside the elevator and he had the tools to get out." - People (09/12/01) [Wayback Machine]
¼ Edward Cachia, Firefighter "As my officer and I were looking at the south tower, it just gave. It actually gave at a lower floor, not the floor where the plane hit, because we originally had thought there was like an internal detonation explosives because it went in succession, boom, boom, boom, boom, and then the tower came down." - NY Times, World Trade Center Task Force Interview
¼ Karin Deshore, Fire Captain "I went outside to see what I could do, when I saw the second building of the World Trade Center, still unbeknown to me the first one had collapse. Somewhere around the middle of the World Trade Center there was this orange and red flash coming out. Initially it was just one flash. Then this flash just kept popping all the way around the building and that building had started to explode. The popping sound, and with each popping sound it was initially an orange and then red flash came out of the building and then it would just go all around the building on both sides as far as could see. These popping sounds and the explosions were getting bigger, going both up and down and then all around the building. I went inside and I told everybody that the other building or there was an explosion occurring up there and I said I think we have another major explosion. So here these explosions are getting bigger and louder and bigger and louder and I told everybody if this building totally explodes, still unaware that the other building had collapsed, I'm going in the water." - SF Gate (11/07/01)
¼ Tom Elliott, Aon Corp. "Tom Elliott was at work in his office at the
Aon Corp., an insurance brokerage firm, on the 103rd floor
of the World Trade Center's other, south tower. Most Aon
employees did not straggle in until 9 a.m., but he liked to
arrive around 8:30 and have a quiet cup of coffee while he
checked his e-mail.
¼ Stephen Gregory, Commissioner, Bureau of Communications "Q. Do you recall at any time, particularly
when you were on West Street, any companies whose vehicles
may have been parked near where you were?
"I saw everything from my balcony in
Soho. The first plane tried to veer off the tower but
slammed straight into it, followed by the second plane,"
Nadine Keller of New York City wrote in an e-mail to BBC
News Online.
¼ Joseph Lovero, EMT "Joseph Lovero was a trained EMT who
volunteered to ride into New York with the Battalion 3 chief
while the towers were still standing. A handful of Jersey City firemen, with a civilian dispatcher, managed to survive, grouping near the still-standing north tower. All, but for Joseph Lovero, his body was found near that of his chief." - WNBC, Exclusive: 911 Tapes Tell Horror Of 9/11 (Part 2) (06/17/02)
<![if !vml]>
¼ Teresa Veliz,
facilities manager -
Teresa Veliz, the facilities manager for
a software development company, was on the 47th floor of the
North Tower when Flight 11 hit. First, like many witnesses,
she describes the building shaking
twice: Veliz went down a staircase with a coworker
to the concourse level. In the mall, they got onto an
up-escalator as the South Tower collapsed, causing a rush of
wind which knocked them down. In the pitch black, Veliz and
her coworker followed someone carrying a flashlight: - September 11: An Oral History, pp 9-15 [Reprinted: The Memory Hole]
¼ Kim White (2). 32, an administrative assistant at Thebeast, a financial tech company on the 80th floor of 1 World Trade Center, was talking with an office temp when the first plane struck. "All of a sudden the building shook, then it started to sway. We didn't know what was going on. I ran towards the reception area. It was completely collapsed, but the receptionist was able to crawl out from under it. People started to panic. We got all our people on the floor into the stairwell, and then people began to calm down. At that time we all thought it was a fire. Someone was joking, "I hope it wasn't another bomb." Everyone was trying to keep things up-tempo. We got down as far as the 74th floor, and someone there pulled us into their office. They had a TV on, and we saw that a plane had crashed into the building. Then there was another explosion, so we left again by the stairwell." - People (09/12/01)
¼ 'Everyone was screaming, crying, running. It's like a war zone' "In New York, police and fire officials were
carrying out the first wave of evacuations when the first of
the World Trade Centre towers collapsed. Some eyewitnesses
reported hearing another explosion just before the structure
crumbled. Police said that it looked almost like a "planned
implosion" designed to catch bystanders watching from the
<![if !vml]>
<![if !vml]>
"We were trying to get some of the people out, but then there was secondary explosions and then subsequent collapses." - 11 News (download)
<![if !vml]>
"As we were getting our gear on and making our way to the stairway, there was a heavy duty explosion." - CBS (download)
<![if !vml]>
"At 10:30 I tried to leave the building, but as I got outside I heard a second explosion and another rumble and more smoke and more dust. I ran inside the building and the chandelier shook and again black smoke filled the air. Within another five minutes we were covered again with more soot and more dust. And then a fire marshal came in and said we had to leave, because if there was a third explosion this building might not last." - MSNBC (download)
<![if !vml]>
"The chief of safety of the Fire Department of New York City told me he received word of a possibility of a secondary device -- that is another bomb going off. He tries to get his men out as quickly as he could, but he said that there was another explosion which took place and according to his theory, he thinks that there were actually devices that were planted in the building." - NBC (download)
<![if !vml]>
"I was about five blocks away when I heard explosions... three thuds and turned around to see the building that we just got out of... tip over and fall in on itself." - Studio interview (download)
<![if !vml]>
"...and then all of a sudden it started like... it sounded like gunfire... you know, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang and then all of a sudden three big explosions." - News clip: 'America Responds' (download)
¼ NBC reporter Rick Sanchez (voice)
"...that would put us a block and a half away from the site of where the explosion was. That area has just been evacuated because police have found what they describe as a suspicious device and they fear that it might be something that could lead to another explosion. Obviously there's a real sense of caution here on the part of police. I spoke with some police officials moments ago, Chris, and they told me they have reason to believe that one of the explosions at the World Trade Center aside from the ones that may have been caused by the impact of the plane with the building, may have been caused by a van that was parked in the building that may have had some type of explosive device in it, so their fear is that there may have been explosive devices planted either in the building, or in the adjacent area and that's why they are being so cautious." - MSNBC (09/11/01)
"There was another big, big explosion. In the other tower, flames coming out and this billowing grey smoke. People still not panicking, people not quite understanding what was going on. Then somebody said that they saw an airliner go into one of those towers. Then, I don't know how later than that, we had that big explosion from much, much lower. I don't know what on earth caused that."
<![if !vml]> "The North Tower collapsed at 10:28:25 A.M., killing all civilians alive on upper floors, an undetermined number below, and scores of first responders." - 9/11 Commission "Table 1. WTC Seismic Events, Time: 10:28:31, Signal Duration: 8 seconds, Remark: second collapse" - (See also: 8:46 am - The North WTC tower is hit allegedly by Flight 11)
<![if !vml]> ̬I went down to the scene and we set up headquarters at 75 Barclay Street, which was right there with the police commissioner, the fire commissioner, the head of emergency management, and we were operating out of there when we were told that the World Trade Center was going to collapse. And it did collapse before we could actually get out of the building, so we were trapped in the building for 10, 15 minutes, and finally found an exit and got out, walked north, and took a lot of people with us.̮ - ABC (09/11/01) [Watch video at:; Download at:] Press Conference With Mayor Rudolph Giuliani And Governor George Pataki "Q: Mr. Mayor, you were one of the first
people down there. Can you describe the scene in your own
words, what you saw down there? Q: Mr. Mayor, you mentioned you were on
Barkley Street. What's the radius of damage that's been
affected? How many of the side streets around the World
Center --
- Map of 75 Barclay St
(See also: 9/11 - Giuliani thinks the first crash into the WTC was an attack; July 7, 2005 - Giuliani was near the London Blasts.)
<![if !vml]> Press
Conference With Mayor Rudolph Giuliani And Governor George
Pataki MAYOR GIULIANI: We have no specific information to that effect. Obviously, the city is now closed. The airspace around the city is closed, and we are on heightened alert. But we have no specific information suggesting any further attack. Q: Mr. Mayor, I've heard report of a gas explosion related to this (explosion ?). Are you aware of that? There was a gas leak or possible explosion of gas (from the building ?). MAYOR GIULIANI: We don't believe -- we're not -- we don't believe that's the case, no." - US News Library (09/11/01)
<![if !vml]> EXECUTIVE
ORDER NUMBER 01-262 Florida under martial law? Rumors persist despite official denial from Jeb Bush administration "WHO KNEW? Jeb Bush signed Florida TWO YEAR emergency order 4 days BEFORE ATTACK Did we know that the governor "immediately" after the Trade Center's second tower fell had issued an executive order, with no termination date, declaring a state of emergency? Did we know that the governor had made the interim head of the Division of Emergency Management into a czar of anti-terrorist operations, giving him the power to seize land and personal property and order people evacuated from their homes? Were we aware that Bush had mobilized the National Guard just four days earlier? Bush, through Executive Order 01-261, had activated units of the Florida National Guard on Sept. 7, four days before the kamikaze assault on the Trade Center. His second executive order, EO 01-262, did in fact delegate awesome powers to a non-elected official, the interim head of the Division of Emergency Management, the agency responsible for implementing Florida's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. Moreover, the governor issued it shortly after the attacks, strongly suggesting he had been apprised of events ahead of time and was ready to sign the order with a stroke of his pen as soon as he received an appropriate signal. In reviewing the history of this EO, with its awesome grants of authority, what was noteworthy was not the speed with which Bush's aides were able to produce it for his signature, but the fact that similar executive orders ñ each declaring a state of emergency and with identical grants of authority ñ had been issued over half a dozen times in the past three years, with Florida residents apparently oblivious to the fact." - WorldNetDaily (10/25/01) (See also: September 7, 2001 - Jeb Bush signs a two year Florida executive emergency order four days before the attacks.)
<![if !vml]>
Frank De Martini: Defending the Brownstone "Frank De Martini had a passion for old cars,
motorcycles, sailing and everything Italian. He also loved
restoring Brooklyn brownstones, and was fascinated with the
World Trade Center. Mr. De Martini, an architect, started
working at the twin towers when he was hired to assess the
damage from the 1993 bombing. He stayed on, becoming the
construction manager, the man to see when you wanted to move
a wall or rearrange the plumbing. Mr. De Martini's wife,
Nicole, also worked in the towers, and their children,
Sabrina, 10, and Dominic, 8, could often be seen splashing
around in the pool at the complex's Marriott Hotel. "Name:
Frank A. De Martini (See also: January 25, 2001 - Frank De Martini believes twin towers could sustain multiple hits from a jetliner) <![if !vml]>
Attacks Buried Millions Under WTC "Underneath the crushed concrete and twisted
steel girders of the World Trade Center lie about $200
million in gold and silver owned by a Canadian bank.
Millions in gold and silver recovered from WTC - CTV (10/31/01)
Cache of gold found at WTC; Two truckloads retrieved through a tunnel in rubble "Workers at Ground Zero unearthed last night a
buried treasure of gold, hidden for weeks under the ruins of
the World Trade Center.
Crushed towers give up cache of gold ingots "RECOVERY workers at Ground Zero have
discovered hundreds of gold ingots, part of a billion dollar
cache which was lost when the twin towers fell.
Thanksgiving at Ground Zero "Unknown to most people at the time, $650 million in gold and silver was being kept in a special vault four floors beneath Four World Trade Center. The gold and silver were recently recovered." - Delta Farm Press (11/19/01)
(See also: February 26, 1993 - Police first believed '93 WTC attack was an attempted gold robbery; October 30, 2001 - Recovery workers discover hundreds of gold bars in a delivery tunnel under WTC 5 that was being transported by a 10-wheel truck)
9/11 - Suspicious vehicle fires and things blowing up.
¼ Paul Curran Fire Patrolman (F.D.N.Y.) 12/18/01 "At that time I went back to the north tower again, and they were stretching a line. A lot of car fires erupted. All of a sudden cars were blowing up everywhere. I went back and I helped a guy stretch a line. The guy was all by himself. I helped him stretch a line and started putting water on the car fires. I remember distinctly walking past -- I saw 118 Truck. 118 Truck was parked right on West Street right past Vesey. Q. Everybody tells me all these vehicles
were on fire. What do you attribute all these vehicles being
on fire to?
¼ Patricia Ondrovic E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/11/01 (See also: 9/11 Rescuer Saw Explosions Inside WTC 6 Lobby) "My partner and I grabbed our stretcher, went to put it in the back of our vehicle, and at that time, I think it was the lobby of the building behind us blew out. I ran into the lobby cause I had no idea what had happened and the cops that were in there were telling everybody get out, get out, get out. Where are you gonna go? Stuffs blowing up. As I was running up Vesey, the first car blew up on me on the corner of Vessey and the West Side Highway. That set my turnout coat on fire, that set my hair on fire, and that set my feet on fire. I kept running. I got news for you, those turn out coats need to be called burn out coats, cause this thing caught up in flames. So there were still cars parked on the street that were completely independent of that. Three cars blew up on me, stuff was being thrown. I went home all bruised that day. Thank God it was only bruises. I just ran into this park along with a bunch of other people, and stuff was still blowing up... Stuff is still blowing up behind me, as I'm running. I can hear stuff exploding. I could hear rumbling, the street under me was moving like I was in an earthquake. I saw my ex-partner, and I said get in this thing and drive it to Westchester. I told him get the hell out of the city. Get everyone was can get in this, I said shit's still blowing up down there."
¼ Freddy Burgos E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 10/31/01 "When the first building came down, after the dust lifted from that one, in front of me, the other ambulances, most of them not Fire Department, private or some other ambulances, burning."
¼ Richard Carletti Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 1/2/02 "To our right, there was a parking lot right on West and Liberty. There were about seven cars on fire. We came back around in front of Stuyvesant High School. They were setting up a command post there. I mean, you could listen to the monitors. Basically they wanted engines was booster tanks to come down and extinguish the car fires then going."
¼ Ronald Cifu Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) 12/28/01 "Even after the collapse when we were starting to relay water to the car fires and stuff like that..."
¼ Ronald Coyne E.M.T. (E.M.S.) 12/28/01 "...I saw the building start to topple...I tried to run as fast as I could...and by the time it took me to break the back window of the SUV, my safety coat was already on fire. My socks were on fire. I was just covered with burns and bruises, and I couldn't breathe at all."
<![if !vml]>
Press Briefing to the Pool By Ari
"In my view, this has been an intelligence failure," said Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., adding that the Senate Intelligence Committee had no indication the attacks were coming." - The Post (09/11/01) (See also: August 6, 2001 - Bush is warned in a CIA memo of possible terrorist attacks and plane hijackings in the U.S. from Osama bin Laden)
<![if !vml]> "John
OÃNeill retired last month as the FBI's counterterrorism
head to become chief of security at the World Trade Center,
where he is believed to have died on Tuesday helping with
rescue efforts. He was 49. "An
expert in counterterrorism known for his aggressive tactics
is among those missing in the collapse of the World Trade
Center following Tuesday's terrorist attacks. After first
escaping the Twin Towers, John O'Neill reportedly reentered
the building to assist others. He has not been seen
since. (See also: 1997 - John O'Neill forecasts the possibility of an organized attack and said that terrorists were already operating in the U.S.; August 2001 - John O'Neill becomes chief of security at the WTC; September 10, 2001 - John O'Neill starts his first day of work at the WTC; September 21, 2001 - The body of John O'Neill is recovered from the WTC)
9/11 (1:24 pm) - A Korean Air 747 flying in Alaska accidentally issues a hijack alert and was in danger of being shot down. "A
string of miscommunications Sept. 11 led to a jarring
incident over Alaska that convinced controllers the military
might shoot down a Korean Air jet.
<![if !vml]>
(Killtown's transcription) David Ensor: "Aaron, I'm talking to U.S. officials who are obviously working on who is responsible for this. Their working hypothesis is that this is overseas terrorism - not domestic. They say they cannot rule out additional attacks yet to come. In terms of claims of responsibility so far, there is an Agence France Presse (AFP) report, in which a group with the word "Palestine" in the name claims responsibility and there is also a report quoting personnel close to Osama bin Laden, the fugitive Saudi--accused terrorist, denying that that group was involved. But again U.S. officials say they can't add or shed any light on whether these reports are correct or incorrect. Usually when this kind of attack occurs, you have claims of responsibility from all sorts of people who have nothing to do with it." - CNN video
Minute by Minute with the Broadcast News "CBS reports from the Pentagon that the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine has claimed responsibility for the acts. 9 am NBC reports a spokesman for the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine denies responsibility. Tom Brokaw notes that in situations like this, there are always ̬claims and counter-claims.̮ - Poynter Online (09/11/01)
(See also: 9/11 - Caught Israeli spy who was filming WTC burning, says 'We are not your problem...Palestinians are the problem')
<![if !vml]>
Anti-U.S. Displays Worry Palestinians "The Palestinians have a major public
relations problem. First, there were the pictures of
cheering Palestinians in the aftermath of the terrorist
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Thousands of Palestinians again celebrate attacks, videotape suppressed "On Friday and Saturday, thousands of
Palestinians again paraded through cities in the West Bank
and Gaza, celebrating the attacks on the United States. Some
Palestinian policeman reportedly joined the celebrations,
while other Palestinian security officials confiscated
videotape shot by journalists at the rally.
The power of the TV pictures: What is the truth? "Only few hours after the assassination attempts on New York and Washington showed the television stations world-wide pictures of Palestinians, who cheered the incomprehensible act. Now it, a part of these pictures means possibly posed, the remainder is old. Children are jubilant, a woman with black head
cloth and eyeglasses tear joyfully the arms highly, a man
applaud and sign other passanten here: A road scene, filmed
in Jerusalem at the 11. September, on the day of the
assassination attempts in New York and Washington. Pictures,
which went around the world. Pictures, which shook many
humans. Hunger after information and filmmaterial was
unstillbar on this day - in such a way also these recordings
of the TV transmitters sent, underlaid with the words, these
Palestinians would again and again celebrate the notices in
the USA. But now, after the notices, the Pool of
broadcasting corporations Politmagazin "panorama" reports
ten days the fact that there is possibly another truth about
these pictures that the scene is perhaps even posed. The finished cut message films in the past week had the impression aroused, there celebrated many humans on the road. Participated no total photographs, which showed the whole road, but only small groups of humans. On the supplied material however very probably were total ones - they showed clearly that only one handful of Palestinians was jubilant, many different passed simply indifferently. "the woman with the head cloth said later, she was jubilant into the camera, because one promised its cake", so Krueger Spitta. The Palaestinenserin explained, it was frightened, when it saw, in which context their rejoicing was shown. It abhors the acts in New York and Washington. What is the truth?" - Der Spiegel (09/21/01)
- CNN video of Palestinians cheering - youtube
<![if !vml]> "CBS
News has learned that barely five hours after American
Airlines Flight 77 plowed into the Pentagon, Defense
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was telling his aides to come
up with plans for striking Iraq ó even though there was no
evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the attacks. (See also: September 17, 2003 - Bush: No Link Between Iraq, Sept. 11 Attacks; March 19, 2004 - Ex-Advisor Says Bush Eyed Bombing of Iraq on 9/11)
9/11 (3:00 pm) - Ground Zero rescuers are heard saying the WTC 7 was going to "blow up" and will be "coming down soon" while others mentioned they were told around 3 p.m. that it was going to collapse and others were waiting around for it to fall.
¼ Unidentified rescuer 1 - "Keep your eye on that building. It will be coming down soon." - CNN video (@ 2:20)
¼ Unidentified rescuer 2 - "The building's about to blow up. Moving back... We are walking back. There is a building, about to blow up." - CNN video (@ 2:25)
¬º Captain Chris Boyle - "And so after Visconti came down and said nobody goes in 7, we said all right, weÃll head back to the command post. So we got water to 22, but then thatÃs when they said all right, number 7 is coming down, shut everything down." - Firehouse Magazine (08/02)
¼ Firefighter Marcel Claes - "We were kept away from building 7 because of the potential of collapse." - Firehouse Magazine (04/02)
¬º Deputy Chief Peter Hayden - "By now, this is going on into the afternoon, and we were concerned about additional collapse, not only of the Marriott, because there was a good portion of the Marriott still standing, but also we were pretty sure that 7 World Trade Center would collapse. Early on, we saw a bulge in the southwest corner between floors 10 and 13, and we had put a transit on that and we were pretty sure she was going to collapse. You actually could see there was a visible bulge, it ran up about three floors. It came down about 5 oÃclock in the afternoon, but by about 2 oÃclock in the afternoon we realized this thing was going to collapse. We were concerned about the collapse of a 47-story building there. We pulled everybody back probably by 3 or 3:30 in the afternoon. We said, this building is going to come down, get back. It came down about 5 oÃclock or so, but we had everybody backed away by then. At that point in time, it seemed like a somewhat smaller event, but under any normal circumstances, thatÃs a major event, a 47-story building collapsing." - Firehouse Magazine (04/02)
¼ Firefighter Scott Holowach - "We ended up back up on Vesey Street and West Street and just hanging out until tower 7 came down. After tower 7 came down, we went right to work over at tower 7 to put the fires out." - New York Times [Local]
¬º Battalion Chief John Norman - "I started to go down Vesey toward West, but there was a lot of debris blocking the way and they were telling me no, you donÃt want to go down there ñ theyÃre worried about that building collapsing. I looked at 7 World Trade Center. There was smoke showing, but not a lot and IÃm saying that isnÃt going to fall. Yes, thatÃs why we couldnÃt walk down Vesey. But I never expected it to fall the way it did as quickly as it did, 7. Now weÃre still worried about 7. We have guys trying to make their way up into the pile, and theyÃre telling us that 7 is going to fall down ñ and that was one of the directions from the command post, to make sure we clear the collapse zone from 7 and this is a 600-foot-tall building, so we had to clear a 600-foot radius from that building." - Firehouse Magazine (05/02)
¼ Paramedic Steven Pilla - "Then it was about 5:00, because I was getting hungry. We were eating oatmeal cookies and watered-down Gatorade from the Salvation Army and the Red Cross...We walked back. We didn't do any further because building number seven was coming down. That was another problem, to wait for building seven to come down, because that was unsecure. It was about 5:30 that building came down." - New York Times [Local]
¼ Lieutenant William Ryan - "At that time he said, "7 has got fire on several floors." Then we found out, I guess around 3:00 o'clock, that they thought 7 was going to collapse. So, of course, we've got guys all in this pile over here and the main concern was get everybody out, and I guess it took us over an hour and a half, two hours to get everybody out of there. So it took us a while and we ended up backing everybody out, and that's when 7 collapsed. Then, basically, after 7 collapsed, I went over and told the Chief that -- by then they had companies with handie-talkies, masks. Basically, we fell back for 7 to collapse, and then we waited a while and it got a lot more organized, I would guess.
I was at the ferry when I called, and I ended up calling her again at about 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon from a position over here. I went in there to take a leak and I just looked around. I guess when we fell back for 7 to collapse I called her." - New York Times [Local]
¼ Firefighter Frank Sweeney - "Once they got us back together and organized somewhat, they sent us back down to Vesey, where we stood and waited for Seven World Trade Center to come down." - New York Times [Local]
¼ Battalion Chief Tom Vallebuona - "We thought 7 World Trade Center was going to fall and push the side of the World Trade Center that was still standing, and then it was going to go into 90 and I thought the scaffold was going to fall and cover the block and kill another 30 people." - Firehouse Magazine (08/02)
¬º Deputy Chief Nick Visconti - "At some point, Frank Fellini said, now weÃve got hundreds of guys out there, hundreds and hundreds, and thatÃs on the West Street side alone. He said to me, Nick, youÃve got to get those people out of there. I thought to myself, out of where? Frank, what do you want, Chief? He answered, 7 World Trade Center, imminent collapse, weÃve got to get those people out of there. I explained to them that we were worried about 7, that it was going to come down and we didnÃt want to get anybody trapped in the collapse. One comment was, oh, that building is never coming down, that didnÃt get hit by a plane, why isnÃt somebody in there putting the fire out? I walked out and I got to Vesey and West, where I reported to Frank. He said, weÃre moving the command post over this way, that buildingÃs coming down." - Firehouse Magazine (08/02)
(See also: 9/11 (5:20 pm) - The 47-story WTC 7 mysteriously collapses even though no plane crashed into it and it's collapse hardly gets any media attention; Killtown's: Was the WTC 7 pulled?)
9/11 - BBC correspondent Jane Standley announces that the WTC 7 collapsed before it did.
"The 47 storey Salomon Brothers building close to the World Trade Centre has also collapsed." - BBC World (09/11/01) [Video: youtube]
9/11 - CNN correspondent Aaron Brown announces that the WTC 7 has either collapsed, or is collapsing before it did.
"BUILDING 7 AT WORLD TRADE CTR. ON FIRE, MAY COLLAPSE" - CNN (09/11/01) [Video: youtube]
<![if !vml]> "5:20 p.m.: The 47-story Building 7 of the World Trade Center complex collapses." - CNN "Almost lost in the chaos of the collapse of the World Trade Center is a mystery that under normal circumstances would probably have captured the attention of the city and the world. That mystery is the collapse of a nearby 47-story...Building 7 didn't get much attention in the media." - New York Times (11/29/01) (See also: 9/11 (3:00 pm) - Rescuers were told WTC 7 was going to collapse; November 30, 2001 - Experts blame fire for the mysterious collapse of WTC 7; October 19, 2004 - A 56-story Venezuela skyscraper burns for over 17 hours, but does not collapse; Killtown's: Was the WTC 7 pulled?) 9/11 - A NYU medical student was watching the WTC 7 that was on fire and hears a clap of thunder, sees a shockwave rippling through the building, saw windows from it bust out, then sees the bottom floor cave out followed by the rest of the building. Reporter: "I'm here with an
emergency worker. He's a first year NYU medical student. He
was down there; he was trying to help people. His name is
Darryl." <![if !vml]> "I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse," said Larry Silverstein, the WTC Leaseholder. - PBS (09/10/02) [Reprinted at:] "Hello?
Oh, we're getting ready to pull building six." (See also: July 2001 - Silverstein signed a 99-year lease for the WTC just six weeks before the attacks; 9/11 (3:00 pm) - Rescuers were told WTC 7 was going to collapse; 9/11 (5:20 pm) - The 47-story WTC 7 mysteriously collapses even though no plane crashed into it and it's collapse hardly gets any media attention; June 2, 2002 - Silverstein profits $478 million from WTC 7 collapsing; Killtown's: Was the WTC 7 pulled?) <![if !vml]> Secret
C.I.A. Site in New York Was Destroyed on Sept. 11 CIA
office near World Trade Center destroyed in attacks
<![if !vml]>
Modern Marvels: Engineering Disasters 13 "Jonathan Barnett, PhD: Normally when you have a structural failure, you carefully go through the debris field looking at each item -- photographing every beam as it collapsed and every column where it is in the ground and you pick them up very carefully and you look at each element. We were unable to do that in the case of tower 7. Narrator: The wreckage from tower 7 was mingled with the debris from the other destroyed or damaged buildings. It was removed from the site, so rescue and recovery efforts could continue." - History Channel / Modern Marvels [Video:]
<![if !vml]>
White House Mail Machine Has Anthrax "President Bush said confidently Tuesday that
"I don't have anthrax" after biohazard testing at the White
House and the discovery of anthrax on a mail-opening machine
at a screening facility six miles away. "Evidence obtained through Judicial Watch and confirmed by multiple press reports suggest that White House staff had been given doses of the powerful antibiotic Cipro at the time of the September 11 terrorist attacks, one month before anthrax was detected on Capitol Hill." - Judicial Watch "Oct. 4: Anthrax strikes a Florida man who is hospitalized according to U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson making the announcement to reporters at the White House." - (See also: December 2002 - Controlled Demolition, Inc is demolishing the facility at Fort Detrick that made weapons-grade anthrax)
<![if !vml]>
"Israeli leaders, who have chafed at
occasional American criticism of their measures against
Palestinians, said the day's attacks would awaken the United
States to the threat of global terrorism.
"Sayeret Matkal is the elite special forces unit of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF). Is main roles are counter terror, deep reconnaissance and intelligence gathering. The unit was kept top-secret during its initial years. Fighters and commanders were selectively hand-picked, based on personal acquaintances and family members of existing members (two of Netanyahu's brothers also served in the unit, for example). Despite being a top-secret and relatively small army unit, former Sayeret Matkal veterans have a disproportionate influence on the army and public service. - Benjamin Netanyahu - unit team leader, later
Israeli Prime Minister (See also: 9/11 - Workers at Israeli company get text warnings about attacks 2 hours prior; 9/11 - Elite Israeli military commando who understands Arabic allegedly shot on Flight 11; 9/11 - Israeli spies caught cheering while filming themselves with the WTC burning in the background; July 7, 2005 - Netanyahu was near the London blasts.) <![if !vml]> 7:28:16
AM 11:58:00
PM <![if !vml]> 6:46:49
PM 8:15:42
PM <![if !vml]> Day
of Terror: Outside tiny Shanksville, a fourth deadly
stroke 9/11 - A "knife-like weapon" are found on two different Delta planes and another weapon is found on an undisclosed plane in which officials think that these weapons may have been planted there by accomplices working in secure areas of airports making it look like an "inside job". "US
officials are compiling what one called "growing" evidence
that other hijackings may have been planned for September
11. Officials from both the government and the airline
industry tell TIME Magazine that a knife-like weapon was
found on each of two separate Delta Airlines aircraft later
that day, although neither plane took off due to the
nationwide grounding after the World Trade Center and
Pentagon attacks on hijacked United and American airlines
planes. 9/11 - Egyptian Had Aircraft 'Pilot Radio' In Hotel Room Near WTC On 9/11 "An
Egyptian man appeared in court in Manhattan last night
charged with lying to investigators about a radio designed
to communicate with airplane pilots found in a hotel room
near the twin towers where he was staying on 11
September. <![if !vml]> "One
U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said
there were unspecified indications that Osama bin Laden's
organization was responsible. "The hunt for terrorists is under way. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and other lawmakers who have been briefed by intelligence officials told ABCNEWS that all signs point to the involvement of Osama bin Laden, who is already indicted on charges he organized the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa." - ABC (09/11/01) [Archived: Wayback Machine] <![if !vml]> "We later learned that Marvin had been in New York on a subway under Wall Street, on his way to a meeting. The train came to a stop and they had no idea what had happened. Eventually they were evacuated, single-file, onto a platform and then out of the subway. They were told either to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge or walk uptown; but get out of there. Marvin said smoke and debris were everywhere. He walked 70 blocks back to his hotel, stopping in front of an electronics store to watch TV footage of what had happened. Marvin told us the people of New York were very supportive, offering water and encouragement along the way. Needless to say, we were pretty shook up when we learned how close Marvin was to the disaster, and grateful he was safe." - Reflections: Life After the White House, by Barbara Bush - Amazon [Reprinted at:] "Marvin
Pierce Bush "Marvin
P. Bush "HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc. - Board of Directors: Marvin P. Bush" - HCC (See also: September 11, 1997 - Stratesec, Inc. goes public; 9/11 - President Bush's cousin escaped death from the WTC thanks to a schedule change; February 1, 2003 - Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United)
<![if !vml]>
President's cousin escaped death thanks to schedule change "President Bush's cousin should have been in
the World Trade Centre when it was attacked.
"I also learned later that my nephew Jim Pierce narrowly escaped injury or possible death. He was scheduled to attend a meeting on the 102nd floor of the South Tower, which was the second building hit. However, the night before, the meeting was moved to an adjacent building because the group had outgrown the conference room. Jim later learned that twelve people were in the room where he was supposed to be; eleven died." - Reflections: Life After the White House, by Barbara Bush - Amazon [Reprinted at:] (See also: 9/11 - President Bush's brother Marvin was in NYC) 9/11 - A joint FBI/CIA anti-terrorist task force that specifically prepared for this type of disaster was on a training exercise on the opposite side of the country. "The attack was so unexpected that a joint FBI/CIA anti-terrorist task force that specifically prepared for this type of disaster was on a training exercise in Monterey, Calif. As of late Tuesday, with airports closed around the country, the task force still hadn't found a way to fly back to Washington." - USA Today (09/11/01) 9/11 - Explosives Planted In Towers, N.M. Tech Expert Says "Televised
images of the attacks on the World Trade Center suggest that
explosives devices caused the collapse of both towers, a New
Mexico Tech explosion expert said Tuesday. (See also: September 21, 2001 - N.M. Tech expert retracts his statement that explosives were planted in the WTC)
9/11 - By the end of the day, 21 aircraft throughout the U.S. at some point were under suspicion by NORAD of being hijacked. "NEADS' Sr. Airman Stacia Rountree, an identification technician, said, "We had three aircraft down and the possibility of others hijacked. We had to think outside the box," making up procedures on the fly. Before the day ended, 21 aircraft across the U.S. had been handled as "tracks of interest." - Aviation Week (06/03/02) 9/11 - A Counter-terrorist expert commenting about the attacks: "Not one of us in government or counter-terrorist experts outside government believed that anyone was capable of launching an attack with this degree of lethality and coordination." "In one
horrible moment, the need for homeland defense has gone from
being a theoretical risk to a grim reality," said Tony
Cordesman, a military and Middle East expert at the Center
for Strategic and International Studies. 9/11 - Show business notables who cheated death on September 11 included: action superstar Jackie Chan; creator of FOX TV's Family Guy Seth MacFarlane; and Real World New Orleans cast member Julie Stoffer. "Entertainment website Mr. Showbiz offered the skinny on a number of notables who cheated death on September 11, including Jackie Chan, who was excused from an early morning film shoot on the roof of the World Trade Center due to a late script; Seth MacFarlane, creator of FOX TV's Family Guy, who missed the doomed American Airlines Flight 11 out of Boston due to a typo on his itinerary; and Real World New Orleans cast member Julie Stoffer, who ditched out of the Boston-to-L.A. flight at the last minute after a fight with her boyfriend. Congrats to all of these lucky, lucky people." - (09/18/01) <![if !vml]> >>
Amazing Expansive Capability to break Reinforced Concrete,
Rock, Granite, Marble or any material you are working
with. 9/11 - Symbolism phenomenon with the number "11" and the date of the attacks.
- See also: Number 11 Mysteriously Dominates the Events of the September 11 - 9/11 - Alleged warning codes of 9/11 related names typed out using Microsoft Wingding fonts. "Shortly after the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon urban legends and hoaxes sprang to life via the Internet. One such myth was a presumed warning or code in Wing Ding and Web Ding fonts when names related to 9-11 were typed out. 'Q33NY' and 'Q11NY' was said to have been an 'arrival code' or internal flight number of the two airliners, respectively, that was crashed into the World Trade Center. Wingdings 1: Q33NY = Q33NY Wingdings 1: Q11NY = Q11NY
This urban legend was soon exposed as a hoax. However, there still remains many other uncanny coincidences between wing dings and web dings and their corresponding words. For example, Webdings: NYC = NYC Wingdings: NYC = NYC Wingdings: OSAMA BIN LADEN = OSAMA BIN LADEN Wingdings: NEW YORK = NEW YORK
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