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- A sequence of events that although accidental seems to
have been planned or arranged.
- The state or quality of being odd; strangeness.
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February 27, 1933 - The
German parliament's Reichstag building is set ablaze
allegedly by a "crazed" young Dutch Communist in which
afterwards the Nazis would claimed the fire was part of a
"Communist conspiracy" to seize power in Germany and the
Nazis would use the incident as their launching pad to
dissolve civil liberties, ban opposition political parties,
and create a dictatorship in order to "resist" a Communist
takeover when evidence later pointed that the fire was
really perpetrated by leaders in the Nazi
Reichstag fire, a pivotal event in the establishment of Nazi
Germany, began at 9:14 PM on the night of February 27, 1933,
when a Berlin fire station received an alarm that the
Reichstag building, assembly location of the German
Parliament, was ablaze. The fire seemed to have been started
in several places, and by the time the police and firemen
arrived a huge explosion had set the main Chamber of
Deputies in flames. Looking for clues, the police quickly
found Marinus van der Lubbe, naked, cowering behind the
building. Van der Lubbe was a Dutch insurrectionary council
communist and unemployed bricklayer who had recently arrived
in Germany.
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Gˆring arrived soon after,
and, when they were shown van der Lubbe, Gˆring
immediately declared the fire was set by the Communists and
had the party leaders arrested. Hitler took advantage of the
situation to declare a state of emergency and encouraged
aging president Paul von Hindenburg to sign the Reichstag
Fire Decree, abolishing most of the human rights provisions
of the 1919 Weimar Republic constitution.
...the Nazis had run on a platform of hysterical
anti-communism, insisting that Germany was on the verge of a
Communist revolution, and that the only way to stop the
revolution was to pass the Enabling Act. Hitler's platform
in the campaign comprised little more than demands that
voters increase the Nazi share of seats so that the Enabling
Act could be passed. In order to decrease the number of
opposition members who could vote against the Enabling Act,
Hitler had planned to ban the KPD, which at the time held
17% of the parliament's seats, after the elections and
before the new Reichstag convened. The Reichstag Fire
allowed Hitler to accelerate the banning of the Communist
Party and was used to confirm Nazi claims of a pending
Communist revolution. The Nazis argued the Reichstag fire
was meant to serve as a signal to launch the revolution, and
warned the German public about the grisly fate they would
suffer under Communist rule.
Nazis alleged that Van der Lubbe was part of the Communist
conspiracy to burn down the Reichstag and seize power, while
the Communists alleged that Van der Lubbe was part of the
Nazi conspiracy to blame the crime on them.
Leipzig Trial was widely publicized and was broadcast on the
radio. It was expected the court would find the Communists
guilty on all counts and approve the repression and terror
exercised by the Nazis against all opposition forces in the
country. It was clear the first time Georgi Dimitrov spoke
that would not happen. Dimitrov had given up his right to a
court appointed lawyer and defended himself successfully. He
proved his innocence and the innocence of his Communist
comrades and was set free. In addition, he presented
evidence that the organizers of the fire were senior members
of the Nazi Party.
Hitler was furious with the outcome of this trial. He
decreed that henceforth treason ñ among many other
offenses ñ would only be tried by a newly established
Volksgerichtshof (People's Court) which later became
infamous for the enormous number of death sentences it
handed down while led by Roland Freisler.
generally agree that van der Lubbe was involved in the
Reichstag fire. The extent of the damage, however, has led
to considerable debate over whether he acted alone.
Considering the speed with which the fire engulfed the
building, van der Lubbe's reputation as a mentally disturbed
arsonist hungry for fame, and cryptic comments by leading
Nazi officials, it is generally believed the Nazi hierarchy
was involved in order to reap political gain ó and it
obviously did.
Nuremberg, General Franz Halder stated in an affadavit that
Gˆring had joked about setting the fire." -
Enabling Act was passed by the Reichstag on March 23, 1933.
It was the second major step after the Reichstag Fire Decree
through which the Nazis legally established Nazi Germany by
providing the government with legislative powers,
effectively handing dictatorial powers to then Chancellor
Adolf Hitler." - Wikipedia
11, 1941 - Construction
on the Pentagon begins.
"The Pentagonóa
building, institution, and symbolówas conceived at
the request of Brigadier General Brehon B. Sommervell, Chief
of the Construction Division of the Office of the
Quartermaster General, on a weekend in mid-July 1941. The
purpose was to provide a temporary solution to the War
Departmentís critical shortage of space. The
groundbreaking ceremony took place on September 11, 1941.
The building was dedicated on January 15, 1943, nearly 16
months to the day after the groundbreaking." -
Defense Link
25, 1944 - The first
use of airplanes in suicide attacks are preformed by the
Japanese "Kamikaze's".
"By extension, during
World War II the word came to be used for desperate suicide
attacks, particularly by aircraft assigned to destroy US and
Allied ships by flying directly into them. Japan had lost
any pretext of having competitive fighters by 1944, and were
hardly able to service them, so expending them as bombs was
suggested by Admiral Takijiro Onishi in October 1944.
The first kamikaze strike came on October 25, 1944, off the
Philippine island of Leyte." -
(See also:
22, 1974 -
Samuel Byck attempts to hijack a commercial plane and crash
it into the White House)
July 28,
1945 - The only
previous time a plane has crashed into a U.S. skyscraper was
a military plane during the night through heavy fog.
"The last time a plane
crashed into a New York City skyscraper was July 28, 1945. A
U.S. bomber flying through thick fog at about 200 mph
crashed into the Empire State Building, one of the most
recognized structures in the world." -
(See also:
- The North WTC tower is allegedly hit by Flight

- Operation Suzannah, known as the "Lavon Affair," was a
covert operation by the Mossad to bomb U.S. installations in
Egypt and blame Arabs for it to harm Egyptian-American
"The aim of the Israeli
Operation Suzannah was to bomb United States installations
in Egypt, such as cinemas, and blame Arabs, hoping it would
harm Egyptian-American ties. It is also known as the Lavon
affair or Faulty Business (esek bish), after the Israeli
defence minister who was forced to resign because of the
incident, then deeply shocked the Israeli political system
by asking to review his case.
The operation was carried out by an Israeli military
intelligence unit ("Unit 131" [1]) in 1954, but
supposedly not backed by civilian Israeli leadership of that
time. The operation, which was commenced in an amateurish
fashion, led to the almost immediate identification and
capture of the Mossad agents before any lives were
Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several
buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility,
and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits.
The ruse would have worked, had not one of the bombs
detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to capture and
identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round
up of an Israeli spy ring. Some of the spies were from
Israel, while others were recruited from the local Jewish
population in Egypt.
The capture of the agents caused outrage among Egyptian
authorities. However, there was also great concern among the
Israeli public and lead to Israel's first major political
scandal." -
(See also:
13, 1962 -
America's top military leaders drafted "Operation
Northwoods" which were secret plans to kill innocent people
and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public
support for a war against Cuba; 9/11
- The most devastating and unprecedented terrorist attack in
history happens against the United States of America
allegedly committed by 19 radical Arab Muslims;
- A New Jersey homemaker witnesses a group of young men
kneeling on a white van.)
to 1970 - U.S. military
secretly tests WMD's on over 5,800 soldiers, many of whom
were unwitting guinea pigs.
"The Defense Department
released the final findings of an investigation into Project
112 and Project SHAD, which were conducted from 1962 to 1973
to test the combat capabilities of biological and chemical
agents and ways to protect U.S. troops from such
Monday's report raised the number of U.S. troops identified
as having been present for one or more of the tests to
5,842, many of whom were not informed of their
Headquartered at Deseret Test Center at Fort Douglas, Utah,
tests were conducted in Hawaii, Alaska, Maryland, Florida,
Utah, Georgia, Panama, Canada, Britain and aboard ships in
the North Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
CBS News Correspondent Vince Gonzales first reported in May
2000 on the more than 100 secret biological warfare tests
conducted at sea, including two ó code-named "Autumn
Gold" and "Copper Head" ó more than 1,000 U.S.
sailors were sprayed with materials thought to be
Some of the tests Project 112 tests, which had names like
Flower Drum or Fearless Johnny, involved sarin or VX nerve
gas. At least one used a simulant that was thought to be
harmless but is now considered hazardous." -
(See also:
1, 2003 -
U.S. military releases their final findings into the testing
of WMD's on thousands of unsuspecting soldiers;
16, 2004 -
The U.S. military is continuing to withhold documents over
Cold War WMD tests it conducted on over 5,800
13, 1962 - America's
top military leaders, who were staunchly right-wing,
drafted "Operation Northwoods" which were
secret plans to kill innocent people, commit acts of
terrorism in U.S. cities, hijack airplanes, plant evidence,
among other things, and blame it on Cubans to create public
indignation and support for a war against
Fire; Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S.
Cities to Provoke War With Cuba
the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly
drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of
terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war
against Cuba.
Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly
included the possible assassination of Cuban
ÈmigrÈs, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on
the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and
even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.
The plans were developed as ways to trick the American
public and the international community into supporting a war
to oust Cuba's then new leader, communist Fidel Castro.
America's top military brass even contemplated causing U.S.
military casualties, writing: "We could blow up a U.S. ship
in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," and, "casualty lists in
U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national
Details of the plans are described in Body
of Secrets
(Doubleday), a new book by investigative reporter James
Bamford about the history of America's largest spy agency,
the National Security Agency. However, the plans were not
connected to the agency, he notes.
The plans had the written approval of all of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff and were presented to President Kennedy's
defense secretary, Robert McNamara, in March 1962. But they
apparently were rejected by the civilian leadership and have
gone undisclosed for nearly 40 years.
The Joint Chiefs even proposed using the potential death of
astronaut John Glenn during the first attempt to put an
American into orbit as a false pretext for war with Cuba,
the documents show.
Should the rocket explode and kill Glenn, they wrote, "the
objective is to provide irrevocable proof Ö that the
fault lies with the Communists et all Cuba
The plans were motivated by an intense desire among senior
military leaders to depose Castro, who seized power in 1959
to become the first communist leader in the Western
Hemisphere ó only 90 miles from U.S. shores.
The earlier CIA-backed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by Cuban
exiles had been a disastrous failure, in which the military
was not allowed to provide firepower. The military
leaders now wanted a shot at it.
Reflecting this, the U.S. plan called for establishing
prolonged military ó not democratic ó control
over the island nation after the invasion.
The Joint Chiefs at the time were headed by Eisenhower
appointee Army Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, who, with the signed
plans in hand made a pitch to McNamara on March 13, 1962,
recommending Operation Northwoods be run by the
Whether the Joint Chiefs' plans were rejected by McNamara in
the meeting is not clear. But three days later, President
Kennedy told Lemnitzer directly there was virtually no
possibility of ever using overt force to take Cuba, Bamford
reports. Within months, Lemnitzer would be denied another
term as chairman and transferred to another job.
The secret plans came at a time when there was distrust in
the military leadership about their civilian leadership,
with leaders in the Kennedy administration viewed as too
liberal, insufficiently experienced and soft on communism.
At the same time, however, there real were concerns in
American society about their military overstepping its
There were reports U.S. military leaders had encouraged
their subordinates to vote conservative during the
And at least two popular books were published focusing on a
right-wing military leadership pushing the limits against
government policy of the day. The Senate Foreign Relations
Committee published its own report on right-wing extremism
in the military, warning a "considerable danger" in the
"education and propaganda activities of military personnel"
had been uncovered. The committee even called for an
examination of any ties between Lemnitzer and right-wing
groups. But Congress didn't get wind of Northwoods, says
Even after Lemnitzer was gone, he writes, the Joint Chiefs
continued to plan "pretext" operations at least through
One idea was to create a war between Cuba and another Latin
American country so that the United States could intervene.
Another was to pay someone in the Castro government to
attack U.S. forces at the Guantanamo naval base ó an
act, which Bamford notes, would have amounted to treason.
And another was to fly low level U-2 flights over Cuba, with
the intention of having one shot down as a pretext for a
Afraid of a congressional investigation, Lemnitzer had
ordered all Joint Chiefs documents related to the Bay of
Pigs destroyed, says Bamford. But somehow, these remained."
- Pentagon Proposed
Pretexts for Cuba Invasion in 1962 - National
Security Archive
[Printed at:]
(See also:
- Operation Suzannah, known as the "Lavon Affair", was a
covert operation by the Mossad to bomb U.S. installations in
Egypt and blame Arabs for it to harm Egyptian-American
relations; August
4, 1964 - US
agency concludes the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which was used
to escalate the Vietnam war, never happened;
- The most devastating and unprecedented terrorist attack in
history happens against the United States of America
allegedly committed by 19 radical Arab
May 22, 1962 -
Continental Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 707, becomes
the first known commercial airliner to be sabotaged when a
bomb explodes onboard in mid-flight killing 45 people
"A bomb exploded aboard
this Continental Boeing 707, killing all 45 people aboard.
This was the first known case of sabotage aboard a
commercial jet airliner. The bomb was believed to have been
carried aboard by a passenger in a suicide-for-insurance
plot." - Plane
Crash Info
"The aircraft crashed due
to a bomb explosion at 39,000 feet. This was the first known
bombing of a commercial jet airliner. Date: 22 May 1962;
Airline: Continental Airlines; Flight No.: 11; Aircraft:
B707-124; Location: Unionville, Missouri; Fatalities: 45:45"
(See also:
- The North WTC tower is allegedly hit by Flight
- The Milgram experiment was an "obedience to authority"
psychological experiment (which was trying to find out if
millions of accomplices in the holocaust were merely
following orders) demonstrated that the majority of
participants in the study were willing to inflict harm to
another person in the study at the orders of the authority
figure (experimenter), especially if the authority figure
demeaned the participant thought to be receiving pain in
front of the participant who thought they were really
inflicted pain to them.
Milgram experiment was a famous scientific experiment of
social psychology. The experiment was first described by
Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University in an
article titled Behavioral Study of Obedience
published in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology
in 1963, and later discussed at book length in his 1974
Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View. It was
intended to measure the willingness of a participant to obey
an authority who instructs the participant to do something
that may conflict with the participant's personal
The experiments began in July 1961, a year after the trial
of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Milgram devised the
experiment to answer the question "Could it be that Eichmann
and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just
following orders? Could we call them all
the experiment was conducted Milgram polled fellow
psychologists as to what the results would be. They
unanimously believed that only a few sadists would be
prepared to give the maximum voltage.
experimenter (E) persuades the participant (S) to give what
the participant believes are painful electric shocks to
another participant (A), who is actually an actor. Many
participants continued to give shocks despite pleas for
mercy from the actor.
In Milgram's first set of experiments, 65 percent (27 out of
40) of experimental participants administered the
experiment's final 450-volt shock, though many were quite
uncomfortable in doing so; everyone paused at some point and
questioned the experiment, some even saying they would
return the cheque for the money they were paid. No
participant steadfastly refused to give further shocks
before the 300-volt level. Variants of the experiment were
later performed by Milgram himself and other psychologists
around the world with similar results.
Thomas Blass of the University of Maryland performed a
meta-analysis on the results of repeated performances of the
experiment (done at various times since, in the US and
elsewhere). He found that the percentage of participants who
are prepared to inflict fatal voltages remains remarkably
constant, between 61% and 66%, regardless of time or
location. -
obedience to authority experiment countered the
participantís moral beliefs against the demands of
authority. Participants were told that the study would look
at the relationship of punishment in learning, and that one
person would be the teacher, and the other would be the
learner (a confederate), and that these roles would be
determined by a random drawing. The learner was then
strapped into a chair, and electrodes are attached to their
arm. It was explained to both the teacher and the learner
that the electrodes were attached to an electric shock
generator, and that shocks would serve as punishment for
incorrect answers. The experimenter then states that the
shocks will be painful, but that they will not cause any
permanent tissue damage, while in reality no shocks would
actually be received. The teacher and learner are then
divided into separate rooms.
Milgram found that 65% of participants would render shock
levels of 450 volts, and that these were everyday normal
people. These interviews confirmed that everyday normal
people can cause pain and suffering to another person, under
the right set of circumstances. Milgram also found the
tendency of the teacher to devalue the learner, by saying
such phrases as, ìhe is so dumb he deserves to get
shocked,î which helped to interally justify the
teachers behavior of continuing to administer the shocks." -
Northern Illinois University
22, 1963 - President
John F. Kennedy (D-Mass) is assassinated allegedly by Lee
Harvey Oswald.
"United States President
John F. Kennedy was assassinated on Friday November 22, 1963
in Dallas, Texas, at 12:30 PM Central time. He was on a
campaign and support trip through the Southern United States
in anticipation of the upcoming 1964 presidential election.
Kennedy was fatally wounded by multiple gunshot wounds while
riding in an open-top automobile. Texas Governor John B
Connally was also severely injured in the same assassination
attempt. Later that afternoon, U.S. Vice President Lyndon B.
Johnson was sworn in as the 36th President of the United
States aboard Air Force One.
At 12:30 PM, with the presidential limo traveling an average
of 11.2 miles per hour through the plaza, at least two shots
are known to have struck the occupants of the car. The
Warren commission believed three were fired, all by Lee
Harvey Oswald from the Depository. Two of them hit, one
missed the car and its occupants. The first bullet that hit,
called the 'magic bullet' by critics of the Warren report,
was believed to have struck Kennedy in the back to exit at
his throat, then to bounce to hit Governor Connally in the
back and wrist. The subsequent bullet that hit, the shot
fatal to Kennedy, struck him in the back of the head. From
the evidence it is unclear whether it was the first, second,
or third shot that missed.
Immediately after the shots were fired and the gravity of
the situation became clear to the limo driver and the Secret
Service, the limo sped off out of Dealey Plaza on its way to
Parkland Hospital." -
- Click here for
slideshow of that
Zapruder film. (Recommended read:
Kennedy Assassination: The Nixon-Bush
(See also:
5, 1968 -
JFK's younger brother Robert is assassinated;
23, 1972 -
Nixon uses the expression "the whole Bay of Pigs thing" in a
recorded White House meeting with Chief of Staff H.R.
Haldeman which is revealed later that Nixon's references to
the Bay of Pigs was code for the Kennedy assassination;
6, 1975 - The
Abraham Zapruder film is first shown on TV;
- James R. Bath, a friend of George W. Bush from the Texas
Air National Guard, opens an aircraft brokerage firm in
which one of his investors is Gov. John Connally;
29, 1979 -
House Select Committee on Assassinations JFK assassination
22, 1963 - An hour
after JFK's shooting, police arrest 24 yr. old Lee Harvey
Oswald who vehemently denies shooting the President and says
he's just a "patsy."
"News of the president's
shooting had Dallas residents on high alert, and several
people noticed a suspicious man duck into a doorway eight
blocks from the shooting scene as cop cars passed.
One such witness was Johnny Brewer, a shoe store manager,
who saw the man slip into the Texas Theater.
More than a dozen officers converged on the theater. They
ordered the house lights turned up, and Brewer pointed out
the suspicious character. As cops moved in, the man
brandished his pistol but was subdued before firing a shot,
although some officers said they heard the "click" of a
The suspect was 24 years old, 5-foot-9 and 150 pounds. His
name was Lee Harvey Oswald.
A misfit Marine Corps vet, the native of New Orleans had
been hired as a $1.25-an-hour order-filler at the Texas
School Book Depository six weeks earlier.
En route to the police station, Oswald asked over and over,
"Why am I being arrested?"
Oswald was taken to the Dallas Police and Courts Building
At 7:10 that evening, a justice of the peace visited to
arraign Oswald on charges that he killed Patrolman Tippit.
Six hours later, at 1:30 a.m. November 23, he was arraigned
by the same justice in the murder of Kennedy.
Oswald was questioned at Dallas police headquarters for some
12 cumulative hours over the two days following his arrest.
Capt. J.W. Fritz of the Dallas police homicide bureau
conducted most of the interrogation.
FBI and Secret Service agents often were present and
sometimes asked questions of Oswald.
The Warren Commission said, "Throughout this interrogation
he denied that he had anything to do either with the
assassination of President Kennedy or the murder of
Patrolman Tippit." -
Crime Library
"Mr Oswald was arrested
about an hour after the assassination of John F Kennedy,
carried out as the President's motorcade passed through the
Dealey Plaza in Dallas.
He was initially taken into custody for the murder of a
policeman, JD Tippit, who appears to have recognised him and
approached him just 45 minutes after the killing of the
Soon after, Mr Oswald was also charged with the President's
He strongly denied that he carried out the assassination,
saying to reporters, "I'm just a patsy." -
BBC, On This Day
24, 1963 - Two days
after Lee Harvey Oswald's arrest, Jack Ruby (who had many
friends in the Dallas police department, links to organized
crime, and owed the government $45,000) shoots and kills
Oswald live on national TV when an estimated 75 cops were
assembled waiting for Oswald's transfer and would later make
a statement to reports that the people who had "so much to
gain" and put him in the "position I'm in," are in very high
positions and will never let the true facts come
"Jack Ruby:
Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to
the surface. The world will never know the true facts, of
what occurred, my motives. The people had, that had so much
to gain and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in
the position I'm in, will never let the true facts come
above board to the world.
Reporter: Are these people in very high
positions Jack ??
Jack: Yes." - (Click here
for video of Ruby's statement) [Thanks to:
JFK Assassination Video
"At about 11 a.m. Sunday,
November 24, Oswald was to be transferred from the Police
and Courts Building to the Dallas County
Jailóstandard procedure once a crime suspect had been
charged with a felony.
Curry decided to make the move of Oswald a media event by
staging a photo opportunity in the basement of police
He indicated to reporters that the transfer would happen
after 10 a.m. Sunday, November 24.
After the basement was secure, cops allowed journalists to
By 11:20 a.m., an estimated 50 newsmen and 75 cops were
assembled waiting for Oswald.
On live national television, Oswald walked through the doors
surrounded by lawmen. After he had walked perhaps 10 feet, a
stout man stepped between newsman at the edge of the crowd.
He extended his right hand, which gripped a Colt .38-caliber
revolver, and fired "a single fatal bullet into Oswald's
abdomen," as the Warren Commission report put it.
The man was soon identified as Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub
owner who had many friends in the city's police
He told the Warren Commission he was overwhelmed by "the
emotional feeling...that someone owed this debt to our
beloved President to save her the ordeal of coming back. I
don't know why that came through my mind." Ruby swore he was
not part of a conspiracy to silence Oswald.
Ruby was charged with murder and stood trial in February and
March 1964. His attorney, Melvin Belli, argued for an
insanity verdict, but the jury convicted Ruby and condemned
him to die.
He was drafted into the Army Air Forces in 1943 and spent
three uneventful years at military bases in the south.
The Warren Commission reported, "Ruby's police friendships
were far more widespread than those of the average
The government also hounded Ruby for delinquent taxes,
including about $5,000 in income tax and $40,000 in federal
excise taxes he had neglected to charge patrons because he
claimed his establishments were restaurants, not
As a strip club owner, Ruby became acquainted with many of
the more unsavory individuals of the Dallas underworld.
The Warren Commission report said that while he was
"friendly with numerous underworld figures," "evidence does
not establish a significant link between Ruby and organized
crime. "
Ruby probably was allowed to stay in business by paying off
the Dallas mob, then led by Joseph Civello. Among his
closest friends was Civello's No. 2 lieutenant, and Ruby
also was tight with three brothers who led another Dallas
Mafia unit." -
Crime Library
August 4, 1964 - Based
on intercepted communications, U.S. military intelligence
claims there has been a second attack on the USS
Maddox by Vietnamese naval ships (the "Gulf of Tonkin
incident") which propels an outraged U.S. Congress to
overwhelmingly pass the Tonkin Gulf Resolution three
days later that enables President Lyndon Johnson to employ
military force in Vietnam as he saw fit and becomes the
crucial turning point in escalating the war. However
after 40 years later, analysis from the U.S.'s own
intelligence agency concluded that this second attack on the
Maddox never actually took place.
cast on Vietnam War buildup
just-released spy-agency analysis contends a second attack
on U.S. ships in the Gulf of Tonkin never happened, which
casts further doubt on the main rationale for escalation of
the Vietnam War.
Much as faulty U.S. intelligence preceded the invasion of
Iraq, the mishandling of intercepted communications 40 years
earlier is blamed in a National Security Agency paper
released Thursday for giving President Lyndon B. Johnson
carte blanche to wage war in Vietnam.
The agency put out more than 140 long-secret documents in
response to requests from researchers trying to get to the
bottom of an episode that unfolded in the South China Sea on
August 4, 1964, and has been disputed since.
Among the documents is an article written by one of the
agency's historians for its classified publication,
Cryptologic Quarterly, which declared that his review of the
complete intelligence shows beyond doubt "no attack happened
that night."
Claims that North Vietnamese boats attacked two warships
that August 4, just two days after an initial assault on one
of the ships, rallied Congress behind Johnson's buildup of
the war. The Gulf of Tonkin resolution, which passed three
days later, empowered Johnson to take "all necessary steps"
in the region and opened the way for large-scale commitment
of U.S. forces.
"In truth, Hanoi's navy was engaged in nothing that night
but the salvage of two of the boats damaged on 2 August,"
Hanyok wrote.
The Maddox had come under fire from North Vietnamese patrol
boats August 2 and took only superficial damage." -
CNN (12/01/05)
of the Tonkin Gulf Crisis of August 1964
clash between naval forces of the United States and the
Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) in August
1964 marked a significant turning point in the Cold War
struggle for Southeast Asia.
early August of 1964, destroyer USS Maddox (DD 731), under
the operational control of Captain John J. Herrick, USN,
steamed along the coast of North Vietnam in the Gulf of
Tonkin gathering various types of intelligence.
the afternoon of 2 August, the Communists dispatched three
Soviet-built P-4 motor torpedo boats against Maddox.
Torpedoes launched from the P-4s missed their mark. Only one
round from enemy deck guns hit the destroyer; it lodged in
the ship's superstructure.
the night of 4 August, the warships reported making contact
and then being attacked by several fast craft far out to
sea. Officers in the naval chain of command and U.S. leaders
in Washington were persuaded by interpretation of special
intelligence and reports from the ships that North
Vietnamese naval forces had attacked the two destroyers.
More recent analysis of that data and additional information
gathered on the 4 August episode now makes it clear that
North Vietnamese naval forces did not attack Maddox and
Turner Joy that night in the summer of 1964.
In response to the actual attack of 2 August and the
suspected attack of 4 August, the President ordered Seventh
Fleet carrier forces to launch retaliatory strikes against
North Vietnam. Of greater significance, on 7 August the U.S.
Congress overwhelmingly passed the so-called Tonkin Gulf
Resolution, which enabled Johnson to employ military force
as he saw fit against the Vietnamese Communists. In the
first months of 1965, the President ordered the deployment
to South Vietnam of major U.S. ground, air, and naval
forces. Thus began a new phase in America's long, costly
Vietnam War." - Navy
Gulf Intelligence "Skewed" According to Official History and
- Newly Declassified National Security Agency Documents Show
Analysts Made "SIGINT fit the claim" of North Vietnamese
largest U.S. intelligence agency, the National Security
Agency, today declassified over 140 formerly top secret
documents -- histories, chronologies, signals intelligence
[SIGINT] reports, and oral history interviews -- on
the August 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident. Included in the
release is a controversial article by Agency historian
Robert J. Hanyok on SIGINT and the Tonkin Gulf which
confirms what historians have long argued: that there was no
second attack on U.S. ships in Tonkin on August 4, 1964." -
National Security Archive
Gulf of Tonkin Incident, 40 Years Later
- Flawed Intelligence and the Decision for War in
- Signals Intercepts, Cited at Time, Prove Only August 2nd
Battle, Not August 4; Purported Second Attack Prompted
Congressional Blank Check for War -
National Security Archive
also: March
13, 1962 -
America's top military leaders, who were staunchly
right-wing, drafted "Operation Northwoods" which were secret
plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism
in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against
3, 1967 - Jack Ruby
dies of cancer in prison.
"Ruby was charged with
murder and stood trial in February and March 1964. His
attorney, Melvin Belli, argued for an insanity verdict, but
the jury convicted Ruby and condemned him to die.
Ruby won an appeal on grounds of fairness because he had
been denied a change of venue. A Texas court ordered a new
trial, but Ruby died of cancer on January 3, 1967, before it
could be held." -
Crime Library
5, 1968 - Senator
Robert Kennedy, the favored Democratic candidate in the next
Presidential election, is shot by 24 yr. old Palestinian
immigrant Sirhan Sirhan who allegedly shoots him with a .22
cal gun, but conspiracy theories emerge when more bullet
holes were counted than Sirhan's gun had bullets, the fatal
bullet that hit RFK hit the back of his neck at very close
range yet Sirhan shot at him from the front, Sirhan was
seen whispering to a lady in a polka dotted dress who smiled
right before he began shooting and then the lady in the
dress was seen running away from the scene exuberantly
crying, "We shot Kennedy!", no formal security people were
hired to protect RFK at his event, and Sirhan's lawyer
claims he was "hypnotized" and didn't even shoot
"Senator Robert Kennedy
has been shot and seriously wounded shortly after giving a
victory speech to celebrate his win in the California
Primary in a Los Angeles hotel.
The 42-year-old senator was greeting hotel workers while
being escorted through the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel
when a gunman, named as Palestinian immigrant Sirhan Sirhan,
fired shots from a .22 calibre gun.
The 24-year-old was immediately set upon by Mr Kennedy's
body guards and then arrested and taken away by police.
It is thought Mr Kennedy's well documented support for
Israel led to the attack.
Mr Kennedy is favourite in the running to be named as the
Democrat candidate in the next election.
(In Context)
Robert Kennedy's death was announced the following day.
There are many theories about the death of Robert Kenndy
disputing the conviction of Sirhan Sirhan.
Conflicting reports of events, the trajectory of the bullets
and the number of bullet holes found compared with the round
of bullets in the fired gun have all led people to suggest
possible conspiracy theories." -
BBC 'On This Day'
"Odd as it seems, no
formal security measurements were in effect during the
A Gallup Poll showed that Americans believed "by a margin of
4 to 3 that the attack was a product of a conspiracy."
...the gunman was not hostile, nor impolite; he held
friendly discourse...and answered the detective courteously.
But, he seemed confused as if he really didnít
understand the seriousness of his crime.
The autopsy...also created a controversy. Sirhan Sirhan had
carried an Iver-Johnson eight-cylinder handgun...Four of
those had been fired at RFK...but there were five others who
had been wounded in the pantry. Because there were more
victims than accounted-for bullets, a "second gunman" theory
was born.
The shot that...killed Kennedy ñ the one that entered
the back of his neck,... was fired so close that it left
thick powder burns on the skin...the shot was fired at a
range no more distant than one-and-a-half inches. Yet,
according to all witnesses, Sirhan Sirhan shot in front of
...a college kid and part-time waiter at the Ambassador
Hotel, who said he had spotted Sirhan Sirhan before the
shooting, standing near the tray table. What had drawn his
attention to the would-be assassin was the woman to whom he
was whispering...She...wore a "white dress with black or
purple polka dots". Moments before Sirhan leaped forward to
shoot, he murmured in her ear and she smiled.
That same night at the police station a 21-year-old campaign
worker named Sandra Serrano also told the investigators
about a mysterious polka dot-wearing lady...she said, a trio
comprised of a young...male who looked like Sirhan
Sirhan...entered the ballroom. Not long after, claimed
Serrano, the couple, minus the third party, came bolting
down the steps, exuberantly crying, "We shot Kennedy!"
The polka-dot lady had also been seen by a police sergeant
named Paul Sharaga...he overheard a giggling couple pass by
him, mumbling, "We shot Kennedy!" The female wore polka
Within weeks after the trial, the Los Angeles Free Press ran
a story by reporters Lillian Castellano and Floyd Nelson
that resurrected the possibility of another gunman at the
crime scene. They had photographic "proof" of two extra
bullet holes in the wooden divider...
There was a catch. The police had removed the door
jamb...When the Los Angeles City Council, under pressure,
demanded an answer...Assistant Police Chief Daryl Gates
responded...yes, the police thought they might have been
bullet holes.
Confounding the issue was the incessant question as to how
Kennedy was shot in the back by a man who approached him
from the front.
Stranger, all records of the trial proceedings referring to
the testimony of seven forensic experts about the crime
scene have disappeared.
"Attorney Lawrence Teeter, representing Sirhan Sirhan,
believes that his client was hypnotized that evening and
made to serve as someoneís puppet. "An unconscious
perpetrator does not commit a crime," Teeter expanded. "He
was not aware of what happenedÖ(He) was out of
position, out of range and could not have shot Senator
Meanwhile, Sirhan Sirhan remains in prison, having been
denied his latest parole attempt in 1997, awaiting his next
hearing in the year 2000. He is a model prisoner who
continues to claim his innocence." -
Court TV
(See also:
22, 1963 -
Democratic President John F. Kennedy is
• March
16, 1970 - Propane
Blasts Hit Trade Center; 4 Explosions Are Described as an
Industrial Accident
"Propane gas explosions,
described by the Fire Department as accidental, shook the
skeletal south tower of the World Trade Center in lower
Manhattan yesterday, injured six workmen and caused a
suspension of operations for 2,000 other construction men
and employees of nearby businesses." -
New York Times
(See also:
14, 1975 -
Trade Center Hit By 6-Floor Fire)
6-12, 1970 - Four New
York-bound airliners are hijacked over western Europe by a
militant Palestinian group and later three of the planes are
blown up on an airfield in Jordan.
"Four New York-bound airliners have been hijacked over
western Europe in an unprecedented operation carried out by
a militant Palestinian group.
Three of the planes taken over by the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) have been flown to two
different locations in the Middle East.
The TWA and Swissair planes were flown to an airfield in
Jordan and the Pan American airliner to Beirut." -
"Palestinian militants
have blown up the three planes they have been holding at an
airfield in the Jordanian desert.
Two of the planes had been captured by the Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) six days ago.
The last plane was seized on 9 September on a flight from
Bombay to London and forced to join the others at Dawson's
Field airstrip - a former RAF base." -
(See also:
- The most devastating and unprecedented terrorist attack in
history happens in the United States of America allegedly
committed by 19 radical Arab Muslims who hijacked four
commercial airliners)
• 1971
- Asbestos insulating material had only been sprayed up to
the 64th floor of the World Trade Center
"Until 30 years ago,
asbestos was added to flame-retardant sprays used to
insulate steel building materials, particularly floor
supports. The insulation was intended to delay the steel
from melting in the case of fire by up to four hours.
In the case of the World Trade Center, emergency plans
called for this four-hour window to be used to evacuate the
building while helicopters sprayed to put out the fire and
evacuated persons from the roof.
The use of asbestos ceased in the 1970s following reports of
asbestos workers becoming ill from high exposures to
asbestos fibers.
In 1971, New York City banned the use of asbestos in spray
fireproofing. At that time, asbestos insulating material had
only been sprayed up to the 64th floor of the World Trade
Center towers.
Levineís company, Asbestospray, was familiar with the
World Trade Center construction, but failed to get the
contract for spraying insulation in the World Trade Center.
Levine frequently would say that "if a fire breaks out above
the 64th floor, that building will fall down." -
17, 1972 - Five men,
one of whom says he used to work for the CIA, are arrested
trying to bug the offices of the Democratic National
Committee at the Watergate hotel.
"Five men, one of whom
said he is a former employee of the Central Intelligence
Agency, were arrested at 2:30 a.m. yesterday in what
authorities described as an elaborate plot to bug the
offices of the Democratic National Committee here.
Three of the men were native-born Cubans and another was
said to have trained Cuban exiles for guerrilla activity
after the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion.
They were surprised at gunpoint by three plain-clothes
officers of the metropolitan police department in a sixth
floor office at the plush Watergate, 2600 Virginia Ave., NW,
where the Democratic National Committee occupies the entire
All wearing rubber surgical gloves, the five suspects were
captured inside a small office within the committee's
headquarters suite.
Near where they were captured were two open file drawers,
and one national committee source conjectured that the men
were preparing to photograph the contents.
The five men were identified as:
• Edward Martin, alias James W. McCord, of New York
City and perhaps the Washington metropolitan area. Martin
said in court yesterday that he retired from the CIA two
years ago. He said he presently is employed as a "security
• Frank Sturgis of 2515 NW 122d St., Miami. Prosecutors
said that an FBI check on Sturgis showed that he had served
in the Cuban Military army intelligence in 1958, recently
traveled to Honduras in Central America, and presently is
the agent for a Havana salvage agency.
• Eugenio R. Martinez of 4044 North Meridian Ave.,
Miami. Prosecutors said that Martinez violated the
immigration laws in 1958 by flying in a private plane to
Cuba. He is a licensed real estate agent and a notary public
in Florida.
• Virgilio R. Gonzales [Editor's Note: Spelling was
corrected in subsequent stories to Gonzalez] of 930 NW
23d Ave., Miami. In Miami yesterday, his wife told a
Washington Post reporter that her husband works as a
locksmith at the Missing Link Key Shop.
• Bernard L. Barker of 5229 NW 4th St., Miami. Douglas
Caddy, one of the attorneys for the five men, told a
reporter that shortly after 3 a.m. yesterday, he received a
call from Barker's wife. "She said that her husband told her
to call me if he hadn't called her by 3 a.m.: that it might
mean he was in trouble."
Silbert called the men professionals with a "clandestine"
purpose." -
Washington Post
Watergate Chronology
- Washington Post
(See also:
9, 1974 -
President Nixon resigns)
23, 1972 - In a
recorded meeting between President Nixon and Chief of Staff
H.R. Haldeman in the Oval Office about the Watergate
scandal, Nixon uses the expression "the whole Bay of Pigs
thing" in which Haldeman years later in his 1978 book, The
Ends of Power, revealed that Nixon's references to the Bay
of Pigs was "code" for the Kennedy
"Nixon: When you
get in these people when you...get these people in, say:
"Look, the problem is that this will open the whole, the
whole Bay of Pigs thing, and the President just feels that"
ah, without going into the details... don't, don't lie to
them to the extent to say there is no involvement, but just
say this is sort of a comedy of errors, bizarre, without
getting into it, "the President believes that it is going to
open the whole Bay of Pigs thing up again. And, ah because
these people are plugging for, for keeps and that they
should call the FBI in and say that we wish for the country,
don't go any further into this case", period!
Haldeman: OK" -
later, former C.B.S. correspondent Dan Schorr called me. He
was seeking information concerning the F.B.I. investigation
Nixon had mounted against him in August, 1971.
Schorr later sent me his fascinating book
Clearing the Air.
In it I was interested to find that evidence he had gleaned
while investigating the C.I.A. finally cleared up for me the
mystery of the Bay of Pigs connection in those dealings
between Nixon and Helms. 'It's intriguing when I put
Schorr's facts together with mine. It seems that in all of
those Nixon references to the Bay of Pigs, he was actually
referring to the Kennedy assassination." -
The Ends of Power,
by H.R. Haldeman, Joseph Dimona; 1978 [Reprinted at:
Spartacus Educational]
- Watch video
clip of Haldeman
interview -
JFK Assassination Video Resources
(See also:
22, 1963 -
Democratic President John F. Kennedy is assassinated;
August 9, 1974
- President Nixon resigns)
September 1972 -
President Nixon forms a high-level government panel to
develop plans to protect the nation against terrorist acts
ranging from "dirty bombs" to airline missile attacks and
the panel included such people as the first future 9/11
Commission head Henry Kissinger and future NYC Mayor Rudy
Giuliani who had suggested relaxing intelligence collection
guidelines on this panel which would eventually happen after
9/11 with the passage of the Patriot Act.
foresaw terrorist attacks
three decades before the September 11 attacks, a high-level
government panel developed plans to protect the nation
against terrorist acts ranging from radiological "dirty
bombs" to airline missile attacks, according to declassified
"Unless governments take basic precautions, we will continue
to stand at the edge of an awful abyss," Robert Kupperman,
chief scientist for the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency,
wrote in a 1977 report that summarized nearly five years of
work by the Cabinet Committee to Combat Terrorism.
group was formed in September 1972 by President Nixon after
Palestinian commandos slaughtered 11 Israeli athletes at the
Munich Olympic Games. The committee involved people as
diverse as Henry Kissinger to a young Rudolph W. Giuliani,
the once-secret documents show.
Eventually, the group's influence waned as competing
priorities, a change of presidents ushered in by Watergate,
bureaucratic turf battles and a lack of spectacular domestic
attacks took their toll.
But before that happened, the panel identified many of the
same threats that would confront President Bush at the dawn
of the 21st century.
Committee members identified commercial jets as a particular
vulnerability, but raised concerns that airlines would not
pay for security improvements such as tighter screening
procedures and routine baggage inspections.
"The trouble with the plans is that airlines and airports
will have to absorb the costs and so they will scream bloody
murder should this be required of them," according to a
White House memo from 1972.
Thousands of pages of heavily blacked-out records and memos
obtained by the Associated Press from government archives
and under the Freedom of Information Act show the task force
also discussed defending commercial aircraft against being
shot down by portable missile systems.
Though the CIA routinely updated the committee on potential
terrorist threats and plots, task force members learned
quickly that intelligence gathering and coordination was a
weak spot, just as Mr. Bush would discover three decades
Long before he was mayor and helped New York recover from
the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, Mr.
Giuliani told the committee in May 1976 that he feared legal
restrictions were thwarting federal agents from collecting
intelligence unless there had been a violation of the
Mr. Giuliani, who at that time was the associate deputy
attorney general in President Ford's Justice Department,
suggested relaxing intelligence-collection guidelines
ó something that occurred with the Patriot Act three
decades later." -
Washington Times
also: 9/11
- Mayor Rudy Giuliani thinks the first crash into the WTC
was an attack and not an accident; October
26, 2001 -
Only a month and a half after 9/11, the 342 page USA PATRIOT
ACT is signed into law;
November 29, 2002
- Bush names Henry Kissinger to head 9/11
11, 1973 - Chilean
armed forces headed by General Augusto Pinochet and
allegedly backed by the U.S. CIA take control of the country
in a coup d'etat against President Salvador
"In 1973, when high
inflation and economic shortages had plunged the country
into near chaos, the Chilean military led by General Augusto
Pinochet Ugarte, staged a coup against President
Following the coup many Allende supporters began to allege
that the president's overthrow had been the result of an
American orchestrated scheme. Although the CIA denies
actively supporting in the coup and claims that it was
merely informed of it, recently declassified documents have
raised the possibility that the CIA was much more actively
involved in the coup than it has previously admitted." -
(See also:
11, 1990 -
President George H. W. Bush twice references the phrase "new
world order" in an address before congress)
• December
12, 1973 - British spy
chiefs secretly warned that the United States would be
prepared to invade Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to seize their
oilfields following the 1973 Arab-Israeli
"British spy chiefs
secretly warned that the United States would be prepared to
invade Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to seize their oilfields
following the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, documents released
today disclose.
Files released to the British National Archives under the
30-year rule for classified documents show the intelligence
agencies believed the US was ready to take military action
to prevent further disruption to oil supplies.
It followed the decision in October 1973 by the Arab nations
to slash oil production, and send prices rocketing, while
imposing a complete embargo on the Americans over their
support for Israel.
Although the war in the Middle East was over after three
weeks, a secret assessment drawn up for government ministers
by the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC), including the
heads of MI5 and MI6, concluded the US would rather risk
military action than be held to ransom again by the
The report, dated December 12, 1973 and marked "UK Eyes
Alpha", described the seizure of the oil-producing areas in
the region as "the possibility uppermost in American
The JIC calculated the US could guarantee sufficient oil
supplies for themselves and their allies by taking the
oilfields in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Gulf state of Abu
Dhabi, with total reserves of more than 28 billion tons.
However, it said the Republican administration of President
Richard Nixon could be prepared to take the risks, if it was
faced with the "dark scenario" of renewed Arab-Israeli
conflict and further protracted oil restrictions.
It said that the United States would even consider
pre-emptive action if Arab governments, "elated by the
success of the oil weapon," began imposing new demands."
- Australian
Broadcasting Corp
February 17, 1974 -
Army Pvt. Robert Preston steals an Army helicopter from Fort
Meade, MD, and flies it to the White House where he touches
down briefly, then leaves back toward Fort Meade, then flies
back to the White House after being chased by two Maryland
State Police helicopters and lands on the grounds after
being shot at by EPS officers.
Air Incursions and
Attempted Air Incursions
"Robert K. Preston (February 1974). On February 17, 1974,
Robert Preston, a private in the Army, stole an Army
helicopter from Fort Meade, Maryland, and flew it to the
White House Complex. He passed over the Executive Mansion
and then returned to the south grounds, where he hovered for
about 6 minutes and touched down briefly approximately 150
feet from the West Wing. Members of the EPS did not know who
was piloting the aircraft and were not aware that it had
been stolen from Fort Meade. They made no attempt to shoot
down the helicopter.
Preston left the area of the White House and flew the
helicopter back toward Fort Meade. He was chased by two
Maryland State Police helicopters, one of which he forced
down through his erratic maneuvers. Preston then returned to
the White House Complex. As he lowered himself to about 30
feet above the south grounds, EPS officers barraged the
helicopter with shotgun and submachine gunfire. Preston
immediately set the riddled aircraft down. He was injured
slightly." - Federation
of American Scientists.
See also: Wikipedia
House has been scene of attacks, violence many
Pvt. Robert Preston got further with a similar plan that
year. He stole a helicopter from Fort Meade, Md., flew to
the White House, touched down briefly near the West Wing,
then flew back toward Fort Meade with Maryland State Police
helicopters in pursuit, returned to the White House and was
shot down on the South Lawn." -
22, 1974 - Samuel Byck
attempts to hijack a commercial plane and crash it into the
White House in order to kill Richard Nixon.
1974, a psychotic celebrity stalker named Samuel Byck ended
his not-illustrious non-career as a homicidal maniac by
attempting to storm a parked aircraft and hijack it, with
the intent of crashing it into the White House in order to
kill Richard M. Nixon. The plan was not well thought out.
Rather than buy a ticket and hijack a plane in flight, he
chose to shoot his way onto the plane at the airport with
the predictable result that he was gunned down by the
police. Wounded, he committed suicide rather than
surrender." -
Byck, an unemployed salesman from Philadelphia who on Feb.
22, 1974 attempted to hijack an Atlanta-bound jet leaving
Baltimore-Washington International Airport -- murdering a
police officer and being shot to death himself. It was days
before authorities discovered, via tape recordings left
behind by the 44-year-old killer, that he had planned to fly
the hijacked plane into the Nixon White House." -
House has been scene of attacks, violence many
one, an unemployed Philadelphia salesman, Samuel Byck, got
into a shootout with airports guards at Baltimore-Washington
International Airport when he tried to hijack a Delta
commercial airliner. After he committed suicide, officials
learned that he had planned to crash the plane into the
White House." -
(See also:
25, 1944 -
The first use of airplanes in suicide attacks are preformed
by the Japanese "Kamikaze's"; 1978
- 'The Medusa Touch' is about a man who uses his telekinetic
powers to cause a jumbo jet to crash into a building;
29, 2004 -
"The Assassination of Richard Nixon", a movie based on the
real-life of Samuel Byck who tried to hijack a commercial
jet and crash it into the White House in order to kill
Richard Nixon)
9, 1974 - President
Nixon resigns because of the Watergate scandal, becoming the
first President in U.S. history to resign from
"Richard Milhous Nixon
announced last night that he will resign as the 37th
President of the United States at noon today.
Vice President Gerald R. Ford of Michigan will take the oath
as the new President at noon to complete the remaining 2 1/2
years of Mr. Nixon's term.
After two years of bitter public debate over the Watergate
scandals, President Nixon bowed to pressures from the public
and leaders of his party to become the first President in
American history to resign.
Vice President Ford, who spoke a short time later in front
of his Alexandria home, announced that Secretary of State
Henry A. Kissinger will remain in his Cabinet.
Mr. Nixon said he decided he must resign when he concluded
that he no longer had "a strong enough political base in the
Congress" to make it possible for him to complete his term
of office.
While the President acknowledged that some of his judgments
"were wrong," he made no confession of the "high crimes and
misdemeanors" with which the House Judiciary Committee
charged him in its bill of impeachment.
Alexander M. Haig Jr., the former Army vice chief of staff
who was brought into the White House as staff chief
following the resignation of H.R. (Bob) Haldeman on April
30, 1973, has been asked by Mr. Ford to remain in his
present position.
The march of events that brought about the President's
downfall turned its last corner Monday when Mr. Nixon
released the partial transcripts of three taped
conversations he held on June 23, 1972 with Haldeman." -
Washington Post
- Nixon's
Resignation Speech,
Nixon's Resignation Letter
(See also:
17, 1972 -
Watergate hotel burglarized)
8, 1974 - President
Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon of any wrongdoings in the
Watergate scandal.
"On September 8, 1974,
President Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon of any
wrongdoings in the Watergate scandal. The pardon actually
came out less than a month after Nixon resigned the
presidency. Quoting his official pardon: "It is believed
that a trial of Richard Nixon, if it became necessary, could
not fairly begin until a year or more has elapsed. In the
meantime, the tranquility to which this nation has been
restored by the events of recent weeks could be irreparably
lost by the prospects of bringing to trial a former
President of the United States." -
- President
Ford's Pardon of Richard
Nixon -
- In the movie "Three Days of the Condor", Robert Redford
plays Joseph Turner (aka Condor) who works for the CIA
reading books to find information of plots and scenarios to
check against actual CIA Plans and Operations for leaks or
new ideas.
"A man named Turner works
for the CIA reading books and postulating possible scenarios
that could be applied to intelligence work. He goes out to
get lunch but when he returns everyone at the center has
been killed. He calls his superior and asks for someone to
bring him in, he tells him that his section chief will get
him but when he arrives, the man tries to shoot him, he
manages to shoot back and escape. In an act of desperation,
the abducts a woman and forces her to shelter him until he
can figure out what is going on. When someone goes to the
woman's house and tries to kill him, he kills the man and
discovers that he has a connection to the CIA, which means
that someone in the CIA is behind the attempt on him."
Internet Movie Database Inc.
Listen. I work for the CIA. I'm not a spy.
I read mystery novels, adventures, journals, everything
published all over the world. We feed the plots --
dirty tricks, codes, anything -- into a computer, to check
against actual CIA Plans and Operations. We look for
leaks. Or new ideas." -
(Page 55 in the pdf.)
• February
14, 1975 - Trade Center
Hit By 6-Floor Fire; Blaze Starts on the 11th 16 Men Are
"A three-alarm fire broke
out in the 11th-floor offices of the B.F. Goodrich Company
in the north tower of the World Trade Center just before
midnight last night, and spread through an inner-service
core to the ninth and 14th floors." -
New York Times
(02/15/75) [Reprinted at:]
(See also:
16, 1970 -
Propane Blasts Hit Trade Center; May
19, 1975 - 7
Suspicious Fires Hit Trade Center)
March 6, 1975 - The
Abraham Zapruder film is first shown on TV, more than 11
years after JFK's assassination.
6, 1975
News reporter Geraldo Rivera convinced network executives to
show Grodenís version of the film on his weekly
Good Night America talk show. It was the first time
the public saw the film in motion. Many believed the
backward movement of the presidentís head and upper
body "proved" the fatal shot came from the front, not from
behind in the Book Depository." -
March 1975, on the ABC late-night television show Good Night
America (hosted by Geraldo Rivera), assassination
researchers Robert Groden and Dick Gregory presented the
first-ever network television showing of the Zapruder home
movie. The public's response and outrage to that first
television showing quickly led to the forming of the
Hart-Schweiker investigation, contributed to the Church
Committee Investigation on Intelligence Activities by the
United States, and resulted in the House Select Committee on
Assassinations investigation." - wikipedia
(See also:
22, 1963 -
John F. Kennedy is assassinated allegedly by Lee Harvey
• May
19, 1975 - 7 Suspicious
Fires Hit Trade Center; One Causes Wide Damage to 32d-Floor
"A series of seven
suspicious fires, including an extensive two-alarm blaze,
struck the World Trade Center in quick succession last
night, keeping harried firemen scurrying from floor to floor
and tower to tower for more than two hours." -
New York Times
(See also:
14, 1975 -
Trade Center Hit By 6-Floor Fire; February
26, 1993 -
The WTC is bombed)
November 20, 1975 -
Donald H. Rumsfeld becomes the 13th U.S. Secretary of
Defense under the Ford Administration.
replace Schlesinger, President Ford chose Donald H.
Rumsfeld. Born on 9 July 1932 in Chicago, Rumsfeld graduated
from Princeton University in 1954 and then spent three years
in the U.S. Navy as an aviator and flight instructor.
Following naval service, Rumsfeld worked in Washington as an
assistant to two different congressmen and then, between
1960 and 1962, at a Chicago investment banking firm. Elected
to the House of Representatives in 1962, he was reelected
for three more terms. In 1969 he resigned from Congress to
join the Nixon administration as an assistant to the
president and director of the Office Of Economic
Opportunity; later he served as counselor to the president
and director of the Cost of Living Council. In February 1973
he became U.S. ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, returning to Washington in August 1974 to head
Gerald Ford's transition team and then became assistant to
the president, directing the White House Office of
Operations and serving as coordinator of the White House
Staff. At the time of his designation as secretary of
defense, Rumsfeld was one of President Ford's closest
associates and advisers.
Sworn in on 20 November 1975, at age 43 the youngest
secretary of defense to date, Rumsfeld served exactly 14
months in the office. Although he instituted some
organizational changes at the Pentagon, including
appointment of a second deputy secretary of defense (a
position created in 1972 but never previously filled) and
consolidation of several offices in OSD, Rumsfeld
concentrated more on the political aspects of his job. More
than any of his predecessors, he served as a roving
ambassador for the Defense Department, traveling widely in
the United States and abroad and discussing defense issues
through numerous speeches, press conferences, and
Although he supported the Ford administration's efforts at
detente, Rumsfeld, like Schlesinger, sought to reverse the
gradual decline in the Defense budget and to build up U.S.
strategic and conventional forces. He made clear his
agreement with Schlesinger's strategic and budget
initiatives and that he would press forward with them." -
also: March
21, 1989 -
Dick Cheney becomes 17th U.S. Secretary of Defense;
20, 2001 -
Rumsfeld becomes U.S. Secretary of Defense for the second
30, 1976 - George Bush
Sr. becomes director of the CIA.
"George Herbert Walker
TENURE AS DIRECTOR 30 January 1976ñ20 January
APPOINTED 3 November 1975 by President Gerald R. Ford;
confirmed by Senate, 27 January 1976; sworn in, 30 January
EARLIER CAREER Served in World War II as naval aviator in
the Pacific; Member of Congress, 7th District, Texas,
1967-71; Ambassador to the United Nations, 1971-72;
Chairman, Republican National Committee, 1973-74; Chief, US
Liaison Office, Peopleís Republic of China, 1974-75"
"William Colby led the
Central Intelligence Agency through some of its most
turbulent days during the 1970s.
But some people in the Ford administration had a problem
with how often Colby cooperated with Congress. For example,
he gave Congress a list of past CIA actions that were
unethical, unauthorized, or immoral. They included plans to
kill Cuban President Fidel Castro and other international
leaders; unauthorized perusal of Americans' mail, and
psychedelic drug experiments conducted without the consent
of the Americans being tested. In late 1975, President Ford
announced that George Bush would replace him." -
(See also:
28, 1996 -
Former CIA Director William Colby is reported missing after
a Marine Colonel's wife came to him to whistle blow military
corruption; April
26, 1999 -
Bush Sr. gets the CIA's headquarters compound in Langley,
Virginia named after him)
• 1976
- James R. Bath, a friend of George W. Bush from the Texas
Air National Guard, opens an aircraft brokerage firm in
which some of his investors are former Texas Gov. John
Connally (who was shot riding with JFK), Saudi financier
Ghaith Pharaon (an alleged B.C.C.I. front man), and Saudi
banker Khaled bin Mahfouz (a major BCCI shareholder and
husband to one of Osama bin Laden's sisters).
"The Harken Energy folks
are not the only Texas-based colleagues of George W. Bush
with fortuitous, if not extraordinary, Arab connections.
Another is the mysterious Houston businessman James R. Bath,
a deal broker whose alleged associations run from the CIA to
a major shareholder and director of the Bank of Credit &
Commerce International. The President's son has denied that
he ever had business dealings with Bath, but early 1980s tax
records reviewed by TIME show that Bath invested $50,000 in
Bush's energy ventures and remained a stockholder until Bush
sold his company to Harken in 1986.
Bath's penchant for secrecy has been frustrated by a feud
with a former business partner, Bill White, who claims that
Bath was a front man for CIA business operations. White
contends that Bath has used his connections to the Bush
family and Texas Senator Lloyd Bentsen to cloak the
development of a lucrative array of offshore companies
designed to move money and airplanes between the Middle East
and Texas. White, an Annapolis graduate and former Navy
fighter pilot, claims it was Bentsen's son Lan who suggested
that White go into the real estate development business with
Bath, a former Air Force fighter pilot.
Bath, 55, acknowledges a friendship with George W. Bush that
stems from their service together in the Texas Air National
Guard, and says he is "slightly" acquainted with the
President. But Bath vehemently denies White's accusations.
"I am not a member of the CIA or any other intelligence
agency," he says, describing White's portrayal as a
"fantasy." Even so, Bath, while insisting he is nothing more
than a "small, obscure businessman," is associated with some
of the most powerful figures in the U.S. and Middle East.
Private records show, and associates confirm, that Bath is a
"representative" for several immensely wealthy Saudi
families, an unusual position for any small-time Texas
Bath got his start in real estate in 1973 by forming a
partnership with Lan Bentsen. One purpose, sources tell
TIME, was to find investments for the Senator's blind
Bath opened his own aircraft brokerage firm in 1976, but his
Middle East connections first surfaced two years later, when
he became a shareholder and director of Houston's Main Bank.
His fellow investors were former U.S. Treasury Secretary
John Connally; Saudi financier Ghaith Pharaon, an alleged
B.C.C.I. front man; and Saudi banker Khaled bin Mahfouz, who
subsequently became a major B.C.C.I. shareholder.
The firm that incorporated Bath's companies in the Cayman
Islands is the same one that set up a money-collecting front
company for Oliver North in the Iran-contra affair.
Even if Bath is a clandestine public servant, the U.S. may
not always get a bargain. The Houston Post reported last
year that the U.S. had spent millions of dollars more than
necessary by fueling military aircraft, including Air Force
One, at privately owned Southwest Airport Services at
Ellington Field rather than using a government fuel station
there. Bath operates and holds a majority ownership stake in
Southwest Airport Services, which the Post said was charging
a markup of as much as 60% on the fuel. So far, the paper's
charges have prompted no official investigations." -
Time (10/28/91)
[Reprinted at:]
"The 147th has been dubbed
the "champagne unit" by critics because many sons of
powerful Texans got assigned there during the Vietnam War,
including the late Gov. John Connally's son and both of Sen.
Lloyd Bentsen's. Bush's father was a U.S. congressman from
Houston at the time. The politically connected James R.
Bath, who has Middle Eastern ties, also served in the unit
as a pilot. He and Bush went into the oil business together
after their Guard duty. Bath has also done business with Lan
Bentsen. The late Gov. Connally, moreover, had invested in
Bath's aircraft brokerage firm." -
"Here's how the dots
connect: Kean is a director of petroleum giant Amerada Hess,
which in 1998 formed a joint venture--known as Delta
Hess--with Delta Oil, a Saudi Arabian company, to develop
oil fields in Azerbaijan. One of Delta's backers is Khalid
bin Mahfouz, a shadowy Saudi patriarch married to one of
Osama bin Laden's sisters." -
Fortune (01/22/03)
"As Secretary of the
Treasury, Mr. Connally became one of the most influential
members of the Cabinet, and was designated chief spokesman
of the Nixon Administration in matters relating to the
economic program to halt inflation and spur industrial
productivity, a program he helped design and present to the
A long-time associate of former President Lyndon B. Johnson,
whom he served first as secretary in 1939 in the House of
Representatives and later as Administrative Assistant in
1949 in the United States Senate, Mr. Connally earned a
distinguished World War II record between those assignments.
Upon his return from naval service in 1946, he became
president, general manager and attorney for radio station
KVET in Austin, Texas, a business he helped organize.
President Kennedy appointed Mr. Connally Secretary of the
Navy on December 27, 1961. He later successfully ran for
Governor of Texas. Governor Connally was critically wounded
while riding with President Kennedy when the President was
assassinated in Dallas, Texas in November 1963.
Long active in Democratic Party affairs, Mr. Connally rose
above partisan politics to serve on President Nixon's
Advisory Council on Executive Organization in 1969-1970, and
subsequently was appointed by the President to be a member
of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board in 1970.
Mr. Connally died on June 15, 1993." -
US Treasury
(See also:
22, 1963 -
Democratic President John F. Kennedy is assassinated;
22, 2003 -
9/11 Commission chairman, Thomas Kean, has a business link
to Khalid bin Mahfouz, husband to one of Osama Bin Laden's
• 1977
- George Bush received $50,000 for his oil start up company,
Arbusto Energy, from a fellow National Guard pilot Maj.
James Bath who funneled money for one of Osama Bin Laden's
"Eldest son George W. Bush
made his first Middle East connection in the late 1970s with
James Bath, a Texas businessmen who served as the North
American representative for two rich Saudis (and Osama bin
Laden relatives) ó billionaire Salem bin Laden and
banker and BCCI insider Khalid bin Mahfouz. Bath put $50,000
into Bush's 1979 Arbusto oil partnership, probably using Bin
Laden-Bin Mahfouz funds." -
LA Times
"Interestingly, Maj. James
Bath also was suspended from flying in 1972 ñ one
month after Bush, who would become his oil partner not long
after they stopped flying. Reason: "Failure to accomplish
annual medical examination," according to a report then by
Maj. Gen. Fancis S. Greenlief of the National Guard Bureau
Bath, who invested $50,000 in Bush's Arbusto firm, became a
front man for Saudi investors, including Osama bin Laden's
brother, and at one time last decade came under federal
investigation for allegedly conspiring to secretly funnel
Saudi dollars as part of a Saudi scheme to influence U.S.
policy. Among other investments, the fighter pilot bought up
airport-related property in Houston for his Saudi clients,
securing a 5 percent cut for himself. He also owns a fuel
station at Ellington Field, which has been accused of
overcharging military aircraft, including Air Force One,
millions of dollars." -
"President Bush and the
bin Laden family have been connected through dubious
business deals since 1977, when Salem, the head of the bin
Laden family business, one of the biggest construction
companies in the world, invested in Bush's start-up oil
company, Arbusto Energy, Inc.
James R. Bath, a friend and neighbor, was used to funnel
money from Osama bin Laden's brother, Salem bin Laden, to
set up George W. Bush in the oil business, according to The
Wall Street Journal and other reputable sources." -
American Free Press
"Bush organized his first
company, Arbusto Energy Inc. ("Ar-boo-stow" is Spanish for
Bush) in 1977 on the eve of a run for Congress and quickly
put it to use as a credential for the political contest. But
according to records on file with the Securities and
Exchange Commission, Arbusto didn't start active operations
until March 1979..." -
Washington Post

- Click photo to see a
notarized trust agreement between Salem bin Laden and James
(See also:
7, 2001 - US
agents told to back off bin Ladens)
- In the movie 'The Medusa Touch', Richard Burton plays
Robert Morlar who uses his telekinetic powers to cause all
sorts of mayhem including causing a jumbo jet to crash into
a building.
"Set in a parallel
universe in which Shaw Taylor reads the news, Richard Burton
plays Robert Morlar - "the man with the power to create
catastrophe", a writer of terrible yet inexplicably popular
Morlar uses his telekinetic (now there's a 70s phrase)
powers to cause all sorts of mayhem - He sends his parents
over a cliff in a car, sets his school on fire, gets his
next-door neighbour to jump out the window because of some
bad fish, sends a jumbo jet into a tower block and causes
the death of some American astronauts.
The climax comes when "Minster Cathedral" collapses on live
TV - "I will bring the whole crumbling edifice down on top
of their heads! I tell you!" - as Morlar lies in a hospital
bed after a murder attempt (it was Remick).
French bloke rushes to the bedside, pulls out all those
wires and stuff, and Morlar is dead. Except - aha . . . he's
not!" -
Nostalgia Central
(See also:
22, 1974 -
Samuel Byck attempts to hijack a commercial plane and crash
it into the White House; 1981
- 'Escape from New York', a movie that showed a terrorist
hijacked Air Force One and crashes it into a NYC building
just a few buildings away from the WTC)
29, 1979 - The report
of the House Select Committee on Assassinations
investigating the shooting of JFK concludes that Lee Harvey
Oswald killed the President and exonerates the Secret
Service, FBI and CIA from being part of a conspiracy, but
does conclude that there was a "high probability" that there
were two gunmen, that the President was probably
assassinated as a result of a conspiracy, rips the Secret
Service for inadequately protecting the President, and rips
the departments and the Warren Commission for failing to
adequately investigate the possibility of a
"I. Findings of the Select
Committee on Assassinations in the Assassination of
President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Tex., November 22,
A. Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots at President John F.
Kennedy. The second and third shots he fired struck the
President. The third shot he fired killed the President.
B. Scientific acoustical evidence establishes a high
probability that two gunmen fired at President John F.
Kennedy. Other scientific evidence does not preclude the
possibility of two gunmen firing at the President.
C. The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence
available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably
assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The committee is
unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the
5. The Secret Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation and
Central Intelligence Agency were not involved in the
assassination of President Kennedy.
D. Agencies and departments of the U.S. Government performed
with varying degrees of competency in the fulfillment of
their duties. President John F. Kennedy did not receive
adequate protection. The investigation into the possibility
of conspiracy in the assassination was inadequate.
a. The Secret Service was deficient in the performance of
its duties.
3. The Department of Justice failed to exercise initiative
in supervising and directing the investigation by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation of the assassination.
c. The Federal Bureau of Investigation failed to investigate
adequately the possibility of a conspiracy to assassinate
the President.
d. The Federal Bureau of Investigation was deficient in its
sharing of information with other agencies and
4. The Central Intelligence Agency was deficient in its
collection and sharing of information both prior to and
subsequent to the assassination.
b. The Warren Commission failed to investigate adequately
the possibility of a conspiracy to assassinate the
President. This deficiency was attributable in part to the
failure of the Commission to receive all the relevant
information that was in the possession of other agencies and
departments of the Government." -
(See also:
22, 1963 -
JFK assassinated; November
22, 2000 -
The Orville Nix film is made public exactly 37 years after
JFK was killed; August
2, 2004 -
Archivists to preserve recording of JFK
4, 1980 - Ronald Reagan
is elected President of the United States with ex-CIA
Director George H. W. Bush as his Vice
"The former Hollywood
actor and Republican governor of California Ronald Reagan is
to be the next president of the United States.
He has defeated Democrat Jimmy Carter in the US presidential
elections by a huge majority.
At the age of 69, Mr Reagan will be America's oldest
president. His running mate, former head of the CIA George
Bush, will be his vice-president." -
- U.S. officials, including Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld, played a leading role in building up Iraq's
military when Iraq was using chemical
"Newly released documents
show that U.S. officials, including Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld, played a leading role in building up Iraq's
military in the 1980s when Iraq was using chemical weapons,
a newspaper reports.
It was Rumsfeld, now defense secretary and then a special
presidential envoy, whose December 1983 meeting with Saddam
Hussein led to the normalization of ties between Washington
and Baghdad, according to the Washington Post.
The cozy relationship was an effort to build a regional
bulwark against America's enemies in Iran.
The newspaper says a review of a large tranche of government
documents reveals that the administrations of President
Reagan and the first President Bush both authorized
providing Iraq with intelligence and logistical support, and
okayed the sale of dual use items ó those with
military and civilian applications ó that included
chemicals and germs, even anthrax and bubonic plague.
The U.S. removed Iraq from its list of states that sponsor
terrorism in 1982, and as Iran made gains on the
battlefield, the Reagan administration decided to pass
intelligence to Iraq.
The policy to do this was captured in a November 1983
National Security Directive that is still classified, but
apparently stated that U.S. policy was to do "whatever was
necessary and legal" to stop Iran from winning.
At the same time, there were multiple reports Iraq was using
chemical weapons to repulse the Iranian advance; one State
Department official told Secretary of State George Shultz
that Iraq was engaging in "almost daily use of (chemical
weapons)" against Iranian troops.
This policy led to several Rumsfeld visits to Baghdad, as a
private citizen working as a presidential envoy.
According to State Department report, at his first meeting
with Saddam, Rumsfeld told Hussein the U.S. wanted a full
resumption of relations. While the defense secretary has
since said he warned Iraq about the use of chemical weapons,
notes of the meeting do not show this. Rumseld apparently
did mention the chemical weapons concern in a meeting with
an aide to Saddam.
Congressional investigations after the Gulf War revealed
that the Commerce Department had licensed sales of
biological agents, including anthrax, and insecticides,
which could be used in chemical weapons, to Iraq.
When Iraq used chemical weapons against the Kurds in 1987,
there was anger in Congress and the White House. But a memo
in 1988 from Assistant Secretary of State Richard W. Murphy
stated that "The U.S.-Iraqi relationship is Ö important
to our long-term political and economic objectives." -
8, 1980 - Former Beatle
John Lennon, arguably the most powerful left-wing and
anti-war activist in the U.S. at the time and who was being
harassed by the FBI, is shot dead by 25 yr. old Mark Chapman
who later said that "voices" in his head had told him to
kill the world-famous musician.
"Former Beatle John Lennon
has been shot dead by an unknown gunman who opened fire
outside the musician's New York apartment. The 40-year-old
was shot several times as he entered the Dakota, his luxury
apartment building on Manhattan's Upper West Side, opposite
Central Park, at 2300 local time.
A police spokesman said a suspect was in custody, but he had
no other details of the shooting.
"This was no robbery," the spokesman said, adding that Mr
Lennon was probably shot by a "deranged" person.
Witness reports say at least three shots were fired and
others have claimed they heard six.
(In Context)
John Lennon was shot four times in the back by Mark Chapman
who had asked the former Beatle for his autograph only hours
before he laid in wait and killed him. Chapman pleaded
guilty to gunning down Mr Lennon and is currently serving
life in Attica prison near New York. He said he had
heard voices in his head telling him to kill the
world-famous musician." -
"Of all Lennon's legacies,
one of the most enduring, and perhaps the most impressive,
is who his enemies were. The true measure of his greatness
was that in the 1970s he terrified the most powerful man in
the world.
Shortly before the release of his powerful "Imagine" album
in October 1971, Lennon and Yoko Ono decamped England and
moved to New York. The album and the "Imagine" single
immediately topped the charts and solidified Lennon's
position as the world's most influential rock star. Lennon
was at the height of his political involvement at this time,
railing against the war in Vietnam and many other
injustices. Within weeks of arriving in the U.S. he was
meeting with Jerry Rubin and other members of the New
Lennon expressed interest in partaking in fund-raising,
voter-registration anti-war rallies and concerts, which
would take place in many of the 1972 primary states. With
the full protection of the First Amendment (which protects
citizens and noncitizens alike) Lennon's intended actions
were completely legal.
But some Republicans worried that the popularity of John
Lennon could help galvanize the anti-war movement and result
in a massive vote against Nixon. On February 4, 1972,
Senator Strom Thurmond sent a secret memo (later brought to
light via a Freedom Of Information Act request) in which he
railed about Lennon and the danger he could cause the
President's 1972 reelection campaign. The proposed solution?
Revoke Lennon's visa. "If Lennon's visa is terminated it
would be a strategy (sic) counter-measure." But, Thurmond
noted, "caution must be taken with regard to the possible
alienation of the so-called 18-year-old-vote if Lennon is
expelled from the country."
The result? John Lennon was on the receiving end of a
four-year campaign of FBI surveillance and INS harassment.
In 1975 the INS chief counsel on the case resigned his
position, telling Rolling Stone that the U.S. government was
being more vigorous in its attempts to deport John Lennon
than it was in its attempts to expel Nazi war criminals.
It's hard to think of a single artist or entertainer prior
to, or since, John Lennon who had that kind of impact. No
other creative artist has ever induced that level of fear in
a man who is ostensibly the most powerful man in the world.
Ideas, honesty, passion, humor and brilliant empathetic
songs it seems were more powerful. Just imagine that...." -
Time (12/08/00)
"The FBI has been ordered
to hand over files on John Lennon by a judge after claims
MI5 shadowed the late Beatle's political activities.
The Los Angeles ruling by US District Judge Robert Takasugi
brought to an end a 23-year legal battle by California
professor Jonathan Wiener.
He first requested the information in 1980, shortly after
Lennon was shot.
The files were gathered during the early 1970s, when Lennon
participated in protests against the Vietnam War.
Judge Takasugi rejected the US government's national
security claims when making his ruling earlier this
Wiener said the documents revealed efforts by President
Richard Nixon to deport Lennon to silence his anti-war
activities in 1971 and 1972.
"Lennon was planning a national concert tour through the
United States to urge young people to vote," Wiener
"Nixon got wind of this and ordered Lennon to be deported so
he couldn't do this concert tour." -
BBC (10/01/04)
- John
Lennon's FBI files
- In the beginning of John Carpenter's film
from New York, a
terrorist hijacks Air Force One in mid air and crashes it
into a NYC building just a few buildings away from the WTC.
"The year is 1997. Due to
huge crime rates, the United States turns its once great
city of New York into a maximum security prison where
hardcore criminals are put for life. All the bridges leading
into the city are mined, a large wall is built along the
shoreline and a large police force army is based there to
stop or kill any attempted escapees. En route to a
conference, the President, on board Air Force One, is forced
to eject in a pod when a female terrorist takes over the
controls and crashes the plane into a building." -
Internet Movie Database Inc
(See also:
- 'The Medusa Touch' is about a man who uses his telekinetic
powers to cause a jumbo jet to crash into a building;
12, 1994 -
Frank Eugene Corder crashes a stolen Cessna airplane into
the south lawn of the White House)
20, 1981 - The 52 U.S.
hostages in Iran are freed on the same day that Ronald
Reagan is sworn in as president which caused the allegation
that representatives of Reagan's presidential campaign
purposely postponed the release of the hostages in which an
agreement was already reached in October to release them,
thus preventing an "October surprise" that would have aided
Jimmy Carter in his re-election bid.
"After more than a year of
captivity under the regime of the Ayatollah Khomeini, the 52
Americans taken hostage in the seizing of the U.S. embassy
in Tehran were finally freed on January 20, 1981, the same
day that Ronald Reagan was sworn in as the nation's 40th
That was joyous news for the country and for Mr. Reagan who
- unlike Lincoln and FDR - was spared the ordeal of having
to begin his presidency with the nation in a state of
The hostage crisis loomed large in the landslide win by Mr.
Reagan, a Republican, over Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter
in the fall of 1980. For one thing, Election Day fell on the
one-year anniversary of the start of the crisis.
On the Republican side, the presidential front runner from
the first was Mr. Reagan, the former California governor who
nearly won the GOP nod from President Gerald Ford four years
earlier. But the initial field for the Republican nomination
was crowded with the likes of George Bush the elder, Bob
Dole, Howard Baker, and John Anderson. In the end, the race
boiled down to Mr. Reagan and Mr. Bush. The Gipper prevailed
and named his opponent - his successor and the father of a
future president - as his running mate." -
"October Surprise is a
book by Gary Sick
alleging that representatives of the 1980 Ronald Reagan
presidential campaign arranged the Iran-Contra deal well in
advance of the 1980 election where Ronald Reagan defeated
Jimmy Carter.
The alleged conspiracy was to postpone the release of the
hostages held by Iran until after the election, thus
preventing an "October surprise" that would have aided
Carter, the incumbent.
The most public face of the story is simply that though in
October of 1980 an agreement was reached, after long
negotiations, to unfreeze Iran's monetary assets for the
safe return of the hostages, yet, for some reason, the
hostages were not released until January 20, 1981, the very
day that Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as president.
The phrase also refers to any last minute trick by a party
to sway the election, before the claims can be verified." -
30, 1981 - Before the
shooting of President Ronald Reagan, Scott Hinckley (the
older brother of 25 yr. old accused shooter John Hinckley
Jr.) is visited by Department of Energy auditors in
which their Dad's energy company is threatened with a $2
million penalty for overcharging during oil price controls
and who is scheduled to have dinner at the house of Vice
President George H. W. Bush's son, Neil Bush, the following
"A statement released by
counsel for Vanderbilt Energy Corp. said the elder Hinckley
had "temporarily relinquished his duties" as chairman of the
Denver-based firm "because of a tragedy involving a member
of his family."
John Hinckley Jr., 25, who was arrested seconds after Reagan
was shot in Washington, was being held Tuesday at a Marine
base in Quantico, Va.
The corporate statement did not mention any change for Scott
B. Hinckley, vice president of operations for Vanderbilt and
brother of John Jr.
The father's move came amid confirmation that the Department
of Energy was reviewing Vanderbilt's books. Jack Vandenberg,
a DOE spokesman in Washington, said auditors met with Scott
Hinckley in Denver on Monday.
The Washington Star quoted an unnamed "White House official"
as confirming that DOE auditors asked for an explanation of
an overcharge when oil price controls were in effect between
1973 and 1981. The Star said DOE auditors told Scott
Hinckley there was a possible penalty of $2 million for the
The Houston newspaper also reported that Scott Hinckley was
to have dined Tuesday night in Denver at the home of Neil
Bush, one of the vice president's sons." - AP/Evergreen, CO
(04/01/81) [Reprinted at: Here
in Reality]
(See also:
Killtown's: The
Reagan Shooting

30, 1981 - Seventy year
old Ronald Reagan is shot on his 70th day in office under
his left armpit supposedly by a flattened non-exploded .22
caliber 'devastator' bullet that ricocheted off and around
his open limousine door when his arms were pinned down by a
Secret Service agent hustling him in that was allegedly the
6th and last shot fired by John Hinckley Jr. who's family
had donated large amounts of money to the Republican primary
campaign of ex-CIA director and Reagan's Vice President,
George H. W. Bush.
"On March 30, 1981, just
70 days into his presidency, Ronald Reagan was shot by John
Hinckley Jr., a deranged drifter who had briefly stalked
President Jimmy Carter.
As Reagan appeared outside the hotel, Hinckley fired six
shots from a .22-caliber pistol, with Devastator bullets,
hitting Reagan press secretary James Brady, police officer
Thomas Delahanty and Secret Service Agent Tim McCarthy.
Reagan was hit by a shot that ricocheted off his
The Devastator bullets were designed to explode on impact,
but only the one that hit Brady in the head erupted.
The shot that hit Reagan flattened against the limousine and
struck Reagan under the left armpit, leaving a puncture
wound so small that neither Reagan nor his doctors knew he
had been hit until his clothes were cut off in the emergency
Reagan initially believed he had been injured when a Secret
Service agent, Jerry Parr, pushed him roughly into the
limousine and then jumped on top of him as the car sped
The bullet glanced off a rib, collapsed Reagan's left lung
and lodged an inch from his heart. The surgery to remove the
bullet was a success, and Reagan left the hospital after a
13-day stay." - Tennessean
"President Ronald Reagan
has been shot and wounded after a lone gunman opened fire in
First Lady Nancy Reagan is understood to be on her way to
the hospital to visit her 70-year-old husband." -
BBC "On this day: 30 March"
"The sixth and final
bullet nearly killed the President. As aides rushed to push
Reagan into his car, the bullet ricocheted off the car, then
hit the President in the chest, grazed a rib and lodged in
his lung, just inches from his heart. At first it was
assumed that the bullet missed the President, and the
limousine headed for the White House. Within seconds,
however, the President began coughing up blood and the
limousine changed course and sped for George Washington
University Hospital, where the President underwent two hours
of life-saving surgery." -
Jurist/University of Pittsburgh School of Law
"Bush told the Post he
knew the Hinckley family because they had made large
contributions to the vice president's campaign. He said he
could not recall meeting John Hinckley Jr., who shot
President Reagan and three other men as they exited the
Washington Hilton Hotel Monday.
''They (the Hinckleys) are a nice family ... and have given
a lot of money to the Bush campaign,'' she said. ''I
understand he (John Hinckley) was just the renegade brother
in the family. They must feel awful.''
Another of the vice president's sons, George W. Bush, lived
in Lubbock in 1978 and ran unsuccessfully for Congress.
Police have said John Hinckley Jr. lived in Lubbock at that
time and once attended Texas Tech University." - UPI/Denver
(03/31/81) [Reprinted at: Here
in Reality]
(See also:
Killtown's: The
Reagan Shooting
31, 1981 - Neil Bush,
one of Vice President George H. W. Bush's sons, was to have
John Hinckley Jr.'s brother, Scott Hinckley, over for dinner
at their home as a date for his wife Sharon's
"The newspaper said in a
copyright story, Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley
Jr., who allegedly shot Reagan, was to have dined tonight in
Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the vice president's
The newspaper said it was unable to reach Scott Hinckley,
vice president of his father's Denver-based firm, Vanderbilt
Energy Corp., for comment. Neil Bush lives in Denver, where
he works for Standard Oil Co. of Indiana.
In 1978, Neil served as campaign manager for his brother,
George W. Bush, the vice president's oldest son, who made an
unsuccessful bid for Congress. Neil lived in Lubbock
throughout much of 1978, where John Hinckley lived from 1974
through 1980.
On Monday, Neil Bush said he did not know if he had ever met
25-year-old John Hinckley.
"I have no idea," he said. "I don't recognize any pictures
of him. I just wish I could see a better picture of him.
Sharon Bush, Neil's wife, said Scott Hinckley was coming to
their house as a date of a girl friend of hers. "I don't
even know the brother. From what I know and I've heard, they
(the Hinckleys) are a very nice family and have given a lot
of money to the Bush campaign. I understand he was just the
renegade brother in the family. They must feel awful," she
The dinner was canceled, she added.
George W. Bush said he was unsure whether he had met John W.
Hinckley." -AP/Houston (03/31/81) [Reprinted at:
in Reality]
"The Houston newspaper
also reported that Scott Hinckley was to have dined Tuesday
night in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the vice
president's sons.
Neil Bush's wife Sharon said Scott Hinckley was coming to
their house as the date of one of her girlfriends."
-AP/Evergreen, CO (04/01/81) [Reprinted at:
in Reality]
(See also:
Killtown's: The
Reagan Shooting
11, 1981 - Dylan
Klebold of Columbine infamy is
Klebold Diversion File]
(See also:
- Media reports Columbine gunmen, Eric Harris, had written
in his diary about a plot to hijack a plane and crash it
into New York City)
20, 1983 - Donald
Rumsfeld shakes hands with Saddam Hussein as part of a
special Middle East envoy for the Reagan
"The Reagan administration
and its special Middle East envoy, Donald Rumsfeld, did
little to stop Iraq developing weapons of mass destruction
in the 1980s, even though they knew Saddam Hussein was using
chemical weapons "almost daily" against Iran, it was
reported yesterday.
US support for Baghdad during the Iran-Iraq war as a bulwark
against Shi'ite militancy has been well known for some time,
but using declassified government documents, the Washington
Post provided new details yesterday about Mr Rumsfeld's
role, and about the extent of the Reagan administration's
knowledge of the use of chemical weapons.
The details will embarrass Mr Rumsfeld, who as defence
secretary in the Bush administration is one of the leading
hawks on Iraq, frequently denouncing it for its past use of
such weapons.
The US provided less conventional military equipment than
British or German companies but it did allow the export of
biological agents, including anthrax; vital ingredients for
chemical weapons; and cluster bombs sold by a CIA front
organisation in Chile, the report says.
On November 1 1983, the secretary of state, George Shultz,
was passed intelligence reports of "almost daily use of CW
[chemical weapons]" by Iraq.
However, 25 days later, Ronald Reagan signed a secret order
instructing the administration to do "whatever was necessary
and legal" to prevent Iraq losing the war.
In December Mr Rumsfeld, hired by President Reagan to serve
as a Middle East troubleshooter, met Saddam Hussein in
Baghdad and passed on the US willingness to help his regime
and restore full diplomatic relations.
Mr Rumsfeld has said that he "cautioned" the Iraqi leader
against using banned weapons. But there was no mention of
such a warning in state department notes of the meeting.
A 1994 congressional inquiry also found that dozens of
biological agents, including various strains of anthrax, had
been shipped to Iraq by US companies, under licence from the
commerce department.
Furthermore, in 1988, the Dow Chemical company sold
$1.5m-worth (£930,000) of pesticides to Iraq despite
suspicions they would be used for chemical warfare." -
- See video clip of
handshake at:
Information Clearinghouse.
1, 1984 - The NASA
Dryden Flight Research Center and the FAA conduct an
aircraft fire suppression experiment in which they flew a
fully fueled Boeing 720 via remote control and crash it into
the ground which, oddly enough, crashes the same way that
some eyewitnesses describe and officials say how allegedly
Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon.
"In 1984 NASA Dryden
Flight Research Center and the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) teamed-up in a unique flight experiment
called the Controlled Impact Demonstration (CID), to test
the impact of a Boeing 720 aircraft using standard fuel with
an additive designed to suppress fire.
On the morning of December 1, 1984, a remotely controlled
Boeing 720 transport took off from Edwards Air Force Base
(Edwards, California), made a left-hand departure and
climbed to an altitude of 2300 feet. It then began a
descent-to-landing to a specially prepared runway on the
east side of Rogers Dry Lake.
The aircraft was remotely flown by NASA research pilot
Fitzhugh (Fitz) Fulton from the NASA Dryden Remotely
Controlled Vehicle Facility. Previously, the Boeing 720 had
been flown on 14 practice flights with safety pilots
onboard. During the 14 flights, there were 16 hours and 22
minutes of remotely piloted vehicle control, including 10
remotely piloted takeoffs, 69 remotely piloted vehicle
controlled approaches, and 13 remotely piloted vehicle
landings on abort runway.
It was planned that the aircraft would land wings-level and
exactly on the centerline during the CID, thus allowing the
fuselage to remain intact as the wings were sliced open by
eight posts cemented into the runway." -
(CID) Aircraft Photo Gallery Contact Sheet
"In this photograph the
B-720 is seen during the moments of initial impact. The left
wing is digging into the lakebed while the aircraft
continues sliding towards wing openers." -
Anderson - "...the
plane flew at treetop level, banked slightly to the left,
drug it's wing along the ground and slammed into the west
wall of the Pentagon exploding into a giant orange
Marra - "The plane
rolled left and then rolled right. Then he caught an edge of
his wing on the ground." There is a helicopter pad right in
front of the side of the Pentagon. The wing touched there,
then the plane cartwheeled into the building."
Ann Owens - "The
plane slammed into the west wall of the Pentagon. The impact
was deafening. The fuselage hit the ground and blew up...I
raised slightly and grimaced as the left wing dipped and
scraped the helicopter area just before the nose crashed
into the southwest wall of the Pentagon."
- See
Killtown's: Flight
77 theories
(See also:
- NASA test involved 110 landings of a Boeing 737 airliner
using GPS navigation; August
25, 2001 -
Raytheon and the U.S. Air Force force lands a Boeing 727 in
a anti-hijacking experiment)
• December
7, 1987 - The last
airplane hijacking in the U.S. was a suicide hijacking which
happened on Flight 1771.
(Note that
the number 1771 is the combined #'s of two 9/11
flight's; Flight 11 and Flight 77.)
employee David Burke, recently fired for stealing money from
a 'beer fund' kept by Flight Attendants, used his airport
clearance to gain access to the aircraft, on which the USAir
CEO was flying, without going through a security checkpoint.
Upon reaching cruise altitude, Burke dropped a hand-written
note into the USAir CEO's lap reading 'It's kind of
ironical, isn't it? I asked for leniency for my family,
remember? Well, I got none, and now you'll get none.' Burke
then proceeded to the cockpit with a loaded .44, shot both
pilots, and put the aircraft into a steep dive from which it
would never recover." -
Report: Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight
Burke then purchased a ticket on Pacific Southwest Airlines
flight 1771, a daily non-stop along PSA's ìPacific
Highwayî between Los Angeles and San Francisco. This
flight was also taken by Burke's supervisor, Raymond
Thompson, every day on his commute home from the USAir
Headquarters at LAX." -
November 10, 1988 - The
Air Force reveals the existence of the F-117A stealth
fighter, fully operational since 1983.
The Air Force revealed the existence of the Lockheed F-117A
stealth fighter, operational since 1983." -
Air Force
March 21, 1989 -
Richard B. Cheney becomes the 17th U.S. Secretary of Defense
under the Bush Administration.
George Bush initially chose former Texas Sen. John G. Tower
to be his secretary of defense. When the Senate in March
1989 rejected his nomination, Bush selected Rep. Richard B.
(Dick) Cheney of Wyoming.
entered federal service in 1969 as a special assistant to
the director of the Office of Economic Opportunity. In 1971
he became a White House staff assistant, and soon moved on
to become assistant director of the Cost of Living Council,
where he stayed until 1973. After a year in private
business, he returned to the White House to become deputy
assistant to President Gerald Ford (1974-75) and then White
House chief of staff (1975-77).
In November 1978 Cheney, a Republican, won election as
Wyoming's representative at large in the House of
Representatives. Reelected for five additional terms, he
served several years on the House Intelligence Committee and
the House Intelligence Budget Subcommittee.
biggest challenge came in the Persian Gulf. On 1 August 1990
President Saddam Hussein of Iraq sent invading forces into
neighboring Kuwait, a small oil-rich country long claimed by
Iraq. An estimated 140,000 Iraqi troops quickly took control
of Kuwait City and moved on to the Saudi Arabia-Kuwait
border. Although taken by surprise, President Bush soon
decided that the aggression could not stand. Cheney regarded
Iraq's intrusion into Kuwait as a grave threat to U.S.
interests. Fortunately, the United States had already begun
to develop contingency plans for defense of Saudi Arabia by
the U.S. Central Command, headed by General H. Norman
Shortly after the Iraqi invasion Cheney made the first of
several visits to Saudi Arabia and secured King Fahd's
permission to bring U.S. troops into his country. The United
Nations took action, passing a series of resolutions
condemning Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, and eventually
demanded that Iraq withdraw its forces by 15 January 1991.
By then, the United States had a force of about 500,000
stationed in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf. Other
nations, including Great Britain, Canada, France, Italy,
Syria, and Egypt, contributed troops, and other allies, most
notably Germany and Japan, agreed to provide financial
support for the coalition effort, named Operation Desert
Shield." -
also: November
20, 1975 -
Donald Rumsfeld becomes 13th U.S. Secretary of Defense;
1, 1995 -
Cheney becomes CEO of Halliburton; 9/11
- Cheney directs U.S. response to attacks from and emergency
bunker in the White House)
- Five of the alleged 9/11 hijackers receive training at
secure US military bases.
Alleged Hijackers May
Have Trained at U.S. Bases
military sources have given the FBI information that
suggests five of the alleged hijackers of the planes that
were used in Tuesdayís terror attacks received
training at secure U.S. military installations in the
1990s. THREE OF THE alleged hijackers listed their
address on drivers licenses and car registrations as the
Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla.óknown as the
ìCradle of U.S. Navy Aviation,î according to a
high-ranking U.S. Navy source.
Another of the alleged hijackers may have been trained in
strategy and tactics at the Air War College in Montgomery,
Ala., said another high-ranking Pentagon official. The fifth
man may have received language instruction at Lackland Air
Force Base in San Antonio, Tex. Both were former Saudi Air
Force pilots who had come to the United States, according to
the Pentagon source.
But there are slight discrepancies between the military
training records and the official FBI list of suspected
hijackersóeither in the spellings of their names or
with their birthdates. One military source said it is
possible that the hijackers may have stolen the identities
of the foreign nationals who studied at the U.S.
The five men were on a list of 19 people identified as
hijackers by the FBI on Friday. The three foreign nationals
training in Pensacola appear to be Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmad
Alnami, who were among the four men who allegedly
commandeered United Airlines Flight 93. That flight crashed
into rural Pennsylvania. The third man who may have trained
in Pensacola, Ahmed Alghamdi, allegedly helped highjack
United Airlines Flight 175, which hit the south tower of the
World Trade Center." - MSNBC
(09/15/01) [Reprinted with:
WayBack Machine]
• September
11, 1990 - President
George H. W. Bush twice references the phrase "new world
order" in an address before congress about the Persian Gulf
crisis and the federal budget deficit.
Address Before a Joint
Session of the Congress on the Persian Gulf Crisis and the
Federal Budget Deficit - September 11, 1990
"The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also
offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period
of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth
objective -- a new world order -- can emerge: a new era --
freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of
justice, and more secure in the quest for peace...At this
very moment, they serve together with Arabs, Europeans,
Asians, and Africans in defense of principle and the dream
of a new world order." -
Bush Library
(See also:
11, 1973 -
Chilean armed forces headed by General Augusto Pinochet and
allegedly backed by the U.S. CIA; September
12, 1994 -
Frank Eugene Corder crashes a stolen Cessna airplane into
the south lawn of the White House; September
14, 2001 -
Council on Foreign Relations board member Gary Hart says
that the 9/11 attacks is a chance for the President of the
United States to carry out a "new world
October 24, 1990 -
Operation Gladio, a clandestine "stay-behind"
operation sponsored by the CIA and NATO to counter communist
influence after World War II throughout European countries,
is publicly revealed after being kept secret for 45
IN EUROPE; Italy Discloses Its Web Of Cold War
Europe's new order, they are the spies who never quite came
in from the cold, foot soldiers in an underground guerrilla
network with one stated mission: To fight an enemy that most
Europeans believe no longer exists.
Theirs is a tale of secret arms caches and exotic code
names, of military stratagems and political intrigues.
At best, their tale is no more than a curious footnote to
the cold war. The question is if, at worst, it could be the
key to unsolved terrorism dating back two decades. Nowhere
do the darker suspicions burn more intensely than in this
capital whose appetite for conspiracy theories is insatiable
and whose Parliament today began an investigation into where
reality may lie.
The focus of the inquiry is a clandestine operation
code-named Gladio, created decades ago to arm and train
resistance fighters in case the Soviet Union and its Warsaw
Pact allies invaded. All this week, there have been
disclosures of similar organizations in virtually all
Western European countries, including those that do not
belong to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
As disclosed in recent days by the Italian Prime Minister,
Giulio Andreotti, Gladio, named after after the short, wide,
double-edged sword used by gladiators in ancient Rome, came
into being during the most gelid days of the cold war.
It was originally an Italian creation, said Mr. Andreotti,
who is scheduled to testify on Friday before a parliamentary
commission studying bombings and massacres that claimed
scores of lives in a terrorism wave that inundated Italy
from 1969 to the early 1980's.
The Prime Minister said last week that Gladio later evolved
into a branch of an extensive network, operated within NATO
and abetted by a 1956 agreement between the United States
and Italian secret services. Over the years, he says, 622
Italians belonged to the operation -- civilians who were
trained by intelligence operatives and who had fought in
World War II or served in the peacetime forces.
There was Mr. Andreotti's mention of the 1956 agreement with
United States agencies, whose aim for decades was to make
sure that the Italian Communist Party, the largest in the
West, never got a foothold in the Government. And there were
long-reported links between Italian secret services and
And there is the fact that the major unsolved acts of
terrorism that rocked Italy in the 1970's are all presumed
to be the work of people on the far right. Left-wing
terrorists like the moribund Red Brigades somehow were
caught and imprisoned.
Swept up in the dispute is President Francesco Cossiga, who
declared recently that it had been his "privilege" to help
organize Gladio when he was in the Defense Ministry in the
1960's. Some Independent Left members of Parliament have
since demanded his impeachment, but Mr. Cossiga remains
Fact is, he said, "I admire the fact that we have kept the
secret for 45 years." -
NY Times
Gladio was a clandestine "stay-behind" operation sponsored
by the CIA and NATO to counter communist influence after
World War II in Italy, as well as in other European
countries. NATO stay-behind armies existed in all countries
of Western Europe during the Cold War, including Turkey.
Gladioís existence, suspected since the 1984
revelations of Avanguardia Nazionale member Vincenzo
Vinciguerra during his trial, was acknowledged by head of
Italian government Giulio Andreotti on October 24, 1990 ,
who spoke of a "structure of information, response and
existence of these clandestine NATO armies remained a
closely guarded secret throughout the Cold War until 1990,
when the first branch of the international network was
discovered in Italy. It was code-named Gladio, the Latin
word for a short double-edged sword. While the press claimed
the NATO secret armies were 'the best-kept, and most
damaging, political-military secret since World War II', the
Italian government, amidst sharp public criticism, promised
to close down the secret army."
in Finland
In 1945, Interior Minister Leino exposes a secret
stay-behind army which is closed down. In 1991, the media
reveals in Sweden that a secret stay-behind army existed in
neutral Finland with an exile base in Stockholm." -
- The Port Authority warns that the WTC is a terrorist
target and security consulting firm Securacom is
the Matter of World Trade Center Bombing
1991, because of the Gulf War and the increased risk of
terrorism to United States targets, the Port Authority
commissioned another security consulting firm, Burns and Roe
Securacom, to prepare reports. Securacom was told by the
Port Authority that the WTC was a terrorist target, and the
report would help it plan its capital expenditures to
maintain its competitive status with nearby buildings that
offered more advanced security features." -
- U.S. ignored a warning by a military advisor that the
Pentagon and White House were vulnerable to attack from
hijacked jets.
5:22:25 AM
"The American Government was warned eight years ago that the
Pentagon and White House were vulnerable to attack from
hijacked jets, a military adviser has claimed.
Dr Marvin Cetron said he prepared a 250-page report for the
US intelligence agencies in 1993 which detailed his concerns
but it was ignored.
ëëI said look, youíve got a major problem
here with aircraft, they could hit the White House or the
Pentagon itís a simple matter of coming in and making
a left turn at the Washington Monument and running directly
into the White House, or a right turn and going into the
Pentagon,íí Dr Cetron said.
He added: ëëThey understood and they ignored it,
they took it out of the final draft.íí
Republican Senator Wayne Allard, a member of the US
administrationís armed forces committee, told
Newsnight he was part of various hearings where the
suggestion of possible attacks from hijacked jets were
He said the warnings were similar to the events on Tuesday
which saw four planes hijacked to deadly effect, but not
exactly the same.íí -
TCM Breaking News
- Marvin Bush, Former President Bush's youngest son, joins
Securacom's board of directors, a security firm who has
previously done security studies on the WTC.
THE BUSHES; Family Business at the Watergate
was founded as Securacom (formerly the engineering firm
Burns and Roe Securacom).
the first attack on the World Trade Center, in 1993, the
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey began a
multimillion-dollar, multiyear revamping of security in and
around the Twin Towers. As Burns and Roe Securacom, the
company had previously done security studies on the World
Trade Center. Securacom was hired along with many other
contractors for the upgrade and was praised in security
industry publications, although the board membership of
former President Bush's son Marvin went unnoticed.
Marvin Bush had joined Securacom's board of directors in
1993, part of a new management team hired when Securacom
separated from Burns and Roe, and he remained on the board
through 1999." -
Washington Spectator
(See also:
11, 1997 -
Stratesec (Securacom) goes public)
January 23, 1993 - The
Port Authority received an intelligence report from the FBI
that there was a threat from the MidEast to blow up a major
office building in New York.
the Matter of World Trade Center Bombing
The Burns and Roe Securacom Report
In 1991, because of the Gulf War and the increased risk of
terrorism to United States targets, the Port Authority
commissioned another security consulting firm, Burns and Roe
Securacom, to prepare reports. Securacom was told by the
Port Authority that the WTC was a terrorist target, and the
report would help it plan its capital expenditures to
maintain its competitive status with nearby buildings that
offered more advanced security features. Securacom's draft
report recognized that in the "aftermath of MidEast events,"
there would be a significant increase in "international
activities." It included the subgrade utilities and the
parking garage as areas of vulnerability. Its final
report recommended that the WTC adopt a master plan approach
to the development of security systems.
On January 23, 1993, one month before the bombing, the Port
Authority received an intelligence report from the FBI that
there was a threat from the MidEast to blow up a major
office building in New York. Some heightened security
measures were implemented over that weekend (Jan. 23 was a
Friday) as a result, including some increased patrols around
the perimeter, which patrols also drove through the
underground areas, but these were scaled back after the
weekend was over." -
26, 1993 - The WTC is
bombed (with the same type of bomb used at Oklahoma
City) by Islamic terrorists and the F.B.I. knew about the
plot and were trying to thwart the bombing by having an
informant, former Egyptian Army officer Emad Salem, secretly
substitute a harmless powder for the explosives, but the
plan was called off.
February 26, 1993:
World Trade Center bomb terrorises New York
"A suspected car bomb has exploded underneath the World
Trade Center in New York killing at least five people and
injuring scores more." -
BBC, On This Day
February 26, 1993, a truck bomb planted by terrorists
exploded in the underground garage of the north tower of the
World Trade Center, opening a 30 meter wide hole through 4
sublevels of concrete. Six people were killed and at least
1,040 were injured. Six militant Islamist conspirators were
convicted of the crime in 1997 and 1998 and given prison
sentences of 240 years each.
In 1995, militant Islamist Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman and nine
others were convicted of conspiracy charges, and in 1998,
Ramzi Yousef, believed to have been the mastermind, was
convicted of "seditious conspiracy" to bomb the towers - no
one was ever convicted for the actual bombing."
- Wikipedia
Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast;
Plan to Foil Bomb Used at Trade Center
officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb
that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center,
and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly
substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer
said after the blast.
The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb
and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by
an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the
informer, Emad Salem, should be used, the informer said.
The account, which is given in the transcript of hundreds of
hours of tape recordings that Mr. Salem secretly made of his
talks with law-enforcement agents, portrays the authorities
as being in a far better position than previously known to
foil the February 26th bombing of New York City's tallest
The explosion left six people dead, more than a thousand
people injured, and damages in excess of half-a-billion
dollars. Four men are now on trial in Manhattan Federal
Court [on charges of involvement] in that
Mr. Salem, a 43-year-old former Egyptian Army officer, was
used by the Government [of the United States] to
penetrate a circle of Muslim extremists who are now charged
in two bombing cases: the World Trade Center attack,
and a foiled plot to destroy the United Nations, the Hudson
River tunnels, and other New York City landmarks. He is the
crucial witness in the second bombing case, but his work for
the Government was erratic, and for months before the World
Trade Center blast, he was feuding with the F.B.I.
After the bombing, he resumed his undercover work. In an
undated transcript of a conversation from that period, Mr.
Salem recounts a talk he had had earlier with an agent about
an unnamed F.B.I. supervisor who, he said, "came and messed
it up." "He requested to meet me in the hotel," Mr.
Salem says of the supervisor.
"He requested to make me to testify, and if he didn't push
for that, we'll be going building the bomb with a phony
powder, and grabbing the people who was involved in it. But
since you, we didn't do that."
The transcript quotes Mr. Salem as saying that he wanted to
complain to F.B.I. Headquarters in Washington about the
Bureau's failure to stop the bombing, but was dissuaded by
an agent identified as John Anticev.
Mr. Salem said Mr. Anticev had told him, "He said, I don't
think that the New York people would like the things out of
the New York Office to go to Washington, D.C."
Another agent, identified as Nancy Floyd, does not dispute
Mr. Salem's account, but rather, appears to agree with it,
saying of the `New York people':
"Well, of course not, because they don't want to get their
butts chewed." -
New York Times
(10/28/93) [Reprinted at:
News Mine;]
FBI and the mad bombers
to tapes played at the trial of the "terrorists" in that
case, the FBI planted Emad A. Salem to infiltrate an Arab
group in New York. His job was to act, again, as an agent
provocateur -- inciting violent attacks. It was Salem who
convinced the other participants to bomb the World Trade
Center. When he was asked to assemble the bomb, he went to
the FBI to ask for harmless powder to avoid a catastrophe.
The FBI essentially cut him off. To make a long, complicated
story short and simple: The FBI spent $3 million of your tax
money to blow up the World Trade Center.
this the next time you hear about a so-called "terrorist
incident." And, tell your representatives and senators it's
time to rein in the mad bombers and provocateurs in our own
government." -
"Nichols also repeatedly
called a boarding house in Cebu City, an establishment that
has been linked to 1993 World Trade Center bombing
mastermind Ramzi Yousef. The same kind of ANFO fertilizer
fuel bomb was used in New York and in Oklahoma City. Nichols
also repeatedly called a boarding house in Cebu City, an
establishment that has been linked to 1993 World Trade
Center bombing mastermind Ramzi Yousef. The same kind of
ANFO fertilizer fuel bomb was used in New York and in
Oklahoma City." -
FOX News
(See also:
19, 1975 - 7
Suspicious Fires Hit Trade Center; 9/11
- WTC attacked; 9/11
- A plane crashes into the WTC)
26, 1993 - More than $1
billion in gold was being kept in the basement vaults of the
WTC, the property of the Kuwaiti Government, in which the
police at first believed the terrorist attack was an
attempted gold robbery.
Crushed towers give up
cache of gold ingots
"Eight years ago, when the World Trade Centre was bombed by
terrorists, more than $1 billion in gold was being kept in
the basement vaults, the property of the Kuwaiti Government.
The vaults withstood the blast.
At first police believed the terrorist attack was an
attempted gold robbery." -
Times Online
(11/01/01) [Archived at:]
(See also:
30, 2001 -
Recovery workers discover hundreds of gold bars in a
delivery tunnel under WTC 5 that was being transported by a
10-wheel truck)
28, 1993 - Federal ATF
agents of the raid the Branch Davidian compound in Waco,
"The Branch Davidians are
a religious group originating from the Seventh-day Adventist
church. They are best known for the 1993 siege of the Branch
Davidian compound in Waco, Texas by federal agents, which
ended in the deaths of about 80 of the church's members,
including head figure David Koresh.
On February 28, 1993, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms (BATF) raided the Branch Davidian ranch in Mount
Carmel, a rural area near Waco, Texas. The raid was
conducted due to allegations of illegal weapons present on
the property. The initial raid resulted in the deaths of
four agents and five Davidians." -
19, 1993 - The 51-day
siege at the Branch Davidians ranch ends when the compound
is completely destroyed by fire -- killing between 72 and 86
men, women, and children, including David Koresh -- as
armored ATF vehicles retrofitted for gas warfare punching
holes into the building to shoot tear gas cartridges
"On February 28, 1993, the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) raided the
Branch Davidian ranch in Mount Carmel, a rural area near
Waco, Texas. The raid was conducted due to allegations of
illegal weapons present on the property. The initial raid
resulted in the deaths of four agents and five Davidians.
The subsequent 51-day siege ended on April 19 when the
compound was completely consumed by fire killing between 72
and 86 men, women, and children, including Koresh.
Newly appointed U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno approved
the recommendations of veteran FBI officials to proceed with
the final assault after being told children were being
abused inside the besieged complex. Armored vehicles
retrofitted for gas warfare approached the building from two
sides, upwind on a day when strong sustained winds gusted
above 25mph. As the fighting vehicle first forced the tube
of its gun into the building, debris and structural damage
compromised a stairway. A few people spilled out, diving
from windows and were immediately arrested by FBI agents.
Most remained inside as fire engulfed the building. All this
was broadcast worldwide from gyro-stabilized lenses set up
at the nearest point FBI officials allowed press
The cause of the fatal fire is disputed. The government
claims that the fire was intentionally set by Koresh and his
followers as a suicidal act. Others claim that the fire was
caused by the FBI's use of flammable CS gas grenades
injected into the wooden buildings. The government points to
audio and infrared visual recordings made just before the
fire broke out to support their contention. Critics note
that CS gas was injected into the building by armored
vehicles in an unsafe manner immediately before the fire
broke out.
There have been unsubstantiated claims that some Branch
Davidians were shot or fired upon as they tried to flee from
the rear of the building. The claimants point to flashes of
light on government aerial visual recordings as evidence of
weapon fire at fleeing civilians. The aerial visual
recordings were a type of forward-looking infrared, or FLIR,
which captures heat, not light. The government says that
these flashes are reflections of sunlight on broken glass in
the compound as the aircraft passed over. However, because
of the type of visual recordings, scientists say a
reflection of light is not strong enough to be picked up by
FLIR recording.
The fact that fire crews were prohibited access to the
burning buildings until they were reduced to ash has led
many people to severely question the motivations of the FBI
site chief. The FBI states that fire crews were not allowed
into the compound due to the danger of explosives within the
fire and possible weapons fire from surviving
Autopsies revealed some of the women and children found
beneath the remains of a concrete wall of a storage room
died of skull injuries. The wall was in the path of a
Bradley Fighting Vehicle that penetrated the structure while
injecting the usually non-lethal chemical weapon. Other
victims were recovered from an underground crawlspace, which
also had been in the path of the Bradley vehicle. Autopsy
photographs depict bodies of other children locked in
spasmic death poses unique to cyanide gas poisoning. Burning
CS gas produces cyanide." -
Asked Questions About Waco
- Frontline/PBS
(See also:
19, 1995 -
The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma is bombed;
25, 1999 -
The FBI admits incendiary tear gas cartridges were used on
the final day of the Branch Davidian compound
• 1994
- U.S. intelligence officials had several warnings that
terrorists might attack the United States on its home soil
-- even using airplanes as weapons -- well before the
September 11, 2001 attacks.
"In 1998, U.S.
intelligence had information that a group of unidentified
Arabs planned to fly an explosives-laden airplane into the
World Trade Center, according to a joint inquiry of the
House and Senate intelligence committees.
Another alert came just a month before the attacks, the
report said, when the CIA sent a message to the FAA warning
of a possible hijacking "or an act of sabotage against a
commercial airliner." The information was linked to a group
of Pakistanis based in South America.
The report, which looked at more than a dozen federal
intelligence agencies, suggests the United States had more
information that might have helped to prevent the terror
attacks than the government has previously said.
As early as 1994 the government received information that
international terrorists "had seriously considered the use
of airplanes as a means of carrying out terrorist attacks,"
the report says.
It said that in 1998, officials received reports concerning
a "bin Laden plot involving aircraft in the New York and
Washington, areas." Officials received reports that al Qaeda
was trying to establish an operative cell in the United
States and that bin Laden was attempting to recruit a group
of five to seven young men from the United States to travel
to the Middle East for training in conjunction with his
plans to strike U.S. domestic targets.
Government sources told CNN that operative is Khalid Shaikh
Mohammed, whom they describe as one of the masterminds of
the September 11 attacks. He was indicted by the United
States for plotting to bomb U.S. airliners in 1995.
Officials believe he also plotted to have airplanes hijacked
and flown into U.S. buildings.
Stephen Push, who lost his wife in the World Trade Center,
told lawmakers at the hearing, "Our loved ones paid the
ultimate price for the worst American intelligence failure
since Pearl Harbor." -
"House and Senate
investigators have revealed as part of their investigation
into the Sept. 11 attacks that intelligence agencies had
many more warnings of possible terrorist attacks than were
previously disclosed in public. Some involved targets on
U.S. soil. At least a dozen warnings going back to the
mid-1990s suggested airplanes could be used as weapons." -
(See also:
- 'Escape from New York', a movie that showed a terrorist
hijacked Air Force One and crashes it into a NYC building
just a few buildings away from the WTC; 1994
- The novel Storming Heaven is about a terrorist who uses
large commercial aircraft to drop bombs on major U.S.
airports along with planning to target Washington D.C.;
- U.S. warned of plot to hijack planes and attack the
Pentagon, CIA headquarters from foiled Operation Bojinka;
2001 - U.S.
warned that Islamic terrorists might kill Bush and other
leaders by crashing an airliner into the Genoa
- An experiment at the Crows Landing NASA Facility in the
Central Valley of California involved 110 landings of a
Boeing 737 airliner using an experimental GPS navigation
Landing Facility (NASA)
landing is a 1,500 acre NASA facility in the Central Valley
of California that was transferred to the County in 1999,
and is undergoing clean-up by the Navy for eventual civilian
use. It was a Naval Auxiliary Air Station for decades,
serving Moffett Field (located in Silicon Valley), and
flight research at NASA's Ames Lab (also at Moffett). NASA
aquired it from the Navy with the transfer of Moffett Field
to NASA in 1993, and it has been used by NASA sporadically.
A 1994 test at the site, for example, involved 110 landings
of a 737 airliner using an experimental GPS navigation
18 miles SW of Modesto
Address: CA
Stanislaus County" -
Center for Land Use Interpretation
also: December
1, 1984 -
NASA Dryden experiment flew a Boeing 720 via remote control;
25, 2001 -
Raytheon and the U.S. Air Force force lands a Boeing 727 in
a anti-hijacking experiment)
- The novel Storming Heaven by author Dale Brown is
about a terrorist who uses large commercial aircraft to drop
bombs on major U.S. airports along with planning to target
Washington D.C.
"The USA is under siege.
With chilling ruthlessness terrorist Henri Cazaux has
demonstrated the vulnerability of the USAís air
defences by using large commercial aircraft to drop bombs on
unsuspecting major airports. When he hits San Francisco
Airport the destruction of life and property is enormous.
The national panic that ensues reaches all the way to the
White House.
Only one man can end the chaos: Rear Admiral Ian Hardcastle.
Charged by the President with re-establishing security in
the skies, Hardcastle must take drastic action to control
the emergency ñ and quickly. But then Cazaux sets his
sights on the biggest target of all ñ the
nationís capital." -
12, 1994 - Frank Eugene
Corder crashes a stolen Cessna airplane into the south lawn
of the White House.
"September 12, 1994: A
man, flying a stolen Cessna airplane, entered the prohibited
airspace around the White House just before 2 a.m. After
passing over the Ellipse, the man, identified as Frank
Eugene Corder, crashed on the lawn just south of the
Executive Mansion. The plane struck a tree near the South
Portico steps and hit a corner on the first floor of the
White House. President Clinton and his family were not in
the residence at the time. Corder was killed in the crash."
"Over the years questions
have been raised about White House security, given that it
is located in a major urban area easily accessible to
pedestrians. Attacks on the compound, surrounded by
guardhouses and a 10-foot iron fence, have been attempted.
In September 1994, a small plane piloted by a disturbed
Maryland man evaded radar and crash-landed on the South
lawn. The pilot died and no one else was injured." -
Cincinnati Post
House has been scene of attacks, violence many
was the apparent motive of the man who crashed his small,
single-engine Cessna plane into the White House the previous
The air space over the White House is restricted to all air
traffic (it's known as Area P-56, and helicopter tours
through it are never permitted). But just before 2 a.m. on
Sept. 12, 1994, Frank Eugene Corder, a 38-year-old truck
driver from Maryland under the influence of alcohol and
cocaine, flew a stolen Cessna 150L low down 17th Street, a
block from the White House, made a U-turn near the
Washington Monument and flew into the White House.
His plane struck the mansion two stories below Clinton's
bedroom, although the first family was not in the residence
then. Secret Service agents had to scramble out of the way,
and the plane damaged a giant magnolia tree planted by
former President Andrew Jackson.
Corder was killed. His relatives said he had been distraught
over the breakup of his third marriage and his father's
death. He had reportedly said his life was so hopeless that
he might as well ram a plane into the White House.
Radar didn't spot the small plane, and that fact frightened
officials because it could have been loaded with explosives.
There have been commercial airlines that have flown directly
over the White House in violation of federal law; the number
of such violations has doubled each year since 1996.
Trying to improve security at the White House, officials
have changed some landing patterns at nearby Reagan National
Airport. But the missiles that protect the White House have
never been fired out of fear that they might strike a
downtown city block." -
of the Intruder; A disturbed man's crash on the South Lawn
exposes the White House's vulnerability to sneak air
Eugene Corder seemed to know exactly how he wanted to die.
Sometime before midnight on Sept. 11, he stole a
single-engine plane from an airport north of Baltimore
headed south to Washington, flew over the National
Zoological Park and down to the Mall, probably using the
Washington Monument as a beacon. As he neared the famed
obelisk, he banked a tight U-turn over the Ellipse, came in
low over the White House South Lawn, clipped a hedge,
skidded across the green lawn that girds the South Portico
and crashed into a wall two stories below the presidential
bedroom. Corder was killed on impact." -
(See also:
22, 1974 -
Samuel Byck attempts to hijack a commercial plane and crash
it into the White House in order to kill Richard
December 24, 1994 - An
Islamic terrorist group hijacks an Air France commercial
airliner and planned to crash it into the Eiffel
from the sky
the Western security intelligence community has been aware
of terrorist consideration of the airborne suicide option
for nearly three decades.
only previous attempt by a terrorist group to use a
passenger airliner to mount an airborne suicide attack was
in December 1994. To punish France for its assistance to the
Algerian government and to draw international attention to
the Algerian conflict, the Armed Islamic Group (Groupe
ArmÈe Islamique ñ GIA) hijacked Air France
Airbus A-300 Flight 8969 in Algiers on 24 December 1994. Of
the 227 passengers, 40 were French nationals. After the GIA
had released some women and children, but murdered three
passengers, the Algerian authorities permitted the aircraft
to leave for France. The intention of the GIA cell, led by
the 25-year-old Abdul Abdallah Yahia, alias Abou, was to
crash a fully fuelled plane into the Eiffel Tower in the
heart of Paris. The French consulate in Oran, meanwhile, had
received an anonymous warning that the ultimate aim was to
blow the aircraft up in mid-air over Paris. Further
debriefing of the passengers released in Algiers revealed
that the four GIA hijackers were carrying explosives on
board, had requested and received a wristwatch from a
passenger and had discussed ëmartyrdomí."
New Breed; Al Qaeda and its associates have an unpleasant
habit of revisiting their past operations
1994, terrorists who intended to fly an Air France plane
into the Eiffel Tower or another target in Paris were
thwarted by an uncooperative crew." - MSNBC
- The U.S. was warned of a plot to hijack planes and attack
the Pentagon, WTC, CIA headquarters, and other buildings
when a terrorist plot known as "Operation Bojinka" was
foiled in the Philippines.
warned in 1995 of plot to hijack planes, attack
FBI was warned six years ago of a terrorist plot to hijack
commercial planes and slam them into the Pentagon, the CIA
headquarters and other buildings, Philippine investigators
told CNN.
authorities learned of the plot after a small fire in a
Manila apartment, which turned out to be the hideout of
Ramzi Yousef, who was later convicted for his role in the
1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
narrated to us about a plan by the Ramzi cell in the
continental U.S. to hijack a commercial plane and ram it
into the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, and also the
Pentagon," said Rodolfo Mendoza, a Philippine intelligence
Philippine investigators also found evidence targeting
commercial towers in San Francisco, Chicago and New York
They said they passed that information on to the FBI in
1995, but it's not clear what was done with it. " -
hints of September 11-type attack, Pentagon-plane crash plot
reported in 1995
Philippine investigators said that in 1995 they told the FBI
about a terrorist plot to hijack commercial planes and slam
them into the Pentagon, the CIA headquarters and other
buildings. Philippine authorities say they learned of that
plot after a small fire in a Manila apartment, which turned
out to be the hideout of Ramzi Yousef, who was later
convicted for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World
Trade Center." -
Hint Of Suicide Hijack Scheming
White House dug in for a protracted political battle as new
details emerged about a 1999 report to U.S. intelligence
that predicted terrorists might try to fly airliners into
government buildings. And the FBI learned in 1996 of similar
planning by terrorists, according to The New York Times.
The Times also says in its Saturday editions that the FBI
had been aware for several years that Al Qaeda-linked men
were training as pilots in the United States and elsewhere.
F.B.I. knew by 1996 of a specific threat that terrorists in
bin Laden's network might use a plane in a suicide attack
against the headquarters of the C.I.A. or another large
federal building in the Washington area, law enforcement
officials acknowledged to The New York Times.
In his 1996 confession, a Pakistani terrorist, Abdul Hakim
Murad, said he planned to use the training he received at
flight schools in the U.S. to fly a plane into C.I.A.
headquarters in Langley, Va., or another federal building,
the Times reports.
who was captured in the Philippines in 1995 and convicted in
New York on charges of conspiring to blow up 12 American
jumbo jets over the Pacific at the same time, received
flight training at schools in New York, North Carolina,
California and Texas, the Times says.
Information from that confession formed a basis for the
analysis prepared for U.S. intelligence agencies in 1999
warning that bin Laden-associated terrorists could hijack a
jet and fly it into government buildings such as the
Pentagon, the Times adds." - CBS (05/18/02)
Week: Operation Bojinka
years before the Sept. 11 attacks, Philippine police took
down an al Qaeda cell in Manila that, among other things,
had been plotting to fly explosives-laden planes into the
Pentagon -- and possibly some skyscrapers. The CIA knew
about the plot, known as Operation Bojinka. So did the FBI.
"We told the Americans about the plans to turn planes into
flying bombs as far back as 1995," a Philippine inspector
says. "Why didn't they pay attention?" -
Washington Post
Plot; How terrorists hatched a simple plan to use planes as
Mohammed, Yousef and a third plotter, Wali Shah Khan,
arrived in the Philippines in early 1994. Khan had stopped
en route in Kuala Lumpur, where he and Hambali, the
Indonesia patent medicine salesman, incorporated an export
company called Konsojaya. Its real purpose, police say now,
was to serve as a financial conduit for the plotters.
In Manila, the trio acted like anything but Islamic
terrorists. All had local girlfriends. They hung out at
karaoke bars and strip clubs.
Yousef and Mohammed, just weeks before they intended to blow
up the pope, went on holiday to a coastal resort, where they
took scuba-diving lessons.
Yousef's friend Murad joined them just before Christmas. The
plans for the airplane plot--which they code-named Bojinka,
Serbo-Croatian for explosion--called for men to board
flights in Asia that had intermediate stops before heading
across the Pacific. They would plant Yousef's bombs on the
planes, disembark at the intermediate stop and do the same
thing on another flight. The bombs' timers would be set so
that all the bombs would go off more or less
Yousef did a trial run Dec. 9, planting a small version of
his bomb on a Philippine Airlines flight to Tokyo. It
exploded, killing one man. It would have caused the plane to
crash if not for what were described as heroic efforts by
the pilot." -
LA Times
(09/01/02) [Wayback
Bojinka (also known as Operation Bojinka, Project Bojinka,
Bojinka Plot, Bojinga...) was a planned large-scale attack
on airliners in 1995, and was a precursor to the September
11 attacks.
term can refer to the "airline bombing plot" alone, or that
combined with the "Pope assassination plot" and the "CIA
plane crash plot". The first refers to a plot to destroy 11
airliners on January 21 and 22, 1995, the second refers to a
plan to kill Pope John Paul II on January 15, 1995, and the
third refers a plan to crash a plane into the CIA
headquarters in Langley, Virginia and other buildings.
Operation Bojinka was prevented on January 6 and 7, 1995,
but some lessons learned were apparently used by the
planners of the September 11 attacks.
money handed down to the plotters originated from Al-Qaida,
an international Islamic militant organization which was
then based in Sudan. Philippine authorities say that
Operation Bojinka was developed by Ramzi Yousef and Khalid
Shaikh Mohammed while they were in Manila, Philippines in
1994 and early 1995.
two would have involved Abdul Hakim Murad either renting,
buying, or hijacking a small airplane, preferably a Cessna.
The airplane would be filled with explosives. He would then
crash it into the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
A report from the Philippines to the United States on
January 20, 1995 stated, "What the subject has in his mind
is that he will board any American commercial aircraft
pretending to be an ordinary passenger. Then he will hijack
said aircraft, control its cockpit and dive it at the CIA
Another plot the men were cooking up would have involved
hijacking of more airplanes. The Sears Tower (Chicago,
Illinois), The Pentagon (Arlington, Virginia), the
Washington Capitol (Washington, DC), the White House
(Washington, DC), the Transamerica Tower (San Francisco,
California), and the World Trade Center (New York, New York)
would be the likely targets.
plot was abandoned after an apartment fire occurred during
the night in Manila, Philippines on Friday, January 6,
Philippines forwarded details on the Bojinka plot to the
United States in April 1995.
three conspirators got life sentences for participating in
the plot. Yousef also got 240 years along with his life
sentence for the 1993 World Trade Center attacks." -
1994 - U.S.
intelligence officials had several warnings that terrorists
might attack US using airplanes as weapons;
2001 - U.S.
warned that Islamic terrorists might kill Bush and other
leaders by crashing an airliner into the Genoa
- In a trading-card game called "Illuminati: New World
Order" (INWO), a number of the playing cards predict some of
the exact same events of 9/11, such as the explosions at the
Pentagon and WTC and smoke rising from the Twin Towers with
a demon face.
1 - Future Cataclysmic Events Accurately Foretold In 1995
Illuminati Card Game -- 9/11 Attack Foreseen.
nine pertinent playing cards of the "Illuminati New World
Order" Game, how did the inventor know -- in 1995 -- the
three events comprising the 9/11 attacks? How did he know
also the correct plan in the near future?
Nuke" -- This card is one of the most shocking of all,
especially in light of the fact that this game first hit the
specialty stores in 1995! How in the world did Steve Jackson
know that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were
going to be attacked? In fact, this card accurately depicted
the World Trade Center attack in great detail. This card
accurately depicts several facts of 9/11 -- on cards created
all the way back in 1995! The picture accurately
-- When I saw this card, immediately after seeing the Twin
Tower picture, my blood froze! Unless one had advanced
knowledge of the Illuminati Plan, there is no way on earth
that they would have been able to create pictures in 1995
that accurately depict the unfolding events of 9/11! The
Pentagon is shown on fire; we know that a plane allegedly
flew into a section of the Pentagon and nearly burned that
section completely. However, the rest of the Pentagon was
undamaged to the point where its functions continued
Control" -- Even though the heading on this card says,
"Population Reductionl", the scene depicted shows clearly
the Twin Towers under attack. With the Twin Towers under
attack, and the tops of them hidden by the black smoke, the
New York Empire State Building is again the tallest building
in the City! Further, notice that the smoke is shaped in the
form of a demon's face." - Cutting
Illuminati Card Game
is the trading-card version of Illuminati, the
original game of conspiracy and weirdness from
Jackson Games.
January 17, 1995 -
George W. Bush becomes governor of the state of
Career: The son of President George Herbert Walker Bush,
George W. Bush grew up in Midland. He received a
bachelorís degree from Yale University and an MBA
from Harvard Business School. He served as an F-102 pilot
for the Texas Air National Guard. He began his career in the
oil and gas business in Midland in 1975 and worked in the
energy industry until 1986. After working on his
fatherís 1988 presidential campaign he assembled the
group of partners that purchased the Texas Rangers baseball
franchise in 1989 and which later built the Ballpark at
Arlington. He served as managing general partner of the
Texas Rangers until his election as governor.
Accomplishments: Bush became known for his ability to work
with individuals of both parties in a non-confrontational
manner, and thus he was able to please many constituencies
in the state. His stance on crime, drugs, and the death
penalty, along with large tax cuts and welfare reform with
sterner work requirements, endeared him to conservatives. At
the same time, Bush promoted substantial state spending on
public education and bilingual programs, which pleased many
Hispanics and other traditionally Democratic voters. His
education measures also included testing as a means of
ensuring teacher accountability and educational choice
through charter schools. Bush won a smashing reelection
victory in 1998.
The national Republican party took note and nominated Bush
as their presidential candidate in 2000. Following an
exceptionally difficult and controversial vote count, Bush
became the first governor of Texas to be elected to the
nation's highest office." -
State of Texas
19, 1995 - The Alfred
P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK is bombed
(with the same type of bomb used at the '93 WTC
bombing) at approximately 9:02 a.m. (about one
minute before the time the 2nd plane hits the WTC on
9/11) allegedly by Timothy McVeigh on the second
anniversary of the Waco incident in which officials claim
McVeigh, by himself, drove up in a Ryder rental truck with a
fertilizer bomb inside it to destroy the building, but
photos of the scene seem to show no crater in the ground
where the Ryder truck was parked, evidence* shows that there
were two more bombs found inside the building that would
have been more powerful than the truck bomb if they had gone
off, witnesses* saw a second person with McVeigh in the
Ryder truck, and also to be noted is that all ATF agents*
stationed at the building were absent at the time of the
attack because they were tipped off about the attack and
then later all arrived with full tactical gear
"The Oklahoma City bombing
was a terrorist attack against the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
Building, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
At 9:02 a.m. on April 19, 1995, in the street in front of
the Murrah building, attackers exploded a rented Ryder truck
containing about 5,000 lb (2,300 kg) of explosive material.
The car bomb was composed of ammonium nitrate, an
agricultural fertilizer, and nitromethane, a highly volatile
motor-racing fuel. Timothy McVeigh was arrested by an
Oklahoma Highway Patrolman within an hour of the explosion.
At his trial, the United States Government asserted that the
motivation for the attack was to avenge the deaths of Branch
Davidians at Waco, Texas, whom McVeigh believed had been
murdered by agents of the federal government. The attack was
staged on the second anniversary of the Waco incident.
In all, 168 people were killed in the bombing, which made it
the worst terrorist attack on United States soil prior to
the September 11, 2001 attacks. The remains of the
half-destroyed Federal building were demolished in May
1995...Some legislation was also introduced in response to
the attack, notably the Antiterrorism and Effective Death
Penalty Act of 1996." -
*See "9/11
- The Road to Tyranny"
by Alex Jones for documented evidence.
"The terrorist bombing of
the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on
April 19, 1995, generated seismic waves that were recorded
on two permanent seismographs about 7 and 26 km away from
the bombing.
The time 9:01:52 a.m. is probably the earliest that the bomb
could have detonated. The exact time of the bombing is
uncertain because of ambiguities about which part of the
potential seismic sources on April 19 and May 23 generated
the wave trains.
On the preceding basis, we conclude that the bomb was
detonated sometime between 9:01:52 and 9:01:57 a.m. LT. We
prefer 9:01:57 a.m. as the time of the bombing..." -
Geophysical Union
"Table 1. WTC
Seismic Events - Date: 09/11/2001, Time (EDT):
9:02:54, Remark: second impact." -
(November 2002 Newsletter)
"Nichols also repeatedly
called a boarding house in Cebu City, an establishment that
has been linked to 1993 World Trade Center bombing
mastermind Ramzi Yousef. The same kind of ANFO fertilizer
fuel bomb was used in New York and in Oklahoma City.Nichols
also repeatedly called a boarding house in Cebu City, an
establishment that has been linked to 1993 World Trade
Center bombing mastermind Ramzi Yousef. The same kind of
ANFO fertilizer fuel bomb was used in New York and in
Oklahoma City." -
FOX News
"John Hawkins: You've
caught a lot of heat for a couple of quotes you made. You
also said in an interview with the New York Observer, "My
only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New
York Times Building." Do you stand by those quotes or do
you think that perhaps you should have phrased them
Ann Coulter: Of course I regret it. I should have
added, "after everyone had left the building except the
editors and reporters." -
(See also:
7, 1998 -
Federal agencies to face lawsuit over OKC bombing;
(9:03 am) -
Flight 175 crashes into the South WTC tower;
17, 2005 -
Did Oklahoma City Bombers Have Help?)
• June
21, 1995 - President
Clinton signs PDD-39, a counterterrorism directive that puts
the FBI in charge of any terrorism
Federal Bureau of Investigation's Efforts to Improve the
Sharing of Intelligence and Other Information
the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City
in April 1995, the President issued Presidential Decision
Directive (PDD) 39, which directs responsible federal
agencies to take various measures aimed at: 1) reducing
vulnerabilities to terrorism, 2) deterring and responding to
terrorism, and 3) preventing and managing the consequences
of terrorist uses of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The
FBI specifically is tasked with reducing the United
Statesí vulnerability to terrorism through an
expanded program of counterterrorism. PDD 39 also requires
the FBI Director to ensure that the FBIís
counterterrorism capabilities are well managed, funded, and
exercised." - Dept
of Justice
U.S. Policy on Counterterrorism
Director, FBI, as head of the investigative agency for
terrorism, shall reduce vulnerabilities by an expanded
program of counterterrorism" -
Decision Directive 39
"Purpose. To provide an unclassified synopsis of the U.S.
national policy on terrorism as laid out in Presidential
Decision Directive-39 (PDD-39).
Background. On June 21, 1995, the President signed PDD-39,
U.S. Policy on Counterterrorism. This classified document
laid out the national policy and assigned specific missions
to designated Federal Departments and agencies. This
unclassified synopsis is provided to enable Federal, State,
and local emergency response and Consequence Management
personnel without appropriate security clearances to have a
basic understanding of the provisions of PDD-39.
PDD-39 validates and reaffirms existing Federal Lead Agency
responsibilities for counterterrorism, which are assigned to
the Department of Justice (DOJ), as delegated to the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI), for threats or acts of
terrorism within the United States. The FBI as the lead for
Crisis Management will involve only those Federal agencies
required and designated in classified documents. The
Directive further states that the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), with the support of all agencies
in the Federal Response Plan (FRP), will support the FBI in
Washington, DC, and on scene until the Attorney General
transfers Lead Agency to FEMA. FEMA retains responsibility
for Consequence Management throughout the Federal response."
- Dept
of Justice
October 1, 1995 - Dick
Cheney becomes CEO of Halliburton.
Company (NYSE-HAL) today named former Secretary of Defense
Richard B. (Dick) Cheney president and chief executive
officer of the company effective October 1, 1995. Cheney,
who is in the process of relocating to Dallas, joins the
Halliburton Company board of directors immediately. Cheney,
54, will succeed Thomas H. Cruikshank as chief executive
officer of Halliburton.
is currently a Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise
Institute in Washington, D.C. and serves as a director of a
number of companies, including Procter and Gamble and TRW
nearly four years as Secretary of Defense (March 1989 to
January 1993) Cheney was responsible for shaping the future
of the U.S. military in an age of profound and rapid change
in the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and elsewhere
around the world. He directed the nation's largest military
campaigns in recent history -- Operations Desert Shield and
Desert Storm from August 1990 through most of 1991. In
recognition of his leadership in the Gulf War, President
Bush awarded him the Medal of Freedom in July
Company is one of the world's largest diversified energy
services, engineering, maintenance, and construction
companies. Founded in 1919, Halliburton provides a broad
range of energy services and products, industrial and marine
engineering and construction services, and property and
casualty insurance services." -
Business Wire/High Beam
want Cheney-Halliburton probe
Democratic senator Tuesday called for a congressional
investigation into whether Vice President Dick Cheney had a
role in awarding a no-bid contract in Iraq to his old
company, the oil-services giant Halliburton.
was chief executive officer of Halliburton from 1995 to
2000, when he became George Bush's running mate." -
retired from the company during the 2000 U.S. presidential
election campaign with a severance package worth $20
Cheney's deferred compensation from Halliburton, which
appeared on his 2001 financial disclosure statement,
generated an income between $50,000 to $100,000. Cheney also
retains 433,000 share-equivalent unexercised stock options
at Halliburton.
On the question of Cheney's deferred compensation from
Halliburton, officials of the Bush-Cheney campaign said that
before entering office in 2001, Cheney bought an insurance
policy that guaranteed a fixed amount of deferred payments
from Halliburton each year for five years so that the
payments would not depend on the company's fortunes. The
officials also said he had promised to donate to charity any
after-tax profits he made from exercising his stock options.
These steps are not unusual for corporate executives who
enter government." -
26, 1995 - In the
Simpson's episode "Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming" (which
includes Rupert Murdoch shown as a convict), Sideshow Bob
attempts to kill Crusty the Clown by flying an airplane and
crashing it into Crusty's hideout.
"Sideshow Bob hates
television. As a prisoner, his fellow convicts (including
Rupert Murdoch) watch it constantly. When Vanessa Redgrave
gets her own tasteless sitcom on FOX, it is the last straw.
He escapes custody, steals a bomb, and hides out in a blimp.
When he threatens to detonate a bomb, the town gives in to
his only demand and ceases production of all television
shows. The Simpsons just happen to be at the airshow, close
to the blimp. The airshow evacuates, but Bart and Lisa stay
in the military base. They find Sideshow Bob and tip off the
cops as to his whereabouts. Krusty manages to get back on
television by broadcasting from a shack, and Sideshow Bob
detonates the bomb. The bomb is a dud. He escapes in the
Wright brothers plane with Bart as his hostage, heading
toward Krusty's shack on a kamikaze mission. Fortunately
television is saved when this plan fails." -
TV Tome
[See video clip: youtube]
"Sideshow Bob's Last
Gleaming"; 709 3F08; Original Airdate: 11/26/95 -
- U.S. officials had considered the possibility that a plane
could be flown into the main stadium at the Olympics in
Atlanta, Georgia.
9/11, U.S. radar was facing wrong way
members, meanwhile, posed pointed questions to McKinley,
Arnold and Mineta , suggesting NORAD and transportation
officials should have been aware of the possibility that
hijacked jets could be flown into targets.
Members cited an array of previously known incidents,
including a failed mid-1990s terrorist plan to fly an Air
France plane into the Eiffel Tower, a 1996 plot to hijack a
Japanese airliner and crash it in Tel Aviv and even a 1998
threat that unidentified Arabs might try to slam an
explosives-laden plane into the World Trade Center.
Members also noted that a small plane had crashed on the
South Lawn of the White House in 1994 and U.S. officials had
considered the possibility that a plane could be flown into
the main stadium during planning for the 1996 Olympics in
But NORAD and transportation officials continued to insist
that they were never apprised by the nation's intelligence
community of the potential for a U.S. jetliner to be used in
such a way." -
(05/24/03) [Archived:
WayBack Machine]
also: 1998-99
- Federal Report warned the executive branch that Osama bin
Laden's terrorists might hijack an airliner and dive bomb it
into the Pentagon or other government buildings;
- NORAD starts conducting exercises in which airplanes are
hijacked and crashed into targets which include the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon;
2001 - NORAD
planned an exercise about a hijacked plane crash into the
Pentagon, but was rejected)
- Plan to Capture Bin Laden Before 9/11 Was Called Off By
Janet Reno.
"The FBI made secret plans
to capture and arrest Osama bin Laden five years ago, long
before the terror leader's deadliest plan came to
Jack Cloonan, a former FBI agent who is now an ABCNEWS
consultant, said that federal agents seeking bin Laden had
developed a plan to have a plane fly in and attack a
compound in Kandahar, Afghanistan, where the terror leader
was believed to have been holed up back in 1998 ó
three years before the devastating attacks of Sept. 11,
But when the plan went up the chain of command for approval,
it was killed by then-Attorney General Janet Reno.
"They came to the decision that this plan was probably too
dangerous, that the loss of life on the ground would have
been significant," Cloonan said. There was concern that
people around the bin Laden compound would be killed."
Starting in early 1996, a team of FBI and CIA agents was
secretly sent to an unmarked office in a nondescript
building off the Beltway in Alexandria, Va. It was called
Alex Station, and it was the center of a U.S. government
operation to capture bin Laden.
The former attorney general declined to comment to ABCNEWS'
Good Morning America, saying the incident was
Cloonan says Reno's decision to kill the plan was never
reopened." -
April 3, 1996 - U.S.
Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, who was under investigation
for financial improprieties, is killed along with several
other top executives and government employees in a
suspicious plane crash involving a military Boeing 737
that crashed into a hill in Croatia in which later an Air
Force medical examiner involved with the case says x-rays of
Mr. Brown's skull shows evidence of a shot gun blast to his
U.S. officials in plane crash in Balkans; Commerce Secretary
Ron Brown feared dead
least four bodies were found Wednesday night in a
mountainous area near the Croatian coast after the crash of
a plane carrying U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and at
least one other official on a flight from Tuzla, Croatian
officials reported.
Franjo Tudjman told CNN that the Air Force T-43A, the
military version of a Boeing 737, hit St. John's mountain
near the coastal town of Cavtat, about 10 miles southeast of
Dubrovnik. "She crashed on a hill," he said.
Brown, 54, was on a business development trip in the former
Yugoslavia and was traveling with about 12 top executives
from energy, banking, aircraft, construction and other
crash reports differed
An airport official in Dubrovnik said Brown's plane
disappeared from radar screens and lost radio contact at
7:50 a.m. EST (1250 GMT), about 5 minutes before it was due
to land. The official said weather conditions were windy and
rainy, but not unusual for the area.
Initially, the White House said it was told the plane went
down in the Adriatic Sea. Later, the officials said wreckage
was spread over a wide area. The White House then confirmed
that some of the wreckage was on land and some in the water,
leading to the initial confusion over the crash site.
A Defense Department source said there were 27 passengers
aboard the plane, plus the crew. Of the 27, 13 or 14 were
thought to be government employees with the rest in private
industry. Defense officials said the plane normally would
have a crew of five or six for VIP travel." -
hoped to share U.S. economic strength with
trip started in France with a meeting of the G-7, involving
trade ministers from the seven top industrialized nations.
But it moved into high gear when the Commerce Secretary
arrived in Tuzla, where he met with American GIs serving in
He was accompanied by a group of chief executive officers of
major U.S. companies who agreed to help restore Bosnia's
buildings, its water and energy systems, its tourism, and
even it banking system.
at the Commerce Department say the secretary planned to help
get up to $5 billion in contracts for American companies
from a special international fund created by the Dayton
peace accords.
Twelve executives were scheduled to go with Brown, but
several didn't make the trip; among them, the chief of the
Virginia high-tech defense firm Dyncorp. CEO Daniel
Bannister's company just won an $18 million contract to
provide support for the U.N.'s civilian police mission in
Bosnia." -
Counsel: No Conclusions On Brown Probe
independent counsel who investigated the late Commerce
Secretary Ron Brown before he died in a plane crash reached
no conclusions on whether Brown violated any laws.
The final report by independent counsel Daniel Pearson,
released today in federal court, says, "My office's
investigation of Secretary Brown ended unfinished with his
Pearson closed his investigation of Brown shortly after the
plane crash, but handed the investigation of Hill and other
Brown associates back to the Justice Department." -
Ron Brown assassinated?
Force Lt. Col. Steve Cogswell, a medical doctor, forensic
pathologist and deputy medical examiner with the Armed
Forces Institute of Pathology, has released photos and
x-rays which purport to show that Commerce Secretary Ron
Brown had a gunshot wound in his head following his airplane
crash in Croatia last year.
Cogswell was involved in the investigation of the April 1996
crash of the Air Force plane that carried Brown and 34
others on a trade mission. He says evidence that the Cabinet
official was murdered has been ignored.
No autopsy was performed on Brown, though Cogswell urged
that the procedure be conducted." -
28, 1996 - Former CIA
Director William Colby, who was replaced in 1976 with George
Bush Sr. by President Gerald Ford, is reported missing after
Kay Griggs comes to him to whistle blow illegal activities
and corruption involved with the highest levels of the
military that she learned first hand from her husband who
was a Marine Colonel and Chief of Staff, as well as head of
NATO's Psychological Operations.
"Search crews are combing
the muddy waters of the Wicomico River and helicopters are
scouring the area in a search for former CIA director
William Colby.
Colby, 76, the CIA's chief spy in Saigon during the Vietnam
War and the agency's director in the mid-1970s, was reported
missing by neighbors after his canoe was found filled with
water about a quarter mile from his vacation home.
No foul play was suspected, but an investigation is ongoing,
Charles County Sheriff Fred Davis said.
Authorities believe Colby went canoeing Saturday evening on
the Wicomico River, directly across from Cobb Island in
southern Maryland.
Petty Officer Dye said it looked as though Colby had not
planned on being gone long.
"There were still dinner items on the table," he said.
Neighbors became suspicious of Colby's whereabouts after
noticing his car still in the driveway late Sunday.
Typically, Colby would have returned to Washington by then,
the neighbors told authorities. Then, the canoe was
discovered to be missing.
Colby began his intelligence career parachuting into France
to fight Nazis. He joined the CIA in 1950 and headed the spy
agency's Saigon office during the Vietnam War. He was CIA
director from 1973 to 1976 under Presidents Nixon and
He was dismissed by Ford because of a growing feeling in the
White House that he was cooperating too freely with
congressional investigators looking into allegations of CIA
Since his retirement from the agency, Colby has served as a
Washington lawyer and consultant." -
ëKayí Griggs
knows what itís like to have a gun pointed in her
face. She knows what itís like to have her face
slapped, her bones broken and her nose bloodied by her
former bully of a husband, an active Marine Colonel and a
man who she claims is ìabove the law and literally
gets away with murder.î
But the real story for public consumption isnít the
private divorce court details. It is the secret military
information about drug running, weapon sales, sexual
perversion and assassination squads she learned firsthand
from her husband, U.S. Marine Corps Col. George Raymond
During the final two years of the marriage, Griggs said her
husband basically disappeared. When she finally decided to
blow the whistle on her husbandís activities and
others surrounding him, she met privately with attorney and
former CIA Director William Colby, seeking advice.
ëI really thought I would get some help, but Colby was
later found dead,î said Griggs about Colby whose body
was found eight weeks after he disappeared on April, 27,
1996, while canoeing near his Rock Point, Maryland, vacation
home." -
Arctic Beacon
"Kay Griggs was a Southern
divorcee who rented a room to Marine Corps colonel George
Griggs in the late 1980s. She was impressed by his clipped
manner, his education, his good looks. Two months later she
married him. What she found out about world affairs as
George Griggs' wife was astounding.
Colonel Griggs was a Marine Corps Chief of Staff, as well as
head of NATO's Psychological Operations. He was also, his
wife realized, entirely mind-controlled. Kay, a
self-declared Christian, became privy to the real workings
of the United States military, leadership training,
drug-running and weapons sales, and the secret worldwide
camps that train professional assassins." -
(See also:
30, 1976 -
George Herbert Walker Bush becomes director of the
6, 1996 - The body of
former CIA Director William Colby is recovered about 20
yards from where his capsized, half-submerged canoe was
found eight days earlier.
"The body of former CIA
Director William Colby was recovered Monday morning about 20
yards from where his capsized, half-submerged canoe was
found eight days ago, the Charles County Sheriff's
Department said.
The body was discovered about 8 a.m. EST by searchers from
the Maryland Department of Natural Resources who were
patrolling the Wicomico River, a tributary of the Potomac
Colby's body was identified by his wife, Sally
Shelton-Colby. Last week, she said she hoped her husband
would be found, injured and awaiting rescue.
Authorities said they believe Colby's body had been
submerged where it was found, and it only recently rose to
the surface, CNN Producer Gavin Thomas reported from the
Colby, 76, was director of the CIA in the 1970s. He was
reported missing after he went canoeing in front of his
vacation home in southern Maryland on April 27." -
"William Colby led the
Central Intelligence Agency through some of its most
turbulent days during the 1970s. He worked behind enemy
lines in wartime France and, most recently, with a former
Cold War adversary on a computer game.
Colby had a long history with secret intelligence. He headed
the CIA's Saigon station from 1959 to 1962. In 1968, he
returned to Vietnam to run the "Pacification Program." The
program, run during the late 1960s, included Operation
Phoenix, which aimed at rooting out Viet Cong agents. More
than 20,000 Viet Cong were killed while Colby was in
Later, he would tell a House panel there might have been
some "illegal killing," as he called it. Nearly 20 years
after the war ended, Vietnam refused to let him visit.
After President Nixon put him in charge of the CIA in 1973,
Colby spent a fair amount of time testifying before
congressional committees. Colby insisted the agency did not
support or bring about the 1973 coup against Chile's
President Salvador Allende, even though the Nixon
administration had budgeted millions of dollars to
destabilize Allende's left-wing government.
But some people in the Ford administration had a problem
with how often Colby cooperated with Congress. For example,
he gave Congress a list of past CIA actions that were
unethical, unauthorized, or immoral. They included plans to
kill Cuban President Fidel Castro and other international
leaders; unauthorized perusal of Americans' mail, and
psychedelic drug experiments conducted without the consent
of the Americans being tested. In late 1975, President Ford
announced that George Bush would replace him." -
"William Egan Colby
TENURE AS DIRECTOR 4 September 1973ñ30 January
APPOINTED 10 May 1973 by President Richard M. Nixon;
confirmed by Senate, 1 August 1973; sworn in, 4 September
LATER CAREER Private law practice, consultant, and author;
Died 27 April 1996" - CIA
13, 1996 - Unocal and
Delta Oil of Saudi Arabia joins consortium that plans to
build a natural gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan
via Afghanistan.
"Unocal Corporation and
Delta Oil Company of Saudi Arabia said today they had signed
a memorandum of understanding with Russia's Gazprom and
Turkmenistan's Turkmenrusgaz as important additions to the
consortium that plans to build a natural gas pipeline from
Turkmenistan to Pakistan via Afghanistan.
The proposed pipeline would stretch nearly 900 miles from
Turkmenistan's Dauletabad field, across Afghanistan, to
central Pakistan with an expected throughput of up to 2.0
billion cubic feet (bcf) of gas per day. Cost is estimated
at about $2 billion.
Unocal had signed an agreement with the government of
Turkmenistan in October 1995 giving Unocal the right to buy
natural gas from specific, certified and dedicated reserves
in Turkmenistan, transport it to Pakistan, and market it.
The gas project would encompass construction of a pipeline
from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan and
development of marketing outlets in Pakistan." -
(See also:
- Taleban in Texas for talks with Unocal on oil pipeline
through Afghanistan)
- Tom Clancy's novel Debt of Honor and follow up
novel Executive Orders depicts a terrorists
hijacking a plane and suicide bombing it into the Capital
building obliterating the President, Congress, and the
Supreme Court.
Debt of Honor (July
1997) - "Razio Yamata is one of Japan's most influential
industrialists, and part of a relatively small group of
authority who wield tremendous authority in the Pacific
Rim's economic powerhouse. He has devised a plan to cripple
the American greatness, humble the U.S. military, and
elevate Japan to a position of dominance on the world
stage." -
Executive Orders
(Aug 1997) - "Tom Clancy goes to the White House in this
thriller of political terror and global disaster. The
American political situation takes a disturbing turn as the
President, Congress, and Supreme Court are obliterated when
a Japanese terrorist lands a 747 on the Capitol." -
CORRESPONDENT: What we see now is nothing less than the
worst nightmare that one could imagine come to life,
probably worse than anyone could have imagined. You may
remember that Tom Clancy wrote a novel that ends with a
terrorist hijacker crashing into the Capitol." -
- The Taleban are in Texas for talks with U.S. oil giant
Unocal on an oil pipeline through
"A senior delegation from
the Taleban movement in Afghanistan is in the United States
for talks with an international energy company that wants to
construct a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan across
Afghanistan to Pakistan.
A spokesman for the company, Unocal, said the Taleban were
expected to spend several days at the company's headquarters
in Sugarland, Texas.
Unocal says it has agreements both with Turkmenistan to sell
its gas and with Pakistan to buy it.
In May, Taleban-controlled radio in Kabul said a visiting
delegation from an Argentinian company had announced that
pipeline construction would start "soon".
The radio has reported several visits to Kabul by Unocal and
Bridas company officials over the past few months.
A BBC regional correspondent says the proposal to build a
pipeline across Afghanistan is part of an international
scramble to profit from developing the rich energy resources
of the Caspian Sea." -
(See also:
13, 1996 -
Unocal and Delta Oil plan to build a gas pipeline through
Afghanistan; February
12, 1998 -
Unocal rep testifies before congress that an Afghan pipeline
can't happen without a single government there;
21, 1998 -
Unocal suspends all activities related to proposed pipeline
through Afghanistan)
- Assistant director of
the FBI and an expert on terrorism John O'Neill forecasts
the possibility of an organized attack and said that
terrorists were already operating in the U.S.
"While with the FBI,
O'Neill led major investigations of Osama bin Laden, a
suspect in this week's attacks, which also targeted the
Pentagon. In 1997, he forecast the possibility of an
organized attack and said that terrorists were already
operating in this country.
"A lot of these groups now have the capability and the
support infrastructure in the United States to attack us
here if they choose to," O'Neill said in reports published
in 1997. He also said that his appointment to the New York
FBI office as a counterterrorism expert did not signal that
the government expected more attacks here." -
(See also:
2001 - John
O'Neill becomes chief of security at the WTC;
10, 2001 -
John O'Neill starts his first day of work at the WTC;
- John O'Neill is feared dead on his second day on the job
at the WTC; September
21, 2001 -
The body of John O'Neill is recovered from the
- In his book, The
Grand Chessboard,
Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski (former
national security advisor for
President Carter, former
director of the Council on
Foreign Relations, and a member of the Trilateral
Commission along with Bush Sr. and Dick Cheney) writes of
an imperialistic endeavor of controlling the world's vast
natural resources (oil, natural gas, minerals, gold,
etc.) and also human labor in Eurasia (specifically
central Asia/Uzbekistan) that the U.S. must undertake to
maintain global domination despite the American public's
indecisiveness towards the external projection of American
power (in which he reminds the reader that the American
public supported U.S.'s engagement in World War II largely
because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl
Harbor) and cautions that it will become more difficult
to establish consensus on foreign policy issues with an ever
increasingly multi-cultural society in America unless the
public widely perceives a massive direct external
Grand Chessboard:
American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives, by
Zbigniew K. Brzezinski
"...The defeat and
collapse of the Soviet Union was the final step in the rapid
ascendance of a Western Hemisphere power, the United States,
as the sole and, indeed, the first truly global power... (p.
"... But in the meantime, it is imperative that no Eurasian
challenger emerges, capable of dominating Eurasia and thus
of also challenging America. The formulation of a
comprehensive and integrated Eurasian
geostrategy is
therefore the purpose of this book. (p. xiv)
"The attitude of the American public toward the external
projection of American power has been much more
ambivalent. The
public supported America's engagement in World War II
largely because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack
on Pearl Harbor. (pp 24-5)
For America, the chief geopolitical prize is Eurasia... Now
a non-Eurasian power is preeminent in Eurasia - and
America's global primacy is directly dependent on how long
and how effectively its preponderance on the Eurasian
continent is sustained. (p.30)
"In that context, how America 'manages' Eurasia is
critical...A power that dominates Eurasia would control two
of the world's three most advanced and economically
productive regions. A mere glance at the map
also suggests that control over Eurasia would almost
automatically entail Africa's
rendering the Western Hemisphere and Oceania geopolitically
peripheral to the world's central continent. About 75 per
cent of the world's people live in Eurasia, and most of the
world's physical wealth is there as well, both in its
enterprises and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts for 60
per cent of the world's GNP and about three-fourths of the
world's known energy resources." (p.31)
"It is also a fact that America is too democratic at home to
autocratic abroad.
This limits the use of America's power, especially its
capacity for military intimidation. Never before has a
populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the
pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular
passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or
challenge to the public's sense of domestic well-being. The
economic self-denial (that is, defense spending) and the
human sacrifice (casualties, even among professional
soldiers) required in the effort are
uncongenial to
democratic instincts. Democracy is
inimical to
mobilization." (p.35)
"Two basic steps are thus required: first, to identify the
geostrategically dynamic Eurasian states that have the power
to cause a potentially important shift in the international
distribution of power and to decipher the central external
goals of their respective political elites and the likely
consequences of their seeking to attain them;... second, to
formulate specific U.S. policies to offset, co-opt, and/or
control the above..."Ê (p. 40)
"...To put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more
brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives
of imperial geostrategy are to prevent
collusion and
maintain security dependence among the
vassals, to keep
pliant and
protected, and to keep the
barbarians from
coming together." (p.40)
"Henceforth, the United States may have to determine how to
cope with regional coalitions that seek to push America out
of Eurasia, thereby threatening America's status as a global
power." (p.55)
"Uzbekistan, nationally the most vital and the most populous
of the central Asian states, represents the major obstacle
to any renewed Russian control over the region. Its
independence is critical to the survival of the other
Central Asian states, and it is the least vulnerable to
Russian pressures." (p. 121)
"Moreover, they [the Central Asian Republics] are of
importance from the standpoint of security and historical
ambitions to at least three of their most immediate and more
powerful neighbors, namely Russia, Turkey and Iran, with
China also signaling an increasing political interest in the
region. But the Eurasian Balkans are infinitely more
important as a potential economic prize: an enormous
concentration of natural gas and oil reserves is located in
the region, in addition to important minerals, including
gold." (p.124) [Emphasis added]
"The world's energy consumption is bound to vastly increase
over the next two or three decades. Estimates by the U.S.
Department of energy anticipate that world demand will rise
by more than 50 percent between 1993 and 2015, with the most
significant increase in consumption occurring in the Far
East. The momentum of Asia's economic development is already
generating massive pressures for the exploration and
exploitation of new sources of energy and the Central Asian
region and the Caspian Sea basin are known to contain
reserves of natural gas and oil that dwarf those of Kuwait,
the Gulf of Mexico, or the North Sea." (p.125)
"Uzbekistan is, in fact, the prime candidate for regional
leadership in Central Asia." (p.130)
"Once pipelines to the area have been developed,
Turkmenistan's truly vast natural gas reserves
augur a prosperous
future for the country's people. (p.132)
"In fact, an Islamic revival - already abetted from the
outside not only by Iran but also by Saudi Arabia - is
likely to become the mobilizing impulse for the increasingly
pervasive new nationalisms, determined to oppose any
reintegration under Russian - and hence
infidel -
control." (p. 133).
"For Pakistan, the primary interest is to gain
Geostrategic depth
through political influence in Afghanistan - and to deny to
Iran the exercise of such influence in Afghanistan and
Tajikistan - and to benefit eventually from any pipeline
construction linking Central Asia with the Arabian Sea."
"Turkmenistan... has been actively exploring the
construction of a new pipeline through Afghanistan and
Pakistan to the Arabian Sea..." (p.145)
"It follows that America's primary interest is to help
ensure that no single power comes to control this
geopolitical space and that the global community has
unhindered financial and economic access to it." (p148)
"China's growing economic presence in the region and its
political stake in the area's independence are also
congruent with
America's interests." (p.149)
"America is now the only global superpower, and Eurasia is
the globe's central arena. Hence, what happens to the
distribution of power on the Eurasian continent will be of
decisive importance to America's global primacy and to
America's historical legacy." (p.194)
"Without sustained and directed American involvement, before
long the forces of global disorder could come to dominate
the world scene. And the possibility of such a fragmentation
is inherent in the geopolitical tensions not only of today's
Eurasia but of the world more generally." (p.194)
"With warning signs on the horizon across Europe and Asia,
any successful American policy must focus on Eurasia as a
whole and be guided by a Geostrategic design." (p.197)
"That puts a premium on maneuver and manipulation in order
to prevent the emergence of a hostile coalition that could
eventually seek to challenge America's primacy..." (p.
"The most immediate task is to make certain that no state or
combination of states gains the capacity to expel the United
States from Eurasia or even to diminish significantly its
decisive arbitration role." (p. 198)
"In the long run, global politics are bound to become
uncongenial to the
concentration of
hegemonic power in
the hands of a single state. Hence, America is not only the
first, as well as the only, truly global superpower, but it
is also likely to be the very last." (p.209)
"Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural
society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a
consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the
circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct
external threat." (p. 211) [Emphasis added] -
Excerpts posted from:
From The Wilderness
"Zbigniew Brzezinski
played an important role in the formation of the Commission.
He was its first Director (1973-76) and its major
intellectual dynamo in those years. Dr. Brzezinski rejoined
the Commission in 1981 and now serves on the Executive
Committee. President Carter was a member from mid-1973 until
his election, when he left in accordance with Commission
rules barring individuals holding administration posts.
President Bush was invited to join in early 1977 after he
left the government. He resigned in late 1978, two years
before he became Vice President. Richard B. Cheney was a
Commission member from 1997 until he became a candidate for
the Vice Presidency and resigned in 2000." -
Trilateral Commission
"Uzbekistan, a former Soviet republic, is run by President
Islam Karimov. Its largely Muslim Turkic people are
impoverished and the government is corrupt, repressive and
not very good at getting things done (except for the
American interest in Uzbekistan increased sharply after 9/11
and Karimov became an ally of the United States in the face
of a common enemy, Islamist terrorists. The facilities
Karimov provided proved very useful in the war against the
Taliban in neighboring Afghanistan. The U.S. military
presence continues in Uzbekistan." -
Washington Times/UPI
"This group and its leader
-- a person named Osama bin Laden -- are linked to many
other organizations in different countries, including the
Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the Islamic Movement of
Uzbekistan," said Bush. -
White House
2, 1997 - Former
President Gerald Ford admits to editing JFK assassination
edited JFK assassination report
years ago, Gerald R. Ford took pen in hand and changed --
ever so slightly -- the Warren Commission's key sentence on
the place where a bullet entered John F. Kennedy's body when
he was killed in Dallas.
The effect of Ford's change was to strengthen the
commission's conclusion that a single bullet passed through
Kennedy and severely wounded Texas Gov. John Connally -- a
crucial element in its finding that Lee Harvey Oswald was
the sole gunman.
A small change, said Ford yesterday when it came to light,
one intended to clarify meaning, not alter history.
"My changes had nothing to do with a conspiracy theory," he
said in a telephone interview from Beaver Creek, Colo. "My
changes were only an attempt to be more precise."
But still, his editing was seized upon by members of the
conspiracy community, which rejects the commission's
conclusion that Oswald acted alone.
"This is the most significant lie in the whole Warren
Commission report," said Robert D. Morningstar, a computer
systems specialist in New York City who said he has studied
the assassination since it occurred and written an Internet
book about it.
The effect of Ford's editing, Morningstar said, was to
suggest that a bullet struck Kennedy in the neck, "raising
the wound two or three inches. Without that alteration, they
could never have hoodwinked the public as to the true number
of assassins."
The Warren Commission concluded in 1964 that a single bullet
-- fired by a "discontented" Oswald -- passed through
Kennedy's body and wounded his fellow motorcade passenger,
Connally, and that a second, fatal bullet, fired from the
same place, tore through Kennedy's head.
The assassination of the president occurred Nov. 22, 1963,
in Dallas; Oswald was arrested that day but was shot and
killed two days later as he was being transferred from the
city jail to the county jail.
Conspiracy theorists reject the idea that a single bullet
could have hit both Kennedy and Connally and done such
damage. Thus they argue that a second gunman must have been
Ford's changes tend to support the single-bullet theory by
making a specific point that the bullet entered Kennedy's
body "at the back of his neck" rather than in his uppermost
back, as the commission staff originally wrote.
Ford's handwritten notes were contained in 40,000 pages of
records kept by J. Lee Rankin, chief counsel of the Warren
They were made public yesterday by the Assassination Record
Review Board, an agency created by Congress to amass all
relevant evidence in the case. The documents will be
available to the public in the National Archives.
The staff of the commission had written: "A bullet had
entered his back at a point slightly above the shoulder and
to the right of the spine."
Ford suggested changing that to read: "A bullet had entered
the back of his neck at a point slightly to the right of the
The final report said: "A bullet had entered the base of the
back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine."
Ford, then House Republican leader and later elevated to the
presidency with the 1974 resignation of Richard Nixon, is
the sole surviving member of the seven-member commission
chaired by Chief Justice Earl Warren.
In the interview, he recalled making the change, but said
that clarity, not conspiracy, was the purpose.
He said he supposed the commission's overriding conclusion
-- that Oswald acted alone -- would always be challenged,
but "I think our judgments have stood the test of time." -
Coast Today/AP
1997 - On the cover of
FEMA's "Emergency Response to Terrorism" self-study course
booklet is a picture of the WTC with a gun scope's
cross-hairs aimed at the one of the towers.
- See a full copy of it
(See also:
2000 - U.S.
Department of Justice brochure.)
11, 1997 - Stratesec,
Inc, a security firm where George H.W. Bush's son Marvin is
a board member and who's contracted with the WTC, Dulles
Airport, United Airlines, Los Alamos National Laboratories,
goes public.
THE BUSHES; Family Business at the Watergate
was founded as Securacom (formerly the engineering firm
Burns and Roe Securacom).
Bush was reelected to the Stratesec board of directors
annually from 1993 through 1999. His last reelection was on
May 25, 1999, for July 1999 to June 2000.
The company described itself this way: "Stratesec,
Incorporated, is a fully integrated single source security
systems company. The company provides consulting and
planning, engineering and design, systems integration, and
maintenance and technical support services to commercial and
government clients worldwide. Stratesec has completed
security projects for airports, corporations, utilities,
prisons, universities, and federal, state and local
When Securacom went public on September 11, 1997, its
prospectus for the Initial Public Offering prominently
featured photographs of its clients the World Trade Center
and Dulles airport, with a client list that included United
Airlines and Los Alamos National Laboratories." -
Washington Spectator
also: 1993
- Marvin Bush joins Securacom's (Statesec) board of
directors; February
1, 1999 - Los
Alamos National Laboratory develops voice morphing
technology; 9/11
- Marvin Bush was in NYC near Wall Street;
1, 2003 -
Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and
- U.S. intelligence had information that a group of
unidentified Arabs planned to fly an explosives-laden
airplane into the WTC and attack Washington D.C., officials
say the planning for 9/11 began.
Prior hints of September 11-type attack
early as 1998, intelligence sources told TIME magazine they
had evidence that bin Laden might be planning a strike on
New York or Washington in retaliation for a U.S. missile
strike against al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan and a factory
suspected of making chemical weapons components in
in September 1999, came the interagency government report
--- titled the "Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism: Who
Becomes a Terrorist and Why" -- that referenced bin Laden's
terrorist network, al Qaeda, and its potential involvement
in such a plot." - CNN
Sept. 11 attacks were planned since 1998
spent three years planning the Sept. 11 attacks on the World
Trade Center and Pentagon, methodically selecting targets
and recruiting skilled participants and "muscle" to hijack
the jets, U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials
told lawmakers Tuesday. In a closed session held in a secure
room of the U.S. Capitol, a House-Senate investigative panel
for the first time heard the chiefs of the FBI, CIA and
National Security Agency detail the elaborate terrorist plot
and "several of the areas in which we missed" clues pointing
to it, according to Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman
Bob Graham, D-Fla. "There were lapses, in my judgment, by
all three agencies," Graham said.
Director George Tenet, FBI Director Robert Mueller and Air
Force Lt. Gen. Michael Hayden, the NSA chief, described how
al-Qaeda began planning the Sept. 11 attacks in 1998,
recruited the participants and maintained secrecy." -
USA Today
1998, U.S. intelligence had information that a group of
unidentified Arabs planned to fly an explosives-laden
airplane into the World Trade Center, according to a joint
inquiry of the House and Senate intelligence committees." -
"Even though Bush has
refused to make parts of the 9-11 report public, one thing
is startlingly clear: The U.S. government had received
repeated warnings of impending attacksóand attacks
using planes directed at New York and Washingtonófor
several years. The government never told us about what it
knew was coming.
See for yourself. The report lists 36 different summaries of
warnings dating back to 1997. Among them:
"In September 1998, the [Intelligence Community]
obtained information that Bin Laden's next operation might
involve flying an explosive-laden aircraft into a U.S.
airport and detonating it."
"In the fall of 1998, the [Intelligence Community]
obtained information concerning a Bin Laden plot involving
aircraft in the New York and Washington, D.C. areas."
"In March 2000, the [Intelligence Community]
obtained information regarding the types of targets that
operatives of Bin Laden's network might strike. The Statue
of Liberty was specifically mentioned, as were skyscrapers,
ports, airports, and nuclear power plans."
Maybe the Bush team dismissed warning signals as the
discoveries of an overly hyped up Clinton team. But John
Dean, a White House counsel under Nixon who has become a
guide to deciphering reports on 9/11, says this is unlikely.
Condi Rice, Bushís national security adviser, "stated
in a May 16, 2002, press briefing that, on August 6, 2001,
the President Daily Brief (PDB) included information about
Bin Laden's methods of operation from a historical
perspective dating back to 1997."
Rice also said at this briefing that the PDB pointed out
that Bin Laden might hijack an airline and take hostages to
gain release of one of their operatives. She said the
warning was "generalized"óno date, place, or
As Dean notes, how could Rice, having known all this, say
that the administration had no idea "these people would take
an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take
another one and slam it into the Pentagon"?
"In sum, the 9-11 Report of the Congressional Inquiry
indicates that the intelligence community was very aware
that Bin Laden might fly an airplane into an American
skyscraper," says Dean. "Given the fact that there had
already been an attempt to bring down the twin towers of the
World Trade Center with a bomb, how could Rice say what she
We don't know because Bush has invoked executive privilege
to withhold from Congress this key briefing on August 6,
2001. -
Village Voice
also: 1996
- U.S. officials considered possibility a plane could be
flown into the main stadium at Olympics in Atlanta;
- NORAD starts conducting exercises in which airplanes are
hijacked and crashed into targets which include the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon;
2001 - NORAD
planned an exercise about a hijacked plane crash into the
Pentagon, but was rejected;
16, 2002 -
Condoleezza Rice said she didn't think anybody could have
predicted that terrorists would hijack planes and use them
as missiles)
- President Clinton orders the assassination of Osama Bin
"Former US President Bill
Clinton has admitted his administration tried to assassinate
Osama Bin Laden in 1998 - but failed because it could not
find him.
The move followed the bombing of two US embassies in East
Africa which Bin Laden - the chief suspect in the US
terrorist attacks - was suspected of masterminding.
"I authorised the arrest, and, if necessary, the killing of
Osama Bin Laden, and we actually made contact with a group
in Afghanistan to do it - and they were unsuccessful," Mr
Clinton told a news conference in New York." -
BBC (09/23/01)
26, 1998 - The Project
for the New American Century (PNAC), a conservative
think-tank group, sends President Clinton a letter
recommending U.S. military action to get Saddam Hussein out
of power saying among other things that he's a threat to
Israel and a "significant portion of the worldís
supply of oil", says American policy cannot continue
to be crippled by a "misguided insistence on unanimity" in
the UN Security Council, and of the 18 PNAC members who
signed the letter, 10 will be in the 2001 Bush
"The group, the
for the New American
Century, or PNAC,
was founded in 1997. Among its supporters were three
Republican former officials who were sitting out the
Democratic presidency of Bill Clinton: Donald Rumsfeld, Dick
Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz.
In open letters to Clinton and GOP congressional leaders the
next year, the group called for "the removal of Saddam
Hussein's regime from power" and a shift toward a more
assertive U.S. policy in the Middle East, including the use
of force if necessary to unseat Saddam.
And in a report just before the 2000 election that would
bring Bush to power, the group predicted that the shift
would come about slowly, unless there were "some
catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl
That event came on Sept. 11, 2001. By that time, Cheney was
vice president, Rumsfeld was secretary of defense, and
Wolfowitz his deputy at the Pentagon.
The next morning ó before it was even clear who was
behind the attacks ó Rumsfeld insisted at a Cabinet
meeting that Saddam's Iraq should be "a principal target of
the first round of terrorism," according to Bob Woodward's
book Bush At War.
"The only acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the
possibility that Iraq will be able to use or threaten to use
weapons of mass destruction. In the near term, this means a
willingness to undertake military action as diplomacy is
clearly failing. In the long term, it means removing Saddam
Hussein and his regime from power," they wrote,
foreshadowing the debate currently under way in the United
Of the 18 people who signed the letter, 10 are now in the
Bush administration. As well as Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz, they
include Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage; John
Bolton, who is undersecretary of state for disarmament; and
Zalmay Khalilzad, the White House liaison to the Iraqi
opposition. Other signatories include William Kristol,
editor of the conservative Weekly Standard magazine, and
Richard Perle, chairman of the advisory Defense Science
"Before 9/11, this group ... could not win over the
president to this extravagant image of what foreign policy
required," said Ian Lustick, a Middle East expert at the
University of Pennsylvania. "After 9/11, it was able to
benefit from the gigantic eruption of political capital,
combined with the supply of military preponderance in the
hands of the president. And this small group, therefore, was
able to gain direct contact and even control, now, of the
White House." -
ABC (03/10/03)
[Reprinted at:
WayBack Machine]
"Such uncertainty will, by
itself, have a seriously destabilizing effect on the entire
Middle East. It hardly needs to be added that if Saddam does
acquire the capability to deliver weapons of mass
destruction, as he is almost certain to do if we continue
along the present course, the safety of American troops in
the region, of our friends and allies like Israel and the
moderate Arab states, and a significant portion of the
worldís supply of oil will all be put at hazard.
As you have rightly declared, Mr. President, the security of
the world in the first part of the 21st century will be
determined largely by how we handle this threat.
The only acceptable strategy is one that eliminates the
possibility that Iraq will be able to use or threaten to use
weapons of mass destruction. In the near term, this means a
willingness to undertake military action as diplomacy is
clearly failing. In the long term, it means removing Saddam
Hussein and his regime from power. That now needs to become
the aim of American foreign policy.
We urge you to articulate this aim, and to turn your
Administration's attention to implementing a strategy for
removing Saddam's regime from power. This will require a
full complement of diplomatic, political and military
efforts. We believe the U.S. has the authority under
existing UN resolutions to take the necessary steps,
including military steps, to protect our vital interests in
the Gulf. In any case, American policy cannot continue to be
crippled by a misguided insistence on unanimity in the UN
Security Council." -
PNAC (01/26/98)
Project for the New
American Century who's who: Elliott Abrams, Gary
Bauer, William J. Bennett, Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Eliot A.
Cohen, Midge Decter, Paula Dobriansky, Steve Forbes, Aaron
Friedberg, Francis Fukuyama, Frank Gaffney, Fred C. Ikle,
Donald Kagan, Zalmay Khalilzad, I. Lewis Libby, Norman
Podhoretz, Dan Quayle, Peter W. Rodman, Stephen P. Rosen,
Henry S. Rowen, Donald Rumsfeld, Vin Weber, George Weigel,
Paul Wolfowitz -
PNAC Statement of Principles
(See also:
PNAC advocates major US military budget increases, but won't
think it will happen without a catastrophic event like a
'new Pearl Harbor')
12, 1998 - In a U.S.
congressional hearing, a Unocal representative testifies
that a gas pipeline through Afghanistan can't happen until
there is a single internationally recognized stable
government there, a pipeline through there has significant
U.S. commercial interests, and urges the U.S. Government to
use its influence to help find solutions to "all of the
region's conflicts."
FEBRUARY 12, 1998
Subcommittee is fortunate to have an outstanding panel of
witnesses today.
John Maresca is vice president of international relations
for Unocal Corporation, one of the world's largest energy
resource development companies. Prior to his Unocal service,
Mr. Maresca enjoyed a successful diplomatic career, having
served as U.S. ambassador to the Organization for Security
and Cooperation in Europe, as well as minister in our U.S.
embassy in France.
Mr. MARESCA. ...I am John Maresca, vice president for
international relations of the Unocal Corporation. Unocal,
as you know, is one of the world's leading energy resource
and project development companies... I believe these
hearings are important and timely. I congratulate you for
focusing on Central Asia oil and gas reserves and the role
they play in shaping U.S. policy.
I would like to focus today on three issues. First, the need
for multiple pipeline routes for Central Asian oil and gas
resources. Second, the need for U.S. support for
international and regional efforts to achieve balanced and
lasting political settlements to the conflicts in the
region, including Afghanistan. Third, the need for
structured assistance to encourage economic reforms and the
development of appropriate investment climates in the
region. In this regard, we specifically support repeal or
removal of
section 907 of the Freedom Support
Mr. Chairman, the Caspian region contains tremendous
untapped hydrocarbon reserves.
One major problem has yet to be resolved: how to get the
region's vast energy resources to the markets where they are
needed. Central Asia is isolated. Their natural resources
are landlocked, both geographically and politically... In
addition, a chief technical obstacle which we in the
industry face in transporting oil is the region's existing
pipeline infrastructure.
At Unocal, we believe that the central factor in planning
these pipelines should be the location of the future energy
markets that are most likely to need these new supplies.
The second option is to build a pipeline south from Central
Asia to the Indian Ocean. One obvious route south would
cross Iran, but this is foreclosed for American companies
because of U.S. sanctions legislation. The only other
possible route is across Afghanistan, which has of course
its own unique challenges. The country has been involved in
bitter warfare for almost two decades, and is still divided
by civil war. From the outset, we have made it clear that
construction of the pipeline we have proposed across
Afghanistan could not begin until a recognized government is
in place that has the confidence of governments, lenders,
and our company.
Unocal foresees a pipeline which would become part of a
regional system that will gather oil from existing pipeline
infrastructure in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and
Russia. The 1,040-mile long oil pipeline would extend south
through Afghanistan to an export terminal that would be
constructed on the Pakistan coast. This 42-inch diameter
pipeline will have a shipping capacity of one million
barrels of oil per day.
Last October, the Central Asia Gas Pipeline Consortium,
called CentGas, in which Unocal holds an interest, was
formed to develop a gas pipeline which will link
Turkmenistan's vast Dauletabad gas field with markets in
Pakistan and possibly India. The proposed 790-mile pipeline
will open up new markets for this gas, traveling from
Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Multan in Pakistan. The
proposed extension would move gas on to New Delhi, where it
would connect with an existing pipeline. As with the
proposed Central Asia oil pipeline, CentGas can not begin
construction until an internationally recognized Afghanistan
Government is in place.
The Central Asia and Caspian region is blessed with abundant
oil and gas that can enhance the lives of the region's
residents, and provide energy for growth in both Europe and
Asia. The impact of these resources on U.S. commercial
interests and U.S. foreign policy is also significant.
Without peaceful settlement of the conflicts in the region,
cross-border oil and gas pipelines are not likely to be
built. We urge the Administration and the Congress to give
strong support to the U.N.-led peace process in Afghanistan.
The U.S. Government should use its influence to help find
solutions to all of the region's conflicts.
U.S. assistance in developing these new economies will be
crucial to business success. We thus also encourage strong
technical assistance programs throughout the region.
Specifically, we urge repeal or removal of section 907 of
the Freedom Support Act. This section unfairly restricts
U.S. Government assistance to the government of Azerbaijan
and limits U.S. influence in the region.
Mr. BEREUTER. ...I would like to turn now to Mr.
Maresca...Given the long history of violence in Afghanistan,
can Unocal reasonably expect a pipeline to remain
The second thing I would ask is, if in fact the political
and economic, mostly political problems are solved in
Central Asia, how quickly do you think that the exportable
oil resources would overwhelm the capacity of one pipeline?
Is this something that all of a sudden when the keys are
turned, we're going to have a huge amount of exportable oil
and gas?
Mr. MARESCA. First, on the question about Afghanistan, of
course we're not in a phase where we are negotiating on a
contract because there is no recognized government really to
negotiate with. However, we have had talks and briefings
with all the factions. It is clear that they all understand
the significance for their country of this pipeline project,
and they all support it, all of them. They all want it. They
would like it to start tomorrow. All of the factions would
like it to start tomorrow if we could do it.
Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Maresca, if I could just interrupt here.
Why wouldn't you have the situation whereby whoever is in
power drawing resources from that pipeline would find that
their adversaries would decide to damage their resource base
and stop the flow?
Mr. MARESCA. It's not going to be built until there is a
single Afghan Government. That's the simple answer.
Mr. ROHRABACHER. I am reminded of a joke where God is asked
when peace will come to the Middle East. He says, ''Not in
my lifetime.'' I am afraid that this may well be true of
Afghanistan as well. In fact, I am more hopeful right now,
having just returned from one trip to the Middle East and
another trip to Central Asia that there is a greater chance
for peace between Israel and its neighbors than there is for
peace in Afghanistan. And I know Afghanistan probably better
than anyone else in the Congress. I hate to tell you
Mr. ROHRABACHER. The current government of Afghanistan or
the current group of people who hold Kabul, I guess is the
best way to say that, and about 60 percent of the country
are known as the Taliban. What type of relationship does
your company have to the Taliban?
Mr. MARESCA. We have the same relationship as we have with
the other factions, which is that we have talked with them,
we have briefed them, we have invited them to our
headquarters to see what our projects are.
Mr. ROHRABACHER. However, the Taliban, who are now in
control of 60 percent of Afghanistan, could you give me an
estimate of where the opium that's being produced in
Afghanistan is being produced? Is it in the Taliban areas or
is it in the northern areas of Afghanistan?
Mr. MARESCA. I can't tell you precisely, but I think it's
being produced all over Afghanistan.
Mr. ROHRABACHER. Yes. To be precise, it's being produced in
the Taliban areas. You are talking to someone who has
studied it. Whether there is some minor amount of heroin and
opium being produced in the other areas is debatable. There
is some obviously being produced everywhere, but the major
fields that are being produced are in the Taliban-controlled
What about the haven for international terrorists? There is
a Saudi terrorist who is infamous for financing terrorism
around the world. Is he in the Taliban area or is he up
there with the northern people?
Mr. MARESCA. If it is the person I am thinking of, he is
there in the Taliban area.
Mr. ROHRABACHER. Well, it's one thing to say nobody has a
clean civil rights record or human rights record and then
just to ignore the fact that half of the people you are
talking about totally obliterate the human rights of half of
the population. I mean in the non-Taliban areas, there are
some violations of human rights, but it's sort of spread
out, and in the Taliban areas, half of the
populationóthat's womenóhave no rights at
That has to be a factor, doesn't it? The fact that half of
the population of Afghanistan is being treated now like they
have no rights at all and being oppressed so brutally?
Doesn't that have to be part of the equation? You can't just
say these are moral equivalents, because they are both bad.
Isn't one worse because of that?
Mr. MARESCA. Congressman, I am not here to defend the
Taliban. That is not my role. We are a company that is
trying to build a pipeline across this country.
Mr. ROHRABACHER. I sympathize with that. By the way, you are
right. All factions agree that the pipeline will be
something that's good. But let me warn you that if the
pipeline is constructed before there is a government that is
acceptable at a general level to the population of
Afghanistan and not just to international, other
international entities, other governments, that your
pipeline will be blown up. There is no doubt about that.
Mr. ROHRABACHER. Let me just note for the record, although I
am being a little adversarial here, that the pipeline would
be a tremendous asset to the people of Afghanistan, as it
will be a tremendous asset to the region. As I say, most
people recognize that. But the pipeline is not independent
of everything that's going on in Afghanistan obviously.
Mr. MARESCA. I agree 100 percent." -
U.S. House of
also: 1997
- Taleban in Texas for talks with Unocal on oil pipeline
through Afghanistan;
August 21, 1998
- Unocal suspends proposed pipeline through
7, 1998 - Federal
agencies to face lawsuit over OKC bombing
"Dozens of victims and
survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing plan to file a $3.2
billion lawsuit against five federal agencies for their
alleged negligence in not preventing the attack, their
attorney said.
The lawsuit will contend that the federal government,
through informants, should have had enough notice to take
more security measures that could have prevented the April
19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
The FBI; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; General
Services Administration; U.S. Marshal's Service; and Federal
Protective Service will be named as defendants in the suit,
and the $3.2 billion damage claim would give about $20
million to each of the 170 plaintiffs." -
CNN (05/07/98)
(See also:
19, 1995 -
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building is bombed.)
1998 - United States
launches a missile attack against Osama Bin Laden for his
alleged masterminding of the two East Africa U.S. Embassy
"...[Osama] bin
Laden, indicted in the United States on charges of
masterminding the bombings of two U.S. Embassies in East
Africa in 1998 that killed 224 people, including 12
After the attacks in East Africa, Washington retaliated with
a blistering missile attack in August 1998, sending more
than 70 Tomahawk cruise missiles into eastern Afghanistan
apparently targeting training camps operated by bin
The attacks killed about 20 followers of bin Laden's but the
exiled Saudi millionaire escaped unhurt. Since then he has
been forced by the Taliban rulers to stop giving interviews
and making statements." -
TCM Breaking News
21, 1998 - Unocal
suspends all activities related to proposed pipeline through
"As a result of sharply
deteriorating political conditions in the region, Unocal,
which serves as the development manager for the Central Asia
Gas (CentGas) pipeline consortium, has suspended all
activities involving the proposed pipeline project in
Afghanistan. We are discussing this suspension with the
other members of the consortium." - Unocal
(See also:
- Taleban in Texas for talks with Unocal on oil pipeline
through Afghanistan;
February 12, 1998
- Unocal rep testifies before congress that an Afghan
pipeline can't happen without a single government there;
4, 1998 -
Unocal withdrawals from building a gas pipeline through
24, 1998 - Osama bin
Laden has ties to the CIA.
Laden comes home to roost, His CIA ties are only the
beginning of a woeful story
the CIA, it happens often enough to have a code name:
Blowback. Simply defined, this is the term that describes an
agent, an operative or an operation that has turned on its
creators. Osama bin Laden, our new public enemy Number 1, is
the personification of blowback. And the fact that he is
viewed as a hero by millions in the Islamic world proves
again the old adage: Reap what you sow.
anyone who has bothered to read this far certainly knows by
now, bin Laden is the heir to Saudi construction fortune
who, at least since the early 1990s, has used that money to
finance countless attacks on U.S. interests and those of its
Arab allies around the world.
As his unclassified CIA biography states, bin Laden left
Saudi Arabia to fight the Soviet army in Afghanistan after
Moscowís invasion in 1979. By 1984, he was running a
front organization known as Maktab al-Khidamar - the MAK -
which funneled money, arms and fighters from the outside
world into the Afghan war.
What the CIA bio conveniently fails to specify (in its
unclassified form, at least) is that the MAK was nurtured by
Pakistanís state security services, the
Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI, the CIAís
primary conduit for conducting the covert war against
Moscowís occupation.
bin Laden, along with a small group of Islamic militants
from Egypt, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria and Palestinian refugee
camps all over the Middle East, became the
ìreliableî partners of the CIA in its war
against Moscow.
should be pointed out that the evidence of bin
Ladenís connection to these activities is mostly
classified, though its hard to imagine the CIA rushing to
take credit for a Frankensteinís monster like this."
11, 1998 - Independent
counsel Kenneth Starr sends 'The Starr Report' to the US
Congress accusing President Bill Clinton of 11 possible
impeachable offenses. -
The full 445-page report from Independent Counsel Kenneth
Starr to Congress." - PBS
November, 1998 - Philip
Zelikow, member of the National Security Council and future
executive director of the 9/11 Commission, co-authors a book
about terrorism in America that speculates that if the
explosive device used in the '93 WTC bombings was a weapon
of mass destruction, event would "divide our past and future
into a before and after" in which the U.S. might respond
with draconian measures like with the attack at Pearl
Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger
The specter of weapons of mass destruction being used
against America looms larger today than at any time since
the Cuban missile crisis. The World Trade Center bombing
scarcely hints at the enormity of the danger. America is
prepared only for conventional terrorism, not a nuclear,
chemical, or biological weapons catastrophe. With the right
approach and organization, however, the United States can be
ready. Herewith a plan to reorganize the U.S. government to
ensure that it can handle the threats of the next
Ashton Carter is Ford Foundation Professor of Science and
International Affairs at Harvard University's John F.
Kennedy School of Government and a former Assistant
Secretary of Defense. John Deutch is Institute Professor of
Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a
former Director of Central Intelligence and Deputy Secretary
of Defense. Philip Zelikow, a former member of the National
Security Council staff, is White Burkett Miller Professor of
History and Director of the Miller Center of Public Affairs
at the University of Virginia.
successful attack with weapons of mass destruction could
certainly take thousands, or tens of thousands, of lives. If
the device that exploded in 1993 under the World Trade
Center had been nuclear, or had effectively dispersed a
deadly pathogen, the resulting horror and chaos would have
exceeded our ability to describe it. Such an act of
catastrophic terrorism would be a watershed event in
American history. It could involve loss of life and property
unprecedented in peacetime and undermine America's
fundamental sense of security, as did the Soviet atomic bomb
test in 1949. Like Pearl Harbor, this event would divide our
past and future into a before and after. The United States
might respond with draconian measures, scaling back civil
liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens,
detention of suspects, and use of deadly force. More
violence could follow, either further terrorist attacks or
U.S. counterattacks. Belatedly, Americans would judge their
leaders negligent for not addressing terrorism more
urgently." - Council
on Foreign Relations/Foreign
Affairs (Nov/Dec
D. Zelikow is best known as the executive director of the
9/11 Commission. He also acted as the director of the Miller
Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia until
February 2005 when he was appointed Counselor of the United
States Department of State.
practiced law in the early 1980s, but he turned toward the
field of national security in the mid 1980s. He was adjunct
professor of national security affairs at the Naval
Postgraduate School in Monterey, California in 1984-1985,
and served in three different offices of the U.S. Department
of State in the second Reagan administration.
Zelikow joined the National Security Council in the George
Herbert Walker Bush administration, at the same time as
Condoleezza Rice.
Germany Unified and Europe
Transformed with
Condoleezza Rice.
Zelikow's area of academic expertise is the creation and
maintenance of, in his words, ìpublic mythsî or
ìpublic presumptions,î which he defines as
ìbeliefs thought to be true (although not necessarily
known to be true with certainty), and (2) shared in common
within the relevant political community."
Zelikow served on President Bush's transition team in
2000-2001. After George W. Bush took office, Zelikow was
named to a position on the Presidentís Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board, and worked on other task forces
and commissions as well, including the National Commission
on Federal Election Reform.
Rise of the Vulcans (Viking, 2004), James Mann
reports that when Richard Haass, a senior aide to Secretary
of State Colin Powell and the director of policy planning at
the State Department, drafted for the administration an
overview of Americaís national security strategy
following September 11, Dr. Rice, the national security
advisor, "ordered that the document be completely rewritten.
She thought the Bush administration needed something bolder,
something that would represent a more dramatic break with
the ideas of the past. Rice turned the writing over to her
old colleague, University of Virginia Professor Philip
Zelikow.î This document, issued on September 17, 2002,
is generally recognized as a watershed document in the War
on Terrorism.
Because Philip Zelikow's significant involvement with the
administration of George W. Bush, many have questioned the
propriety of his position as executive director of the 9/11
Commission, which examined the conduct of George W. Bush and
Condoleezza Rice. Both the 9/11 Family Steering Committee
and 9-11 Citizens Watch demanded his resignation, due to
this apparent conflict of interest, without success." -
4, 1998 - Unocal
withdrawals from the Central Asia Gas consortium that was
evaluating building a gas pipeline through
"Effective December 4,
1998, Unocal has withdrawn from the Central Asia Gas
(CentGas) pipeline consortium for business reasons. Unocal
no longer has any role in supporting the development or
funding of this project.
Unocal had served as the development manager for the
seven-member Central Asia Gas (CentGas) pipeline consortium,
which was formed in October 1997 to evaluate and, if
appropriate, to participate in the future construction of a
gas pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to
natural gas markets in Pakistan and, potentially, India.
Contrary to some published reports, Unocal was not a party
to any commercial agreement with any individual Afghanistan
faction." -
(See also:
August 21, 1998
- Unocal suspends proposed pipeline through Afghanistan;
- U.S. pays entire salary of every Taliban official to
secure a stable government in Afghanistan)
December 4, 1998 -
Suzanne Jovin, a 21-year old political science major at
Yale, is brutally stabbed 17 times four days before her
senior thesis was due and the only suspect to ever be
publicly accused and never had a confirmed alibi was her
thesis advisor, professor James Van de Velde (who was
Naval Intelligence, has high level top security clearance,
worked for the 1st Bush administration, and went to work at
the Pentagon after her murder), in which Suzanne chose
her thesis subject in Van de Velde's area of expertise:
Osama bin Laden.
Most Yale: The Postscript
months after the vicious stabbing of Yale senior Suzanne
Jovin, in a wealthy neighborhood near campus, in December
1998, the entire university knew that her thesis advisor,
former dean James Van de Velde, was a suspect. More than
seven years later, despite a number of developments in the
case, Van de Velde has never been charged, but he has never
been formally cleared of suspicion, either; furthermore, the
police appear no closer to identifying Jovin's
Jovin, the police believe, was murdered by someone she
Jovin was last reported seen around 9:25 near Phelps Gate,
the main entrance to Yale on College Street. At 9:58,
someone called 911 to report that a woman lay bleeding on
the corner of Edgehill and East Rock, nearly two miles away.
How had Jovin traveled so far in approximately 30 minutes?
The police think that she must have been driven there, and
her friends are certain she would never have accepted a ride
from a stranger. But whose car had she gotten into? Who
could have killed her so brutally and left no clues? And why
would anyone have wanted to kill Suzanne Jovin? Brainy,
beautiful, and hugely popular, she was considered
extraordinary, even among Yale's overachievers.
no one was prepared for was the shocking news that one of
Yale's ownóJames Van de Velde, Jovin's 38-year-old
senior-essay adviserówas a suspect in her killing.
Van de Velde was a brilliant and well-liked
political-science lecturer, who had previously held
positions at the Pentagon and the State
parents, Thomas and Donna Jovin, are American
scientistsómolecular and cell biologistsówho
work there at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical
was extremely serious academically, but also just a great
person to have fun with and hang out with Ö She was
very traditional and stylish and feminine, but then also
very rebellious and liberal."
begin with, friends insist that Jovin, who was five feet
five inches and weighed 125 pounds, was physically quite
strong. She jogged, played squash, skied, and sometimes took
step-aerobics classes at Yale's Payne Whitney gym. Whoever
killed her, her friends say, was very strong or, says one,
"someone who knew what they were doing."
to the police, there was no evidence of a sexual assault.
The viciousness of the stabbing suggested that robbery had
not been her murderer's motive. Police believed she was
stabbed from behind at the spot where she was found. It
appeared she had gotten out of a car, before or after having
had an argument with a man. She did not appear to have
called for help or to have put up a struggle.
de Velde majored in political science at Yale. He sang in
the university's well-known Russian chorus his freshman year
and twice traveled to Asia on internships. He was a serious
student who graduated with honors. After Yale, Van de Velde
went to Boston to Tufts' Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy, from which, in 1987, he received his Ph.D. in
international-security studies. In 1988 he was selected for
a prestigious Presidential Management Internship and was
assigned to work at the Pentagon and at the State
Department, where he stayed for four years, working on
U.S.-Soviet disarmament issues.
In 1988, Van de Velde also joined the U.S. Naval
Intelligence Reserves, in which he still holds the rank of
lieutenant commander, with a "Top Secret" clearance. Trained
in intelligence work, he was assigned to Singapore,
Brussels, and Panama, where he analyzed the drug trade out
of Latin America. In 1993, after Bill Clinton defeated
George Bush, Van de Velde, who was a political appointee and
a Republican, left the State Department. That fall he was
back at Yale as the dean of Saybrook College.
had this aura about him because we'd heard that he worked
for the C.I.A.," another woman recalls. "He said he'd
studied handwriting analysis, and he would do it for us in
the dining hall," says another.
de Velde took a leave of absence from the dean's job, early
in 1997, to go to Italy on assignment for naval
intelligence. He came back that April to complete the
semester, and then left Yale to go to Stanford's
Asia-Pacific Research Center as its executive
friends say, began the semester like many students,
enthralled with Van de Velde. Indeed, she was impressed
enough that she decided to do her senior essay with him as
her adviseróactually, she had taken the unusual step
of writing two senior essays, the other in international
studies. She chose a subject in Van de Velde's area of
expertise: the international terrorist Osama bin Laden,
who is believed to have masterminded the bombing of the
American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
some point in the semester, however, Jovin's enthusiasm
seemed to falter. She didn't go on either of the two field
trips. "She thought they were a waste of her time," says a
friend of hers. She also had reservations about a project on
terrorism. The project, which was optional but which the
class had voted to pursue, involved using the Internet to
show how easy it would be for a terrorist to get information
to create a weapon of mass destruction. "We decided to plan
to use chemicals in a plane that we'd fly over the Super
Bowl in Miami," says one student. "We figured everything out
except how much water to put in the chemical to make it fall
from the planeóno one would give us the proportions
for that." According to Jovin's parents, the chemical in
question was the warfare agent sarin. "Suzanne expressed to
a fellow student that we, her parents, might have that
information," the Jovins say, "but that we would be opposed
to the project on moral and ethical grounds and that she
therefore would not proceed further." Faced with students'
objections, Van de Velde stopped the project. He does not
recall any complaints from Jovin.
the police found no evidence of a romance, they did,
however, learn something else. By November, it appears, the
professional relationship between Van de Velde and Jovin had
broken down almost completely. Although Van de Velde had
written her a glowing recommendation for graduate school in
late October, Jovin began to feel that he had no time for
her. According to a friend of Jovin's, she had tried
repeatedly to meet with Van de Velde about her senior essay
and had felt that she was rebuffed. In the weeks before she
died, says this friend, "she complained bitterly about a
bunch of things in that class, and especially his lack of
support for her project. He had shown no interest in her
work." For a college-thesis adviser basically to check out
on a student trying to get feedback on her senior essay
would be unusual in any case. But for Van de Veldeóa
devoted teacher noted for his availability, who would take
his students to lunch to help them with their work, and who
answered their E-mails within minutesóit would have
been downright bizarre. During November, it appears that
Jovin was trying to pin down a time to meet with Van de
Velde. "They never did get together [then]," says
Ira Grudberg. "They couldn't get the dates right and so
Thanksgiving, Jovin had become upset; her essay was due on
December 8. "Suzanne indicated to us during the Thanksgiving
breakówe were together in Californiaóhow
deeply she resented the lack of mentoring by this senior
thesis advisor," her parents recall. Although Van de Velde
denies having received it, Jovin's parents say she had
handed in a draft on November 17. She left a second draft
with Van de Velde right before the Thanksgiving holiday.
Jovin told friends that Van de Velde canceled a meeting on
Monday, November 30, because he hadn't read the paper yet,
although he says no meeting was scheduled. At a meeting the
next day, December 1, he still hadn't read it. "He'd gotten
tied up over Thanksgiving and hadn't done it," says Ira
Grudberg. "He was very apologetic, and he could see she was
upset. That very day and night he made a lengthy review of
it and met again with her on December 2, at which time he
discussed it with her. She was much, much
to her parents and a close friend, however, Jovin was far
from happy after that meeting. "The last time I talked to
Suzanne was Ö on that evening, very late in the
evening," the friend says. "She was still furious Ö and
she was very insecure about what would happen."
on the afternoon of December 4óVan de Velde believes
it was either between 4 and 4:30, or around 1óJovin
stopped by Van de Velde's office on Prospect Street to drop
off a new draft. She attached a cordial, handwritten note
outlining her changes and thanking him.
de Velde spent most of the evening of Friday, December 4, at
his office, Ira Grudberg says. A friend, who stopped by
around six p.m. to ask him to go to a movie, says he was
planning to work all evening. According to Grudberg, Van de
Velde went over Jovin's revisions that evening and was going
to give her his comments the following morning. He took a
short break at one point and walked up the street to Ingalls
Rink, to watch part of the hockey game, then returned to his
office, and then went home, which is where he was, alone,
says Grudberg, at the time of the killing.
woman who had seen Jovin walking on College Street at around
9:25 on the night of the stabbing saw Van de Velde on
television and started shaking. "I got chills," she says. "I
didn't know Van de Velde. I go home and turn on the news and
I see him. This guy, talking to reporters, he was blond,
with glasses. I could not believe what I saw. I went back to
my notes and saw the description I wrote, that I saw a blond
man with glasses." The man she claims she saw walking behind
Jovin near Phelps Gate the night of the murder so closely
resembled Van de Velde's image on television that she
believes it was he." -
Vanity Fair
(01/00/06) [Wayback]
interview with Suzanne Jovin's father
Do you have any idea why she would have been by herself at
nighttime, 1.5 miles away from campus? Do you know what
kinds of things she was occupied with the week before her
tragic murder?
TJ: During the week of December 4 she was very concerned
about the progress and evaluation of her senior thesis," -
Yale Herald
de Velde denies involvement in Jovin murder in '20/20'
the ABC News show "20/20" will report Wednesday that the
alibis of 20 other suspects have so far checked out. Citing
sources close to the investigation who it did not identify,
"20/20" reports that only the former lecturer, James Van de
Velde, does not have a confirmed alibi.
de Velde said he was home watching a taped episode of
"Friends" and the Discovery Channel at the time police
believe Jovin was killed. The 21-year-old political science
major from Goettingen, Germany, was stabbed 17 times on the
night of Dec. 4, 1998.
can't believe you're doing this!" Jovin said, according
to a passerby who heard the words minutes before Jovin's
body was found.
A few minutes earlier, at about 9:45 p.m., a neighbor had
heard a man and woman arguing. Five minutes later, another
neighbor said she heard a woman scream five times.
Van de Velde, 39, was Jovin's senior thesis adviser. He
flatly rejects what "20/20" said is a police theory _ that
he killed Jovin after she rejected his romantic
de Velde also denied reports that he had harassed three
local television reporters and developed a reputation as a
stalker of women.
And he said he was unaware that Jovin told family and
friends in the week before her murder that she was angry
with him because she felt he was not giving her enough
feedback on her senior thesis." - WTNH
News 8 (02/29/00)
[Watch video: youtube]
de Velde tells "20/20" he did not kill Suzanne
But more than a year later, Van de Velde is still the only
suspect named publicly by the police. In an exclusive
"20/20" interview, Van de Velde continues to deny his link
to the murder of his beautiful and brilliant
recently, the Jovins made a public appeal for Van de Velde
to take a lie detector test. He did. But not with
Miller: "The chief said on the record that he wished you
would come in and take a polygraph exam from the
Van de Velde: "Well, I've already fulfilled their request.
In November, I took a polygraph with an FBI polygrapher, a
30-year veteran of the FBI. I passed."
Miller: Actually, Jim Van de Velde has taken three
polygraphs..all conducted by private examiners, paid for by
Van de Velde. The examiner on the first two tests said the
results were inconclusive because, he said, Van de Velde was
"too emotional". On the third polygraph Van de Velde took
and passed, he was tested on whether a declaration he signed
denying the murder was true. He was not directly asked
whether he killed Suzanne Jovin.
Miller: "And if the police asked you to come in and take a
polygraph by their examiner?"
James Van de Velde: "Absolutely not.
justice Professor James Adcock has been a criminal
investigator for the army for 20 years. He's relied on
polygraph tests in dozens of cases. But he has some
questions about this one.
James Adcock: "Obviously he's not being asked whether he was
there...whether he saw her that evening or was with her that
evening and is not being asked if in fact he killed her,
which are direct questions that as an investigator I would
want covered."
Christina: "Would it mean anything to you that he took a
polygraph test and passed?"
Adcock: "No, not unless I'm able to validate it through
another examiner." - WTNH
News 8 (02/29/00)
[Watch video: youtube]
and white, Republican man at Yale
Van de Velde knows this well. He's the citizen whose life
has been most bludgeoned by Yale.
cum laude Yale graduate and rising star in the first Bush
administration during his 20s, Van de Velde reached
stratospheric heights as both a Naval intelligence officer
(lieutenant commander in the U.S. Naval Reserve) and State
Department operative and arms negotiator. In addition to his
doctorate in international security studies from Tufts
University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Van de
Velde held (and still has) a security clearance five levels
above top secret.
Then, he became a rising star at Yale ñ a lecturer
and likely the only Republican in its left-leaning political
science department and a dean. A handsome, popular
professor, Van de Velde's courses, like "International Drug
Trafficking: National Security Dimensions and Drug Control
Strategies," were cited by Spin Magazine as among the
coolest in American collegiate life, and he got rave reviews
from students. He'd also begun a promising career as a
television commentator on national security issues.
Yale insisting upon mentioning the murder in any job
reference the school gave him, Van de Velde was unable to
find a job subsequently.
de Velde finally got a job, with the Pentagon's Defense
Declassification Referral Center, where his high security
clearance was reviewed and renewed. A real murderer doesn't
get such a top-secret job or the clearance that goes with it
ñ the result of an excruciating FBI background
check." -
Suspect in Yale Murder With Top Pentagon
Van de Velde, 41, may be the only murder suspect working in
the highest, strictly classified realm of the Defense
Department, which trusts him enough to have issued him a
security clearance several levels above top secret.
Back in New Haven, it is still not difficult to find people
willing to voice an opinion of Mr. Van de Velde, an
ultra-preppy, by-the-numbers former Navy intelligence
officer, even though they have never met him.
was a single man who had pursued, without much success,
relationships with two local television reporters. And he
had no incontrovertible alibi: he was home alone, he told
detectives, at 9 p.m., around the time of the
he was hired in December 1999 by the Defense
Declassification Referral Center at the Pentagon, where he
reviews military documents and diplomatic cables eligible
for declassification, he had to pass a rigorous background
he lives alone in an Arlington apartment tower; he would not
say whether he was dating anyone, though he recently went on
a European vacation with a companion." -
NY Times
faculty blind to U.S. security demands
Van de Velde
at least part of the current Yale community may remember
well, the Yale faculty and the parents of slain Yale student
Suzanne Jovin '99 excoriated me for challenging my 1998
political science class to consider how terrorists might
attempt to inflict massive damage on U.S. citizens and
infrastructure. This was just a few months before the first
such terrorists were, in fact, to arrive in the United
States to plan their operation.
optional class exercise was designed to expose Yale students
to the realities of the world I knew well, particularly how
information technology had made weapons technology available
to anyone with a personal computer. The class devised a
chemical weapons attack using a crop duster, a scenario we
know today was considered by those who perpetrated the World
Trade Center attack.
Jovin committed to the study of international affairs to
change the world for the better, and she chose to write a
thoughtful and farsighted senior essay in 1998 on Osama bin
Laden. She noted with alarm his "fatwah" to murder Americans
everywhere -- not just soldiers abroad. She briefed her
senior essay in a class presentation to a mortified group of
Yale undergraduates in November 1998. It is profoundly sad
that she is dead."
R. Van de Velde '82 is a former Lecturer in the Political
Science department and a former Dean of Saybrook College. -
Daily News
Jovin must not be forgotten
arrests have been made in the case, and the only named
suspect, former Yale professor James Van de Velde, has moved
on to a new city and a new job.
all accounts the trail has gone cold. More irritating still,
the state and the New Haven Police Department have managed
to successfully fend off attempts by journalists and private
citizens to access the fruits of the investigation through a
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
murder was almost immediately identified as a crime of
passionóJovin was stabbed 17 times in the neck, back,
and head, leading many to assume that deep-seated feelings
motivated the attack. Money was discovered in one of her
pockets, and her earrings and watch had not been taken,
suggesting robbery was an unlikely motive. Based on those
conclusions, speculation raged that Van de Velde, who was
her thesis advisor, had murdered her because she had spurned
him as a lover. And while no evidence ever emerged to
justify such a theory, it nevertheless managed to ruin the
former professor's life and academic career. Meanwhile,
Jovin's thesis was on international terrorism, with a
specific focus on a Saudi citizen by the name of Osama bin
Laden. Even then, some thought that the subject matter might
have gotten her killed by sparking the interest of those who
sought to protect the terrorist and his work.
temptation to play armchair detective is all the more
intense because of the strong signs that the New Haven
Police Department botched the investigation; the lead
detective on the case was later tried on charges of
mishandling and hiding evidence related to a separate case."
Yale Herald
years of injustice, it is time to take action
James R. Van de Velde
four years ago now, on Dec. 4, 1998, a talented and
intelligent student I taught and advised, Suzanne Jovin, was
brutally murdered in New Haven. Her killer has yet to be
hold a Top Secret clearance from the Department of Defense,
which conducted its own review of the investigation and
never pulled my security clearance. Yale's private
investigators, hired to develop leads in the case, met with
me three times for a total of six hours and requested and
received a DNA sample, which did not match the DNA accrued
from underneath the fingernails of Jovin. I passed three
separate polygraphs with a nationally renowned former FBI
polygrapher and FBI Academy instructor. The New Haven Police
never asked to see me again or forwarded any questions for
me whatsoever after their Dec. 8, 1998 interview.
The outrageous insinuation that I had anything to do with
this crime is criminal, cruel and irresponsible." -
Daily News
Unusual Suspect
October until January, Van de Velde '82, a former lecturer
in the Department of Political Science and dean of Saybrook
College, spent his time interrogating al Qaeda suspects in
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
"Guys blindfolded and in handcuffs. Great place," friend and
political science professor David Cameron said with a note
of disapproval.
He was there because he is an al Qaeda expert. Because,
Cameron said, he can do what the military cannot do well:
break down suspects until they reveal their closely guarded
But Van de Velde was mainly in Cuba because, despite his
academic brilliance and intimate knowledge of the
intelligence community and the military, no college would
let him anywhere near its students.
de Velde said he spent the night of Dec. 4 at home, watching
"Friends" and channel surfing. A little after midnight, Van
de Velde said, he received an e-mail from a student, telling
him Jovin had been killed.
In the early days of the investigation, city and University
police scoured campus and East Rock for clues. Eventually,
their investigation led them to Van de Velde, who was
advising Jovin on her senior thesis on al Qaeda.
gave a television interview that Saturday where he spoke
about her -- The police heard from various sources that she
was unhappy with him because he hadn't read her draft of the
senior essay over the Thanksgiving break and didn't get it
back to her until that Wednesday," Cameron said. "That would
be enough for any good cop to at least want to talk to him
and ask him some questions."
Harvard, Van de Velde went into government, first as an
expert on nuclear weapons arms control for the State
Department and later as an appointee of President George
Bush. When Bush lost the White House to Bill Clinton in
1992, Van de Velde lost his job and returned to
to police, Stein last saw Jovin walking near Old Campus.
Since she was killed about two miles away only 20 minutes
later, police have speculated that Jovin most likely was
driven to where she was found, and that Jovin would only
have gotten into a car with someone she knew.
But Van de Velde has said he believes it is extremely
unlikely that Jovin knew her killer, since Jovin was walking
at a random time and few members of the Yale community use a
car to get around campus. Instead, he posits she was
abducted by several people in an attempted robbery near
Broadway, driven to East Rock and killed." -
Daily News
Hotline - Case 1: Suzanne Jovin Murder
urge anyone with information - anyone who saw Suzanne
between Phelps Gate and East Rock Road, or who knows
anything about the tan or brown van, or who can add anything
else about the case --- call the New Haven Police Department
at 1-866-888-TIPS.
If you have any information that may be helpful, don't
hesitate, please call police. We believe that there are
other citizens, who have not talked to police, and may have
information that can assist us in this investigation. You
can earn a reward
of $150,000. All
calls will be kept confidential." - New
Haven Police Dept
also: Killtown's:
Yale student's '98 murder linked to
1999 - A Federal Report
warned the executive branch that Osama bin Laden's
terrorists might hijack an airliner and dive bomb it into
the Pentagon or other government buildings.
'99 Report Warned Of Suicide Hijacking
"Exactly two years before the Sept. 11 attacks, a federal
report warned the executive branch that Osama bin Laden's
terrorists might hijack an airliner and dive bomb it into
the Pentagon or other government building.
"Suicide bomber(s) belonging to al Qaeda's Martyrdom
Battalion could crash-land an aircraft packed with high
explosives (C-4 and semtex) into the Pentagon, the
headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or
the White House," the September 1999 report said.
The report, entitled the "Sociology and Psychology of
Terrorism: Who Becomes a Terrorist and Why?," described the
suicide hijacking as one of several possible retribution
attacks al Qaeda might seek for the 1998 U.S. airstrike
against bin Laden's camps in Afghanistan.
report contrasts with Bush administration officials'
assertions that none in government had imagined an attack
like Sept. 11 before that time.
"I don't think anybody could have predicted that these
people would take an airplane and slam it into the World
Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the
Pentagon; that they would try to use an airplane as a
missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile," national
security adviser Condoleezza Rice said Thursday."
CBS (05/17/02)
- NORAD starts conducting exercises in which airplanes are
hijacked and crashed into targets which include the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon.
had drills of jets as weapons
the two years before the Sept. 11 attacks, the North
American Aerospace Defense Command conducted exercises
simulating what the White House says was unimaginable at the
time: hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into
targets and cause mass casualties.
One of the imagined targets was the World Trade Center. In
another exercise, jets performed a mock shootdown over the
Atlantic Ocean of a jet supposedly laden with chemical
poisons headed toward a target in the United States. In a
third scenario, the target was the Pentagon ó but
that drill was not run after Defense officials said it was
unrealistic, NORAD and Defense officials say.
NORAD, in a written statement, confirmed that such hijacking
exercises occurred. It said the scenarios outlined were
regional drills, not regularly scheduled continent-wide
"Numerous types of civilian and military aircraft were used
as mock hijacked aircraft," the statement said. "These
exercises tested track detection and identification;
scramble and interception; hijack procedures; internal and
external agency coordination and operational security and
communications security procedures."
A White House spokesman said Sunday that the Bush
administration was not aware of the NORAD exercises. But the
exercises using real aircraft show that at least one part of
the government thought the possibility of such attacks,
though unlikely, merited scrutiny.
On April 8, the commission investigating the Sept. 11
attacks heard testimony from national security adviser
Condoleezza Rice that the White House didn't anticipate
hijacked planes being used as weapons.
President Bush said at a news conference Tuesday, "Nobody in
our government, at least, and I don't think the prior
government, could envision flying airplanes into buildings
on such a massive scale."
NORAD officials have acknowledged that "scriptwriters" for
the drills included the idea of hijacked aircraft being used
as weapons.
"Threats of killing hostages or crashing were left to the
scriptwriters to invoke creativity and broaden the required
response," Maj. Gen. Craig McKinley, a NORAD official, told
the 9/11 commission. No exercise matched the specific events
of Sept. 11, NORAD said." -
USA Today
(See also:
- U.S. officials considered possibility a plane could be
flown into the main stadium at Olympics in Atlanta;
- Federal Report warned the executive branch that Osama bin
Laden's terrorists might hijack an airliner and dive bomb it
into the Pentagon or other government buildings;
2001 - NORAD
planned an exercise about a hijacked plane crash into the
Pentagon, but was rejected)
- The mainstream media starts reporting that one of the
teenage Columbine gunmen, Eric Harris, had written in his
diary about a plot to hijack a plane and crash it into New
York City.
"One of the two teen-age
gunmen who killed 12 other students and a teacher before
killing themselves in a 1999 attack on Columbine High School
described their plan in detail in his journals, and said
that if they could not get out of the country after the
attack, they would hijack a plane and crash it into New York
Eric Harris, 18, outlined his plans a year before he and
17-year-old Dylan Klebold carried out the April 1999 attack.
The entries quoted are here verbatim, including numerous
misspellings, although obscenities have been edited.
"If by some wierd as s--t luck my and V survive and escape
we will move to some island somewhere or maybe mexico, new
zelend or some exotic place where americans cant get us. if
there isnt such a place, then we will hijack a hell of a lot
of bombs and crash a plane into NYC with us inside iring
away as we go down," Harris wrote." - CNN
"Colorado Shooters Had
Larger Plot" -
ABC (04/26/99);
"Gunmen wanted to kill 500" - USA
Today (04/26/99);
"World: Americas Columbine killers planned to kill 500" -
BBC (04/27/99)
"I don't think anybody
could have predicted that...they [the alleged 9/11
hijackers] would try to use an airplane as a missile, a
hijacked airplane as a missile," said National Security
Adviser Condoleezza Rice." -
(See also:
11, 1981 -
Dylan Klebold of Columbine infamy is born)
- The U.S. has paid the entire annual salary of every
single Taliban government official in hopes to secure a
stable government in Afghanistan that will allow U.S. oil
giant Unocal to build a pipeline through it to connect to
the Caspian Sea.
"A few years ago, the
giant country struck oil in the eastern portion of the
Caspian Sea. Geologists estimate that sitting beneath the
wind-blown steppes of Kazakstan are 50 billion barrels of
oil -- by far the biggest untapped reserves in the
Nazarbayev, therefore, has spent most of the past decade
trying to get his landlocked oil out to sea. But the longer
the pipeline, the more expensive and vulnerable it is to
sabotage. The shortest route runs through Iran, but
Kazakstan is too closely aligned with the United States to
offend it by cutting a deal with Tehran.
The logical alternative, then, is Unocal's plan, which is to
extend Turkmenistan's existing system west to the Kazak
field on the Caspian Sea and southeast to the Pakistani port
of Karachi on the Arabian Sea. That project runs through
The United States and Pakistan decided to install a stable
regime in place in Afghanistan around 1994 -- a regime that
would end the country's civil war and thus ensure the safety
of the Unocal pipeline project. Impressed by the
ruthlessness and willingness of the then-emerging Taliban to
cut a pipeline deal, the State Department and Pakistan's
Inter- Services Intelligence agency agreed to funnel arms
and funding to the Taliban in their war against the
ethnically Tajik Northern Alliance. As recently as 1999,
U.S. taxpayers paid the entire annual salary of every single
Taliban government official, all in the hopes of returning
to the days of dollar-a- gallon gas."
(See also:
4, 1998 -
Unocal withdrawals from building a gas pipeline through
Afghanistan; October
19, 2000 -
Afghanistan 'threat' to central Asia)
February 1, 1999 - Los
Alamos National Laboratory has developed a voice morphing
technology that can clone another person's voice by taking a
few minute digital recording of someone's
Seeing and Hearing Isn't Believing
We have called you together to inform you that we are going
to overthrow the United States government." So begins a
statement being delivered by Gen. Carl W. Steiner, former
Commander-in-chief, U.S. Special Operations Command.
At least the voice sounds amazingly like him.
But it is not Steiner. It is the result of voice "morphing"
technology developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
in New Mexico.
By taking just a 10-minute digital recording of Steiner's
voice, scientist George Papcun is able, in near real time,
to clone speech patterns and develop an accurate facsimile.
Steiner was so impressed, he asked for a copy of the
Hollywood, it is special effects. For covert operators in
the U.S. military and intelligence agencies, it is a weapon
of the future.
morphing ó voice, video, and photo ó has come
of age, available for use in psychological operations.
PSYOPS, as the military calls it, seek to exploit human
vulnerabilities in enemy governments, militaries and
populations to pursue national and battlefield
Fake video? Holographic projection? They sound more like
Mission Impossible and Star Trek gimmicks than weapons. Yet
for each, there are corresponding and growing research
efforts as the technologies improve and offensive
information warfare expands.
Whereas early voice morphing required cutting and pasting
speech to put letters or words together to make a composite,
Papcun's software developed at Los Alamos can far more
accurately replicate the way one actually speaks. Eliminated
are the robotic intonations.
and photo manipulation has already raised profound questions
of authenticity for the journalistic world. With audio
joining the mix, it is not only journalists but also privacy
advocates and the conspiracy-minded who will no doubt ponder
the worrisome mischief that lurks in the not too distant
future." -
Washington Post
also: March
3, 2000 - CNN
has employed active duty Army 'psyops'
26, 1999 - Former
President and CIA director, George Bush Sr., gets the CIA's
headquarters compound in Langley, Virginia named after
"The Intelligence
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999* was signed into law
by the President on October 20, 1998. Among its provisions,
the Act directed that the Headquarters compound of the
Central Intelligence Agency located in Langley, Virginia,
shall be known and designated as the "George Bush Center for
Former President George Bush was Director of Central
Intelligence and head of the Central Intelligence Agency
from 30 January 1976 to 20 January 1977.
On April 26, 1999, Agency employees, senior officials from
current and previous Administrations and Congresses, former
Directors and Deputy Directors of Central Intelligence,
family members, and friends joined former President Bush and
former First Lady Barbara Bush in ceremonies dedicating the
Headquarters compound as the George Bush Center for
Intelligence." - CIA
"Mr. [Porter]
GOSS. Mr. Speaker, I move to suspend the rules and pass the
bill (H.R. 3821) to designate the Headquarters Compound of
the Central Intelligence Agency located in Langley,
Virginia, as the George H.W. Bush Center for Central
Intelligence." -
(See also:
30, 1976 -
George Bush Sr. becomes director of the CIA)
21, 1999 - Bush says
"there ought to be limits to freedom" about the parody
is so outlandish that anyone would spot it as a parody site,
he says.
The Republican front-runner does not share Exley's sense of
humor. He is taking legal action.
When asked at a news conference in May what he thought about
the site, Bush let loose, saying it was produced by a
"garbage man" and suggesting that "there ought to be limits
to freedom" -- a line Bush's online critics have vowed to
never let the world forget.
The Bush campaign also filed a complaint with the Federal
Election Commission, accusing Exley of violating election
laws and demanding that he operate under the rules and
regulations of a political committee. FEC officials said
they could not comment on the complaint but acknowledged
last week that they are reviewing it.
Exley said Bush's intent is to intimidate and shut him down
-- a charge the Bush campaign denies." -
Washington Post
25, 1999 - The FBI
final admits that potentially incendiary tear gas cartridges
were used on the final day of the Branch Davidian compound
siege, but claim these cartridges didn't cause the fire
because they were used hours before the fire broke
"The FBI yesterday
reversed a six-year-old position that it never used
munitions capable of sparking the blaze that ended a
standoff with the Branch Davidian sect near Waco, Tex., and
left 76 people dead.
The acknowledgment that FBI agents fired "a very limited
number" of potentially incendiary tear gas cartridges on the
final day of the 51-day siege contradicts congressional
testimony from high-ranking Justice Department officials,
such as Attorney General Janet Reno, who said that the tear
gas used against the Davidians "could not have caused a
An FBI spokesman, Paul Bresson, said yesterday that none of
its munitions started the fire on April 19, 1993, and noted
that they were used hours before the inferno that consumed
the Davidians' compound. FBI officials said they still
believe that Branch Davidian leader David Koresh and his
followers deliberately torched the compound but expressed
regret if their answers to Congress ultimately may prove to
be inaccurate." -
Washington Post
(See also:
April 19, 1993
- The 51-day siege at the Branch Davidians ranch ends when
the compound is completely destroyed by
• January
2000 - CIA information
about two alleged 9/11 hijackers in San Diego is squelched
before reaching the FBI.
on 9/11 Plotters Blocked
New disclosures show that CIA information in 2000 about two
Al Qaeda operatives in San Diego was squelched before
reaching the FBI.
"A chilling new detail of U.S. intelligence failures emerged
Thursday, when the Justice Department disclosed that about
20 months before the Sept. 11 attacks, a CIA official had
blocked a memo intended to alert the FBI that two known Al
Qaeda operatives had entered the country.
The two men were among the 19 hijackers who crashed
airliners into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a
field in Pennsylvania.
If the FBI had received the official communique from the
CIA's special Osama bin Laden unit when it was ready for
transmittal in January 2000, its agents likely could have
tracked down the men, according to U.S. intelligence
officials familiar with a newly declassified report of the
Justice Department's inspector general.
Officials involved in the case of alleged would-be hijacker
Zacarias Moussaoui had attempted to block release of the
report, asserting that it would compromise the outcome of
his case. But Inspector General Glenn A. Fine went to court
and won release of the report after deleting the section on
An 18-month delay in the CIA's handing over of information
about the two hijackers to the FBI and other domestic law
enforcement agencies had been well-publicized. But the
report's conclusion that an agent had written a memo
specifically designed for transmittal to the FBI to alert
the bureau to the men's presence ó and that a
supervisor deliberately had prevented it from being sent
ó is new.
The reason the CIA official, identified by the fictitious
name "John," put a hold on the communique remains a mystery,
the report said. It said the officials involved didn't
recall the incident. Even when the author of the memo
followed up a week later with an e-mail asking if it had
been sent to the FBI, nothing was done.
Records show that the CIA didn't forward the information
about Almihdhar and Alhazmi to domestic law enforcement
officials until late August 2001, when it asked that the men
be put on watch lists." -
LA Times
(06/10/05) [Reprinted at:]
3, 2000 - CNN has
employed active duty military psyops
'psyops' at CNN
giant employed military 'psychological operations'
employed active duty U.S. Army psychological operations
personnel last year, WorldNetDaily has confirmed through
several sources at Fort Bragg and elsewhere.
Maj. Thomas Collins, U.S. Information Service has confirmed
that "psyops" (psychological operations) personnel, soldiers
and officers, have worked in the CNN headquarters in
Atlanta. The lend/lease exercise was part of an Army program
called "Training With Industry." According to Collins, the
soldiers and officers, "... worked as regular employees of
CNN. Conceivably, they would have worked on stories during
the Kosovo war. They helped in the production of news."
CNN military personnel were members of the Airmobile Fourth
Psychological Operations Group, stationed at Fort Bragg,
North Carolina. One of the main tasks of this group of
almost 1200 soldiers and officers is to spread 'selected
information.' Critics say that means dissemination of
News Network suffered a major embarrassment in the wake of
the 'Tailwind' story it aired, alleging the U.S. government
used lethal sarin gas to kill suspected defectors during the
Vietnam war.
After WorldNetDaily was the first news organization to
expose the fraudulent news
production, two
CNN producers were fired and, eventually, CNN veteran
reporter Peter Arnett also was ousted. In that case,
Retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Perry Smith quit his long-time
job as a military adviser to
CNN." -
also: February
1, 1999 - Los
Alamos National Laboratory has developed a voice morphing
March 20, 2000 -
Filming begins on the The Lone Gunmen's 'Pilot'
episode, which depicts a U.S. government conspiracy plot to
crash an electronically hijacked Boeing 727 into the WTC and
blame it on foreign terrorists in order to provoke war and
increase the military's budget.
March 4, 2001, during Season 8 of ìThe
X-Files,î the three spun off in a seriocomic series of
their own, created by ìXî producers Chris
Carter, Frank Spotnitz, Vince Gilligan and John Shiban, and
co-starring Zuleikha Robinson (ìHidalgoî) and
Stephen Snedden (ìCoyote Uglyî).
Despite the concern of some fans, the pilot of ìThe
Lone Gunmenî is indeed part of the boxed set. This
would seem like a no-brainer ó until you realize that
the central conspiracy in the episode involved the high-tech
electronic hijacking of a commercial airliner with the
intent of crashing it into the World Trade Center.
Although the episode was conceived and shot in 2000 and
aired six months before the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001,
the eerie coincidence sent shockwaves through cast and
ìI'll never forget that,î says Spotnitz,
calling in from the set of the pilot for his remake of
ìKolchak: The Night Stalker.î ìThat was
such a disturbing thing. It was very upsetting. As I say in
the DVD featurette, you write something like that, and you
assume that if you can think of it, being a Hollywood
writer, then somebody in the government has thought about it
already." - Kansas
City Star
further unravel to reveal that a secret government agency
known as "The Overlords" is behind a plot to crash a fully
loaded [727] into the World Trade Building. The
Overlords plan to blame the crash on terrorists in an
attempt to generate a bigger budget for military spending
(of course)." - Wizard's
Lone Gunmen, Pilot
Fact Sheet
Episode 1AEB79 "Pilot"
Directed by: ROB BOWMAN
Filming Locations: NEW YORK CITY, NY & VANCOUVER, BC
Shooting from: March 20 - April 7, 2000 - The
Lone Gunmen, un-official fan site
also: March
4, 2001 - The
Lone Gunmen 'Pilot' episode airs on FOX TV;
21, 2005 -
Lone Gunmen co-producer hopes WTC attack wasn't 'somehow
inspired' by anything they did; Killtown's:
Lone Gunmen's 'Pilot'
• May
25, 2000 - Unlike
Airbus, Boeing lets aviator override fly-by-wire
Airbus, Boeing lets aviator override fly-by-wire
pilots or a computer have the ultimate control authority
over a commercial jetliner as the plane approaches its
design limits in an emergency?
Airline passengers can't see it, but this is the most
significant difference between Boeing and Airbus planes.
Dramatic advancements in technology have made it possible
for planes built by either manufacturer to be flown by
computers from shortly after takeoff through the
But Airbus has taken a much different philosophical approach
to using computers than its rival. The European airplane
maker designed its new fly-by-wire jets such as the A320
with built-in hard limits, or "protections."
The Boeing Co., on the other hand, believes pilots should
have the ultimate say. On Boeing jets, the pilot can
override onboard computers and their built-in soft
On all Airbus planes other than the older A300 and A310,
computers prevent the pilot from putting the plane into a
climb of more than 30 degrees where it might lose lift and
stall. The maximum bank or roll allowed is 67 degrees. The
plane's nose-down pitch is limited to 15 degrees. There are
protections against overspeed.
And the computer won't allow the plane to make any extreme
maneuvers that would exceed 2.5 times the force of
Though fly-by-wire was used on jet fighters and on the
supersonic Concorde, the first Airbus plane with the
technology was the A320, which entered service in 1988.
Fly by wire simply means that computers on the plane
transmit the pilot inputs into electrical signals that are
sent through wires to actuators that move the control
On conventional planes, the flight-control surfaces are
moved by hydraulic devices controlled by cables that run
through the airplane.
Airbus also eliminated the wheel-and-control column, or
yoke, that is used on all Boeing jets. Instead, Airbus
pilots control the plane by moving a small, hand-held
joystick off to the side.
The only Boeing plane with fly-by-wire technology is the
777." -
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
• May
25, 2000 - Taleban
warns neighbors, Taleban would retaliate against Russia's
allies, officials say
2000 - On the cover of
the U.S. Department of Justice/National Sheriffsí
Association's Managing Weapons of Mass Destruction
Incidents: An Executive Level Program for Sheriffs
participant manual, which is funded by the Office of
Homeland Security, is a picture of the WTC with a gun
scope's cross-hairs aimed at one of the
through funding from the Office of Homeland Security, Office
for Domestic preparedness, is conducting ìExecutive
Level Trainingî, a 12-hour block of instruction which
is open to the Sheriff and his Command Staff. These
classes will provide a broad overview of the terrorist
threat and address response strategies and safety."
- National
Sheriffsí Association
See a full copy of it
at: The
Memory Hole
(Also see:
1997 - FEMA
2000 - Taliban bans the
cultivation of opium poppies in Afghanistan.
"Afghanistan has been
accused of being the main source of instability in Central
Asia by experts attending an international conference on
drugs and security in the region.
In July, the Taleban leader, Mullah Omar, issued an edict
banning the cultivation of poppies." -
BBC (10/19/00)
(See also:
5, 2005 -
Afghanistan opium production surges)
2000 - Exactly one year
before 9/11, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC)
advocates the build up of the U.S. military, but won't think
it will happen unless the U.S. experiences a major
catastrophic event such as a "new Pearl
Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century
preserve American military preeminence in the coming
decades, the Department of Defense must move more
aggressively to experiment with new technologies and
operational concepts, and seek to exploit the emerging
revolution in military affairs.
Moreover, the Pentagon, constrained by limited budgets and
pressing current missions, has seen funding for
experimentation and transformation crowded out in recent
years. Spending on military research and development has
been reduced dramatically over the past decade.
Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings
revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent
some catastrophic and catalyzing event ñ like a
new Pearl Harbor.
Lewis Libby (Dechert Price & Rhoads), Paul Wolfowitz
(Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns
Hopkins University), Dov Zakheim (System Planning
Corporation), William Kristol (The Weekly
PNAC (Pages 50-51;
Sept. 2000) [HTML;
Project for the New American Century
" a report just
before the 2000 election that would bring Bush to power, the
group predicted that the shift would come about slowly,
unless there were "some catastrophic and catalyzing event,
like a new Pearl Harbor."
That event came on Sept. 11, 2001. By that time, Cheney was
vice president, Rumsfeld was secretary of defense, and
Wolfowitz his deputy at the Pentagon." -
ABC (03/10/03)
[Reprinted at:
WayBack Machine]
"Like his father, Bush
tries to keep a daily diary of his thoughts and
observations. That night [9/11], he dictated:
"The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place
today." -
Washington Post
"This is the second Pearl
Harbor. I don't think that I overstate it," said Sen. Chuck
Hagel, R-Neb., referring to the attack 60 years ago that
surprised the nation's intelligence apparatus and propelled
the country into World War II." -
The Post
(See also:
26, 1998 -
PNAC sends President Clinton a letter recommending U.S.
military action against Saddam Hussein; May
4, 2001 - Dov
Zakheim is sworn in as Comptroller and CFO for the
Department of Defense; June
27, 2001 -
'02 defense budget request is a $37.8 billion or 11.5%
increase over '01)
• October
19, 2000 - Afghanistan
'threat' to central Asia, produces 75% of the world's opium.
"Afghanistan has been
accused of being the main source of instability in Central
Asia by experts attending an international conference on
drugs and security in the region.
Speaking at the meeting, which is being held in Uzbekistan,
the United Nations Under-Secretary General, Pino Arlacchi,
said Afghanistan produced 75% of the world's opium.
Mr Arlacchi - who is also the executive director of the UN's
drug control agency - blamed Afghanistan for the mounting
instability in central Asia.
The foreign minister of Kazakhstan, Erlan Idrisov, said
Afghan-trained militias were carrying out armed incursions
to protect drug-trafficking routes and spread Islamic
extremism through central Asia.
Earlier this year, the UN threatened further sanctions
against the ruling Taleban for, among other things, the
continued production of opium.
In July, the Taleban leader, Mullah Omar, issued an edict
banning the cultivation of poppies.
But a UN report published in September suggests that
Afghanistan is still the biggest opium-producer in the
The Taleban argue that Afghanistan is one of the poorest
countries in the world and farmers need international
assistance to switch to other crops." -
(See also:
- U.S. pays entire salary of every Taliban official to
secure a stable government in Afghanistan;
2000 -
Taliban bans the cultivation of opium; November
7, 2000 -
Pakistan seeks Central Asia gas via pipeline through
24, 2000 - The Pentagon
conducts the first of two emergency training exercises
called MASCAL which is about a mock plane crash of a
passenger aircraft into the Pentagon less than a year before
Contingency planning
Pentagon MASCAL exercise simulates scenarios in preparing
for emergencies
"The fire and smoke from the downed passenger aircraft
billows from the Pentagon courtyard. Defense Protective
Services Police seal the crash sight. Army medics, nurses
and doctors scramble to organize aid. An Arlington Fire
Department chief dispatches his equipment to the affected
On Oct. 24 [2000], there was a mock terrorist
incident at the Pentagon Metro stop and a construction
accident to name just some of the scenarios that were
practiced to better prepare local agencies for real
A major player in the exercise was the Arlington Fire
In this particular crash there would have been 341 victims."
Military District of
"No one ever imagined that
a domestic plane would be used as a weapon to strike The
Pentagon; but, fortuitously, because of its proximity to
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, someone did
imagine the accidental crash of a Boeing 757 airliner into
the U.S. militaryís headquarters. Last May, as part
of their readiness training, the
DiLorenzo clinicís
tri-service staff participated in a simulation exercise for
this unlikely, but possible, event. They were well-prepared
to help bring order to chaos after the Sept. 11 terrorist
attack." - TRICARE,
Military Health System
Excerpts from an
interview with Major Lorie A. Brown, who was Chief Nurse of
DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic.
"Having practiced over the past year our roles and worked
our pieces, we knew our lanes of responsibility. Iím
the chairperson for the DiLorenzo Action Response Team,
DART; that is our MASCAL plan. For the past year, the DART
team has been working on developing that plan, really
creating a whole new plan. We sat down and met on numerous
occasions with the Air Force clinic, civilian EMS,
[Emergency Medical Services] Pentagon and DoD
hierarchy, DPS and with the other civilian medical agencies.
We worked through issues, what would happen in the event of
a MASCAL, what each of our roles would be. We participated
in several large tabletop exercises with these external
bodies, to include FEMA [Federal Emergency Management
Agency] and the others I just mentioned. We even did our
own internal exercise where we made up the scenario of a
plane crashing into the building. Though you can never be
prepared for an event like this, I am sure all our
preparations and exercise paid off."
Office of Medical History,
Excerpts from an
interview with Lieutenant Colonel John Felicio, who was
Deputy Commander for Administration of the DiLorenzo TRICARE
Health Clinic.
"I then went out to the front of the clinic, which is
basically where we normally marshal in MASCAL
Meanwhile, I knew because of the two MASCAL exercises we
previously did that Colonel Kaminski, our Chief of Ancillary
Services, was responsible for being our Medical Liaison at
the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) and that he should be
en route to that location.
The saving grace to our efforts was the two MASCAL exercises
we previously had conducted with the clinic leadership and
staff. You know it was kind of eerie. The scenario we had
for these MASCALS was very similar to what actually
happened. Our scenario for both MASCALS was a plane flying
into the Pentagon courtyard." -
Soldiers to the Rescue/Responding in the
(See also:
10, 2001 -
Pentagon medic Matt Rosenberg is on the phone with the FBI
talking about who has command of the MASCAL plane crash plan
if a plane hits the Pentagon;
- Walter Reed Army Medical Center personnel also say that it
was "eerie" how an emergency situation they went through
just two weeks before the attack helped prepare them for the
Pentagon crash)
• November
7, 2000 - Pakistan
seeks Central Asia gas via pipeline through
"Pakistan is pressing for
the construction of a pipeline that will give it access to
Central Asia's vast energy reserves.
Military ruler General Pervez Musharraf, who is visiting the
region, has met the leaders of Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan
and urged them to consider the project.
But the pipeline would have to pass through Afghanistan.
The former Soviet republics that make up Central Asia have
been wary of the Taleban rulers of Afghanistan and their
growing influence in the region.
Foreign Minister Abdus Sattar said the leaders discussed the
1,600 km gas pipeline project which is estimated to cost
billions of dollars.
He said the trans-Afghan route was the one preferred by the
Pakistan has been pressing the Central Asian republics to
recognise that the Taleban are the dominant political force
in Afghanistan.
"We have an interest in promoting peace and reconciliation
in this country that can be a very important bridge between
us," the foreign minister said.
In the Kazakh capital, Astana, Kazakhstan's prime minister
said major parties should refrain from interfering in the
situation in Afghanistan and give the conflicting parties an
opportunity to come to an agreement.
Prime Minister Kasymzhomart Tokayev said he expected the
Taleban to play a dominant role in a future Afghan
government." - BBC
(See also:
19, 2000 -
Afghanistan 'threat' to central Asia; March
2001 - India
joins the U.S. in it's anti-Taliban
18, 2000 - Bush says it
would be a lot easier if the U.S. was a dictatorship and he
was the dictator.
(R-TX), PRESIDENT-ELECT: I told all four that there were
going to be some times where we don't agree with each other.
But that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck
of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." -
2001 •
• 9/11
• 2002
• 2003
• 2004
• 2005